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从袁枚佚札佚文看《随园诗话》版本及刻书时间   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了袁枚致山东著名诗人李宪乔的两通佚札(其中一通为亲笔手迹原件)和袁枚佚文《星湖诗集序》。两佚札和佚文对研究袁枚生平、著述、交友诸方面颇有价值。我们据此考证,确定了《随园诗话》的最早版本,弄清了《随园诗话》两个重要版本的刊刻时间,纠正了过去的模糊认识,解开了《随园诗话》版本问题的百年之谜。  相似文献   
谢泌是北宋太宗、真宗两朝名臣,长期担任中央及地方官员,针对时弊提出过很多建议和意见,其人才、进谏纳谏、理民及军事外交思想对北宋历史产生过重大的影响.其思想源于儒家,也源于道家、道教,是儒道融合于一体的产物.  相似文献   
以街道办事处为研究单元(以下简称街道),选取西安市主城区53个街道作为研究区域,利用Erdas imagine空间分类和建模方法、Arcgis区域分析方法、SPSS因子分析和聚类分析法等对2013年西安市主城区客观生活质量进行评价,并探究其空间格局。结果表明:①在生态环境因素主导下,外围客观生活质量高于接近内城的区域,南北区域高于东西区域,并在总体布局中出现"飞地";②在社会经济因素主导下,客观生活质量以内城为中心向四周辐射,形成放射状格局,同时在曲江等街道出现"异值区";③总体客观生活质量以内城及其南部区域较高,高值区呈现集中连片分布,低值区呈现"马鞍形"分布格局。  相似文献   
珠海城市旅游发展   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
保继刚  朱竑 《人文地理》1999,14(3):7-12
城市旅游是一种新型的以城市整体为目的地的旅游活动,经济发展和各地城市综合环境改观及基本设施的完善,使城市自身兼有了旅游目的地和客源地之双重功能,其发展已超越了传统意义上旅游所固有的内涵,使城市的项目建设、景区开发、城市特有氛围培育等均成为城市旅游自身发展中重要的资源。珠海市以整体景观被国家旅游局命名为"珠海旅游城",并入选"旅游胜地四十佳"。因此,通过珠海城市旅游的发展条件、现状、发展模式及驱动机制等内容的分析,为国内城市旅游的研究提供一个案例。  相似文献   
本文以展览业发达的东莞为研究案例地,通过对523家参展商进行问卷调查分析,探究参展商的参展目的和绩效评估以及两者之间的相关关系.结果表明:类型各异的参展商的销售目的均甚过非销售目的,但性质不同的参展商参展目的存在差异;参展商衡量参展效益的重要指标是结识新客户的数量、参展商的数量和质量、专业观众的数量和质量,不同经营性质的参展商评估展览会的绩效标准一致;参展目的明确与否与参展绩效感知好坏存在很强的正相关关系.  相似文献   
99世博会对昆明城市形象的影响研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
使用问卷调查数据,从世博会的形象、世博园与昆明的形象、世博园在潜在游客中的形象位置、世博园在昆明景区中的相对形象地位等四个方面研究'99昆明世博会对昆明城市形象的影响问题,通过量化研究,得出世博会和世博园都对昆明的形象产生了较好的推动作用、世博会结束后世博园的形象与世博会的形象认知产生了分离现象的结论,分析了世博园尚未成为来昆游客游览和旅行社组织旅游线路首选景点的原因。  相似文献   
旅游者常以照相机镜头表达自己的旅游欲求,行使其作为"观看者"和"拍摄者"(Photographer)的特权;旅游地土著居民也以通过在镜头前的反应表达其"被观看者"和"被拍摄者"(Photographee)的权力。二十余年来,西方学者对镜头压力下的东道主的态度与行为做了深刻剖析,指出他们有以下三个特征:恐惧与反感,谈判,以及将游客模式化。通过这几种方式,东道主得以建立合适的主客关系,即,照相机的限定性使用不会影响游客兴趣,也没有使旅游经济收益下降,同时当地人又建立起自己相对的隐私空间,一定程度地保护了自身文化免受外来游客的冲击。  相似文献   
Rapid urbanisation and industrialisation have resulted in sharp land cover changes. Urban change not only impacts on land cover but also on urban climate. Land surface and atmospheric modifications due to urbanisation generally lead to a modified thermal climate that is warmer than the surrounding, non-urbanised areas. In this research remote sensing technology was used to evaluate urban growth patterns and its thermal characteristics through mapping impervious surfaces and evaluating thermal infrared images. The case study was carried out in the northern part of Ho Chi Minh City, which has experienced accelerated urban development since the late 1980s. Landsat and Aster images were used to calculate variations in urban impervious surfaces from 1989 to 2006. Thermal bands were processed to obtain radiant surface temperatures for investigating the urban heat island effect associated with increasing impervious surfaces, both spatially and temporally. Impacts of urban development on surface temperature were shown by investigating the surface urban heat island effect intensity. The results show that the built-up area in the northern part of Ho Chi Minh City expanded by 6.5 times between 1989 and 2006. Urban development has altered the magnitude and pattern of the surface urban heat island, with the highest land surface temperature cores found in the industrial (greater than 45oC) and urban areas (within 36oC and 40oC). In suburban and rural areas, where agricultural land still remains with full vegetation cover, the land surface temperature is usually lower. Using remote sensing, the impervious surface was extracted with overall accuracy and a Kappa coefficient for all three years greater than 96%, and the retrieved land surface temperatures with variations from in-situ measurements of less than 2oC. The results presented here indicate that remote sensing can help to spatially monitor urban development and land surface temperature changes over the whole area and over a long period of time.  相似文献   
CAAC Southwest Airline's wide-bodied Airbus A330- 200 made its maiden flight, CA4401, to arrive smoothly at Lhasa Gonggar Airport at 9:50 a.m. on June 11 bringing 258 passengers. Another two Airbus A330s join the Air China fleet before July 6. These new planes choose high-performance engines that have been through special technological modification to operate on the high Tibetan plateau and they will become main aircraft on the Lhasa mute. This has been the sixth aircraft type introduced after the first Ilyushin 11-18, and then Boeing 707, Boeing 757, Airbus 340 and Airbus 319 on Tibetan flights since CAAC began operating the Chengdu-Lhasa route 41 years ago.  相似文献   
本文分析南京国民政府为了加强对华侨教育的全面管理和支持而采取的一系列政策与措施。作者认为,南京国民政府重视华侨教育的原因是多方面的,其华侨教育政策有着积极的作用,但也存在一些弊端和问题。  相似文献   
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