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Why were mid‐nineteenth‐century Hispanic populations so small in what is now the American Southwest, after centuries of colonization? A brilliant new literature provides a model of explanation in the authority of formidable indigenous polities, especially that great power that Pekka Hämäläinen reveals to us in his book The Comanche Empire. 1 1 Pekka Hämäläinen, The Comanche Empire (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2008).
Employing an exercise in cartographic history, centered on the Pecos River Valley, we can confirm a hypothesis drawn from that theoretical model: Comanche sway was so great that European mapmakers appear to have lost knowledge about that geographical region. This new historical model deserves close attention from scholars. In this forum, four leading historians, drawn from different fields, assess the contribution of The Comanche Empire.  相似文献   
Lake Nuga Nuga is a levee‐dammed lake in the dry sub‐humid tropics of the Fitzroy Basin in Central Queensland, Australia, that has expanded significantly since it was first mapped in 1866. 210Pb dating of a sediment core from the lake indicates that the rate of sedimentation has been constant for the past 67 years at 3 mm yr?1 despite widespread clearing and land use intensification in the catchment during that time. Pollen analysis confirms this and shows that there was little change in vegetation during the early settlement period (1863–1962), but the intensification of land use that started in the early 1960s brought about a dramatic change in the vegetation communities. This study demonstrates that while sediment production may be significantly impacted by land‐use activities, sediment delivery is primarily controlled by topography.  相似文献   
The geographies of civil risk, human rights and social justice in relation to a pluralist notion of justice lie at the heart of this paper. We define civil risk as a failure of human rights, brought about by institutional processes constructed over time, space and place, which create disadvantages for marginalized social groups. Geography is integral both to civil risk and social justice because marginalization is a spatial process articulated through the deployment of institutional power across space to create socially constructed differences between dominant and subordinate groups. In this respect, we emphasize that rights are constructed in relation to dominant interests, and not according to the conditions of risk that give rise to marginalized individuals and groups. Drawing on research in social theory that emphasizes the importance of positionality and social difference, the paper argues that a principle of risk rather than rights must motivate social justice. We examine distinct forms of marginalization in Canada ‐ gender, sexual orientation, ‘race’ and aboriginal status ‐ to illustrate the importance of the historico‐geographical context of marginalization and the paradoxical nature of the relationship between risk and rights. In considering these forms of marginality and their landscapes, we argue the need for a pluralist notion of justice that will explicitly take positionality into account in achieving equality rights, reducing civil risk and mediating shared spaces. Les géographies du risque civil, des droits de la personne et de la justice sociale en relation avec une conception pluraliste de la justice sont au coeur de cet article. Nous définissons le risque civil comme un échec des droits de la personne créé par des processus institutionnels qui sont eux‐mêmes construits à travers le temps, l'espace et le lieu. Ces processus, et leur expression géographique, créent des désavantages pour les groupes marginaux dans notre société. La géographie est impliquée dans le risque civil et la justice sociale parce que la marginalisation est un processus spatial qui s'articule par le déploiement du pouvoir institutionnel à travers l'espace pour créer les différences socialement construites entre les groupes dominants et subordonnés. En ce sens, nous soutenons que les droits sont construits en relation aux intérêts dominants, mais pas en accord aux conditions de risque qui créent les individus et les groupes marginalisés. Utilisant des études en théorie sociale qui mettent un accent sur l'importance de la ‘positionnalité’ et la différence sociale, nous suggérons que le principe de risque plutôt que les droits doit motiver la justice sociale. Nous examinons quelques formes distinctes de marginalisation au Canada ‐ les rapports sociaux entre les sexes, l'orientation sexuelle, la ‘race’ et le statut autochtone ‐ pour illustrer l'importance du contexte historico‐géographique de la marginalisation et le caractère paradoxal de la relation entre le risque et les droits. En considérant ces formes de marginalité et leurs paysages, nous argumentons pour la nécessité d'avoir une notion pluraliste de justice qui considérera explicitement la ‘positionnalité’ dans tous ses efforts de réaliser les droits d'égalité, la réduction du risque civil et la médiation des espaces partagés.  相似文献   
The cognitive and social capacities of Neandertals have been questioned by a number of authors, while others suggest that such capacities did not differ markedly from those of anatomically modern humans in the last 30,000 years. What does the material evidence indicate? The information that can be gleaned from Middle Palaeolithic sites indicates that there were Neandertal bands of about 12–24 people that formed alliances with 10–20 other bands and had enemy relationships as well. Rituals probably helped hold alliances together. These conclusions indicate that there were language or dialect groups that were probably ethnically self‐conscious. Some of the postulated band ranges and population densities in the literature appear unrealistic. Sexual division of labour was probably pronounced and Neandertals appear to have used rudimentary status markers, including predator pelts, bird wings or claws, colorants, and a range of speciality items.  相似文献   
The growth of Montreal's port service industry is shown to have been accompanied by internal differentiation and elaboration. Of the many business types that comprise the service sector, forwarding appears to have played d particularly important role. The industry is also revealed to have been a catalyst in the economic development of the city, and the expansion of the port was facilitated by the commercial enterprise and political influence of the leaders of the industry.
Il est demontré que la croissance de l'industrie tertiaire maritime reliée au port de Montréal fut accompagnée de sa diversification et de son élaboration interne. Parmi les nomhreux types d'enterprises du secteur tertiaire, les transitaires ont joué un rôle important. L'industrie tertiaire maritime s'est également manifestée comme un catalyseur du développement éconornrque de la ville. De plus, l'expansion du port a été grandement facilité par le secteur commercial et l'influence politique de ses dirigeants.  相似文献   
The process of urban waterfront change in port cities is influenced by a wide range of factors, and the roles of urban planners, port authorities and property developers are often moderated by those of community groups. Using established methodology based on structured tape-recorded interviews with group representatives, this paper explores the attitudes and character of a range of such groups in a series of contrasted Canadian port cities. The outcomes show substantial but varying influence and, although many activities and perceptions are place-specific, a widespread awareness of global as well as local issues is revealed.
Dans les villes portuaires, le processus de changement du front urbano-portuaire est influencé par un large éventail de facteurs, et les rôles des planificateurs urbains, des autorités portuaires et des promoteurs immobiliers sont souvent tempérés par les groupes de citoyens. A partir d'une méthodologie éprouvée (entrevues dirigées et enregistrées avec des representants des ces differents groupes) l'article explore les attitudes et particularités d'un échantillon des différents groupes dans une série de villes portuaires canadiennes aux caractéristiques contrastées. L'enquête met en évidence des influences substantielles mais variables et, quoique beaucoup d'activités et de perceptions soient spécifiques aux différents lieux, une prise de conscience généralisée des enjeux aussi bien globaux que locaux a été révélée.  相似文献   
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