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There is limited available data on the environmental context of the arrival of the first anatomically modern humans (AMH) in North Africa, and subsequent Paleolithic and Neolithic occupations within this region. Microvertebrates such as rodents, shrews, amphibians, and squamates are known to be good indicators of climate and landscape changes. They also represent continental paleoecological records that can be directly related to human occupations. Moreover, faunas and humans have been subjected to several dispersal waves through similar routes, and some rodents may present anthropophilous behavior. Therefore, by understanding the dispersal pattern and pathways of these microvertebrates, it is possible to propose scenarios for human dispersal events. In this study we took the rich microfaunal assemblages from the Témara region, Atlantic Morocco (El Harhoura 2 and El Mnasra Caves), and placed them within a broader synthesis, in order to highlight the role of microvertebrates in providing a better understanding of the human-environment relationship during the Late Quaternary in North Africa.  相似文献   
The Rabat-Témara region of the Moroccan Atlantic coast reveals a succession of Quaternary palaeobeaches. This coastal area is dotted with numerous prehistoric caves. The study of the Upper Pleistocene coastal landscape associated with these caves is of paramount importance in the knowledge of human population subsistence. During the Upper Pleistocene, the ocean level changes drastically influenced the coastal geomorphology as well as the fauna assemblages. The chrono-lithostratographical analysis of the coastal sedimentary formations allows the distinction of three sequences rich in marine fauna. These sequences date from MIS 11 to MIS 5. The identification of malacofauna species from these deposits revealed 39 species, along with Bryozoans, Crustaceans, and Echinoids. These assemblages show a constant fauna cortege highlighted by the dominance of the amphi-Atlantic species Stramonita haemastoma. This species shows an increase in the number of specimens in the uppermost part of marine deposits, probably in relation with a climate warming in the MIS 5. This fauna of both intertidal rocky substrates and sandy substratum indicates environmental conditions close to the present-day Rabat-Témara coastline. As in other coastal locations of Africa from MIS 5, the Middle Stone Age Homo sapiens population benefitted from a littoral environment rich in coastal resources. Comparison between thanatocenoses and archaeological records allows us to identify both species available for Middle Stone Age population and those preferred for human use.  相似文献   
位于长江入海口的“长江口二号”清代沉船是中国目前发现的保存最为完整的古代木制沉船之一,已于2022年11月完成整体打捞。在进行水下考古调查时,沉船出水的部分青花瓷出现的病害现象引起了考古工作者的关注,特别是裂纹中黑色污染物及表面铁锈状污染物对文物的外观产生了很大影响。本工作选取了三件具有典型被污染特征的青花瓷标本作为代表,使用能量色散X射线荧光分析(EDXRF)、光学显微镜(OM)、X射线衍射分析(XRD)、拉曼光谱分析(Raman)和扫描电子显微镜-能谱分析(SEM-EDS)等方法,对污染物进行了研究,探讨了其形成原因以及环境的影响作用,并对其潜在危害进行了分析。研究表明,污染物主要以方解石、菱铁矿等碳酸盐以及铁的氧化物、氢氧化物和硫化物为主。长期处于河口淤泥中的还原性环境是导致菱铁矿和亚稳的铁硫化物形成的原因,船体中铁质构件腐蚀对局部环境的污染是重要的影响因素,这也反映出被污染的青花瓷所处位置和环境的特殊性。出水的部分青花瓷釉中裂纹的形态表明其形成是由物理撞击造成,而釉中硅灰石晶体的选择性腐蚀会导致腐蚀坑的形成,裂纹和腐蚀坑均为外部污染物进入釉层内部提供了通道,导致瓷器劣化。出水后...  相似文献   
As the sobriquet «Zweistein» suggests, within the theoretical physics community Wolfgang Pauli came to be regarded as second in eminence only to Albert Einstein. Over a period of thirty-five years, they interacted both intellectually and personally. This paper focuses on four interrelated topics of their discussions. 1) The theory of relativity: at the age of twenty, Pauli prepared the definitive survey of relativity, a survey which he revised near the end of his life and which remains invaluable to physicists and historians of physics. 2) Unified field theories: although initially sympathetic to Einstein's search for a unified theory of electromagnetism and gravitation, and having made important contributions to the subject, Pauli came to regard such efforts as fruitless. 3) Foundations of quantum mechanics: Pauli's negative evaluation of Einstein's program grew out of their sharply differing evaluations of the role that quantum mechanics would play in the future, development of theoretical physics. 4) Quantum gravity: Pauli recognized that, until the achievement of a successful reconciliation of quantum mechanics and general relativity — an achievement that still eludes us — Einstein's challenge to quantum mechanics could not be laid to rest.  相似文献   
罗树杰 《民俗研究》2006,(1):251-256
由徐杰舜任主编,徐杰舜、周耀明、万建中、陈华文、陈顺宣等撰写的《汉民族风俗史》终于在2004年12月由学林出版社出版了。全书分导论·先秦汉族风俗、秦汉·魏晋南北朝汉族风俗、隋唐·五代宋元汉族风俗、明代·清代前期汉族风俗和清代后期·民国汉族风俗五卷,书后附录徐桂兰、唐怀宣等编写的1949—2000年汉族  相似文献   
古濝关即为现济源市邵原镇东侧的邵原关,郦道元《水经注》中记载有偏误之处,此关在中国古代的军事史上占据着重要的地位,是我国古代太行山上最重要的关口之一.  相似文献   
利用XRF、金相显微分析等手段对湖北省荆门市境内左冢楚墓群出土的金属器,特别是青铜器进行了测试分析,XRF分析表明该楚墓群出土的青铜器多为铜、锡、铅三元合金,且容器的锡含量低于兵器和工具,而铅含量则相反。金相分析显示左冢楚墓群出士青铜器多为铸造组织,其中3件铸后经过不同程度的加热:而热锻成形的器物有4件,其中有一件在锻后进行了冷加工。结果显示,此批青铜器合金成分比较科学、制作工艺比较先进。  相似文献   
The differences between China and Western countries in human and physical environment has brought about two distinctive models of state. In the Chinese-style state of quasi-consanguinity, in which family and state have a similar structure, imperial power, gentry power, and clan power are the product of common ownership of consanguineous groups. The similarity in the structures of these three kinds of power derives from the fact that they are all restricted by the power of lineage generated from the self-sufficient small farmer economy, and must obey the conventions of ancestors which hold the benefits of the group as supreme. The relationship between these three kinds of power, is definitely not the one that is based on the division of power that is founded on individual private ownership in Western countries, where ‘public power’ and ‘individual private ownership’ are antithetic, but are three aspects of the patriarchal dictatorship that complement each other. Therefore, village rule in China and autonomy in the West are two totally different concepts, and gentry power is also not the ‘authorized power’ from the state. __________ Translated from the Journal of Tianjin Normal University, 2004: 1  相似文献   
1932年重建的凤山祖庙,整座庙宇金碧辉煌,其建筑艺术之精湛,风格之独特。饮誉海内外。1994年重修首期工程的完成,在保留了原来建筑艺术精华及独特地方风格基础上,有所发展,有所创新,更臻完美。  相似文献   
要进行现代化尝试,必须形成一定发达程度的商品经济以及在此基础上资本主义的发展,并建立一整套有效的产权制度。形成现代意义上的民族国家以及在此基础上的中央权威。形成具有现代性的思想文化以及在此基础上的知识分子和社会群体的壮大。由于制度的差异,具体国情和历史起点不同,中日两国所走的现代化道路也不同。从而产生了不同的结果。  相似文献   
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