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敦煌文献作品很多误校例是由于人们不识古汉语文法所致,本文拟就"参互现义"、"错综成文"、"因此及彼"、"倒装"等四种古汉语文法谈谈它们在校释中如何避免误校,引导确解的。  相似文献   
Governance models have attracted growing academic interest in the recent literature on resort development. In transitional China, resort governance models have been evolving in step with the country's marketization and modernization. This paper reports on a case study of the governance models relating to the Yalong Bay National Tourist Resort (YBNTR), one of China's most famous resort destinations. Two approaches to data collection were used in this study: secondary data from local governmental agencies and companies, and in-depth interviews with 18 key personnel involved with the resort. This study, by reviewing the evolution of YBNTR governance models, shows that a path-dependence context impacted on its evolution. By integrating the ‘road juncture’ approach to understanding path dependence with elements of Institutional Costs Theory, a proposition for the formative mechanism of path dependence in the evolution of the YBNTR governance model was formulated and tested. It is demonstrated that, at the key time junctures for decisions on YBNTR governance models, influential actors (e.g. local government, the developers, and nearby communities) were theoretically provided with multiple choices. However, the existence of institutional costs structured the potential options of the actors in two ways: on the one hand, the opportunity costs of giving up the previous governance model had to be calculated and taken into account; and on the other, the potential additional costs of adopting a new governance model also had to be calculated and considered. Additionally, institutional legacy and interest group (the main developer, nearby villagers) bargaining capacities also influenced institutional costs and returns in different directions and to varying extents. These also conditioned the future directions and trajectories in the evolution of appropriate governance models. This study expands previous theories of path dependence in institutional change, and thus contributes to the understanding of institutional changes in Hainan and transitional China.  相似文献   
阳春三月,省政协副主席鲍义志带领由省政协科教文卫体委员会、民盟青海省委、省垣知名吐谷浑专家学者组成的调研考察团,先后赴甘肃武威市及我省都兰县,就吐谷浑文化挖掘和开发工作进行了专题考察和调研。在河西走廊,在柴达木盆地,考察团一行不辞劳顿进行实地调研,很多地方地处大山戈壁,考察人员是伴着风沙徒步完成的调研的。一路上,鲍义志为吐谷浑人的灿烂历史文化所感动,才思奔涌,创作了三十多首古体诗,字里行间无不流露出对大美青海和吐谷浑文化的赞美之情。本刊特发表其中的八首,以飨读者。  相似文献   
传阎立本《步辇图》是一幅写实风格的艺术作品,描述了唐太宗接见迎娶文成公主的吐蕃赞普使者历史场面。该作品中包涵的有关隋唐时期服饰方面的图文信息,对于中国服装史研究有着重要的意义。笔者通过对唐代服色制度历史文献资料的整理与考证,结合前人的研究成果,试就图中引班使者的礼官所着官服之色名、品级以及该图中所绘场面的具体时间展开研究与探讨。  相似文献   
什么是非物质文化遗产非物质文化遗产是各族人民世代相承,与群众生活密切相关的各种传统文化表现形式和文化空间。非物质文化遗产既是历史发展的见证,又是珍贵的、具有重要价值的文化资源。非物质文化遗产与物质文化共同承载着人类社会的文明,是世界多样性的体现。我国非物质文  相似文献   
包云志 《文献》2003,(4):178-188
清抄本<慎贻堂书目>现藏国家图书馆,为海内孤本.通读并查考此书目后,我们发现,它不但是研究山东著名藏书家刘喜海、毕忠吉以及山东文献的重要书目,而且还为研究著名文学家蒲松龄、李渔提供了宝贵资料.  相似文献   
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