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Life cycle effects on the importance assigned to residential area attributes are examined empirically. The family life cycle is hypothesized to affect residential area aspirations through changes in the frequency and location of leisure activities. The results indicate that the importance of eight residential area attributes varies significantly with life cycle status. The family life cycle also affects participation in leisure activities. However, the initial hypothesis is not supported.
La relation entre le cycle familial et l'importance donnée aux caractéristiques du voisinage est examinée empiriquement. On suggère que le cycle familial affecte les désirs pour des caractéristiques du voisinage en changeant la fréquence et la localité des loisirs. On a trouvé que le cycle familial affecte l'importance des huit caractéristiques aussi bien que les loisirs. Les résultats ne soutiennent pas l'hypothèse de base.  相似文献   
Property value data reveal that markets in the vicinity of five mental health facilities in Toronto are essentially identical to those in control areas. The volume of sales activity and the sale price of transactions are generally comparable. The most important influences on sale price are the characteristics of the property itself. Controlling for these characteristics, the presence of a facility has a weak effect on sale price. Distance from facility, facility type, and the number offacilities had no significant effect on price.
La vente de la proprieté fait voir que les marchés à proximité de cinq centres de la santé mentale à Toronto sont essentiellement identiques aux ceux-làà proximité des cas temoins. Le nombre des ventes et le cours du marché sont comparables. Les plus importantes influences sur le cours du marché sont les traites de la propriété elle-même. Si l'on tient en équilibre ces traites, donc on découvre que la présence d'un centre de la santé mentale n'a qu'un effet faible sur le cours du marché. De plus les trois autres éléments (la distance d'un centre, le type du centre, et le nombre des centres) n'ont aucuns effets importants sur le cours du marché.  相似文献   
The sea-level rise that may result from global climate change is placed within the context of past and present sea-level changes on Canadian coasts. To assess future impact, a dimensionless index of sensitivity is determined. Coasts with low, moderate, and high sensitivity constitute 67%, 30%, and 3% of the total coastline, respectively. The most sensitive regions are: (1) several parts of the Maritime Provinces; (2) two areas of the British Columbia coast; and (3) a large part of the Beaufort Sea coast. Impacts in four regions - Bay of Fundy, Beaufort Sea, Fraser Delta, and Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia - are discussed in detail. It is argued that the societal response to changes in sea level should favour retreat and accommodation strategies.
Il est possible que les changements climatiques globaux provoqueront une élévation du niveau de la mer. Nous examinons ce scénario dans le contexte des changements passés et présents du niveau de la mer sur les côtes canadiennes. Pour évaluer l'impact de l'élévation prévue un indice non dimensionnel de vulnérabilité est déterminé. Les côtes à la vulnérabilité basse, modérée et élevée constituent, respectivement, 67%, 30%, et 3% de tout le littoral. Les régions les plus vulnérables sont: (1) plusieurs régions dans les provinces maritimes; (2) deux zones sur la côte de la Colombie britannique; et (3) la plupart de la côte de la mer de Beaufort. Nous discutons en détail les impacts dans quatre régions, soit la baie Fundy, la mer Beaufort, la delta du Fraser et la rivage dit 'Eastern Shore' de la Nouvelle-Écosse. Nous estimons que la réponse sociale aux changements du niveau de la mer devrait favoriser des stratégies de retraite et d'accommodement.  相似文献   
Five deposits of Santorini tephra have been found in the excavations currently under way at the site of Mochlos which lies on the north coast of Crete about 140 km to the south of Santorini. This paper provides refractive index and trace element analyses for the largest of these deposits, examines the stratigraphy of all five deposits, and notes the chronological implication of this stratigraphy for the Late Minoan IB period, the floruit of Minoan civilization.  相似文献   
The chronically mentally disabled (CMD) are seriously disadvantaged in the housing market by reason of disability and low socio-economic status. In many North American cities, the CMD are among the groups most vulnerable to homeiessness. Little attention has been paid to the housing situation and residential history of the CMD despite their supposed effects on coping ability and community tenure. This analysis of the residential experience of CMD clients in Hamilton, Ontario, is part of a larger study examining the factors affecting coping and satisfaction among the CMD in the community. The ghettoization of clients into board and care homes in the inner city is replicated in Hamilton. Serious disadvantage in the housing market is confirmed; clients frequently have to accept unsatisfactory living conditions despite repeated efforts to achieve improvements. In terms of residential mobility, two groups of clients are identified: the highly mobile and the more stable. The strongest predictors of mobility, education, and preference for independent living imply the effects of housing expectations and the difficulties associated with congregate living situations. Strong association is shown between housing satisfaction and composite indices of client coping in the community. Les clients psychiatriques (CP) ont des problèmes sérieux de logement pour des raisons d'incapacité et de statut inférieur au rang socio-économique. Dans plusieurs cités Nord-américaines, les CP sont parmi fes groupes les plus vulnérables dêtres sans logis. ll y a un manque d'égards envers les CP vis-à-vis la crise du logement et du dossier résidential, malgré leurs efforts prétendus de se débrouiller et de demeurer dans la communauté. Cette analyse d'expérience résidentielle de CP à Hamilton, Ontario, fait partie d'une plus grande étude qui examine les raisons qui influent sur la qualité de la vie parmi les CP de la communauté. Le phénomene de l'amalgamation des clients dans des pensions de famille au centre-ville est reproduit à Hamilton. Les problèmes sérieux de logement sont confirmés; les clients doivent souvent accepter des conditions de vie peu satisfaisantes, malgré les efforts répétés pour les améliorer. Au point de vue de la mobilité résidentielle deux groupes sont identifiés: les plus mobiles et les plus stables. fa plus grande correspondance de mobilité, d'éucation et de préférence pour la vie indé-pendante, donne à entendre fes effets d'espérance de logement et les difficultés associees avec une vie en groupes. ll y a une forte association entre la satisfaction du logement et les indices composés du client qui se débrouille dans la communauté.  相似文献   
OUR UNDERSTANDING of the nature of late and post-Roman central places of northern Britain has been hindered by the lack of historical sources and the limited scale of archaeological investigation. New work at Rhynie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland (NJ 49749 26345), has begun to redress this through extensive excavation and landscape survey. This has revealed a Pictish central place of the 4th to 6th centuries ad that has European connections through material culture, iconography and site character. In addition to reviewing the place-name and historical context, this article outlines preliminary reflections on five seasons of excavation and survey in the Rhynie landscape. The article also provides a detailed consideration of chronology, including radiocarbon dating and Bayesian statistical analysis. The results reveal the multi-faceted nature of a major, non-hillfort elite complex of Pictland that comprised a high-status residence with cult dimensions, a major centre for production and exchange, and a contemporary cemetery. A series of sculptured stones stood in association with the settlement and cemetery and the iconography of the stones, along with the wider archaeological evidence, provides a rich dataset for a renewed consideration of the central places of early medieval northern Britain with broader implications for the nature of power and rulership in late and post-Roman Europe.  相似文献   
This paper presents the first results of a long-term project to monitor changes in ground water conditions in parts of the East Anglian Fenland. So far the project has been concerned with two sites immediately north of Peterborough, at Borough Fen and Etton. The Borough Fen data are still being assessed, but Etton has provided results which warrant prompt publication.
The water levels were monitored in a series of boreholes across the Etton Neolithic enclosure for a period of two years (1982–4), to study the effects of the variation in the local groundwater table on the waterlogged contents of the enclosure ditch.
The first part of the paper (CF) assesses the results of this programme. The ambient water table remained at or above the level of the primary and lower secondary deposits in the ditch, thus accounting for the excellent preservation of botanical remains. Within one month of the adjacent quarry pumps being turned on the water table had fallen by up to one metre below the lowest archaeological deposits, and has not recovered since, to the almost immediate detriment of the botanical record.
The second part of the paper (MT) discusses the observed variation in the preservation of wood in particular, and describes the effects of de-watering on the deposits of wood in the enclosure ditch.  相似文献   
The Dlboki cuirass was unearthed from a Thracian grave of the fifth century BC over a hundred years ago but only recently has close inspection revealed the presence of three palmette designs traced on its surface. The chronology of this type of cuirass is re-assessed.  相似文献   
Australia's governance arrangements for natural resource management (NRM) have evolved considerably over the last 30 years. The impact of changes in governance on NRM planning and delivery requires assessment. We undertake a multi‐method programme evaluation using adaptive governance principles as an analytical frame and apply this to Queensland to assess the impacts of governance change on NRM planning and governance outcomes. Data to inform our analysis includes: (1) a systematic review of 16 audits/evaluations of Australian NRM over a 15‐year period; (2) a review of Queensland's first‐generation NRM plans; and (3) outputs from a Queensland workshop on NRM planning. NRM has progressed from a bottom‐up grassroots movement into a collaborative regional NRM model that has been centralised by the Australian government. We found that while some adaptive governance challenges have been addressed, others remained unresolved. Results show that collaboration and elements of multi‐level governance under the regional model were positive moves, but also that NRM arrangements contained structural deficiencies across multiple governance levels in relation to public involvement in decision‐making and knowledge production for problem responsiveness. These problems for adaptive governance have been exacerbated since 2008. We conclude that the adaptive governance framework for NRM needs urgent attention so that important environmental management problems can be addressed.  相似文献   
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