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“我们地球上一次遭遇这样近乎全面的物种大灭绝,还是恐龙所在的那个时期。现在,谁都无法否认, 那一次大灭绝改变了地球。”——乔·门德尔松,亚特兰大动物园几十年来,科学家们一直知道两栖动物种群处境困难。而“动物保护国际”与其合作伙伴 2004年编撰的《2004年度全球两栖动物评估》更发布了令人震惊的消息。在被评估的5700多种青蛙,蟾蜍等两栖动物中,几乎三分之一属于濒危物  相似文献   
贻我以花床 这可以称做“昆虫的插花艺术”吧。科学家最近发现,学名为Osmia avosetta的雌蜂会用一片片花瓣打理成独特的巢,让幼虫裹在温暖、富含营养的家居环境中过冬。  相似文献   
The English Neoplatonic philosopher Ralph Cudworth introduced the term "consciousness" into the English philosophical lexicon. Cudworth uses the term to define the form and structure of cognitive acts, including acts of freewill. In this article I highlight the important role of theological disputes over the place and extent of human freewill within an overarching system of providence. Cudworth's intellectual development can be understood in the main as an increasingly detailed and nuanced reaction to the strict voluntarist Calvinism that is typified in the thought of his near contemporary William Perkins. At the heart of Cudworth's rejection of Calvinism is the dilemma over whether God is understood primarily in terms of will or justice. In this fleshing-out of the power of consciousness Cudworth moves from an instrumental account of the working of the human mind towards an account of human consciousness that is intrinsic to his definition of human agency.  相似文献   
若说索诺兰沙漠是一片荒原,那它怎么会有这样浓密的植被,让你几乎无法极目远眺、更不要说毫发无伤地穿越而行?若说这里的生命被烈日摧残,折损殆尽,那干河床的沙地又怎么会零零乱乱地爬满了足迹:领西端、黑尾鹿、蓬尾浣熊,还有多到能喂饱每平方公里地界里近百条守株待兔的响尾蛇的啮齿动物?  相似文献   
During the so-called "Gründerjhare" or "founding years" in Berlin it became necessary to build new hospitals because of the rapid growth of population. As a result, several infirmaries, asylums for the insane and institutions for epileptics were build between 1877 and 1912. The new building of the University of Neuropsychiatric Clinic ("Nervenklinik") of the Charité was opened in 1905 according to plans made by Friedrich Jolly (1844-1904), the physician who named myasthenia gravis pseudoparalytica. A "Neurological Central Station", under the direction of Oskar and Cecil Vogt, in existence since 1898, was a research center dedicated more to morphology. There the study of the structure of the cerebral cortex by Korbinian Brodmann (1868-1925) and research into basal ganglia diseases by the Vogts began. The Kaiser-Wilhelm Institute for Cerebral Research, which moved into a new building in 1931, also had its origin here. Hermann Oppenheim (1858-1919) promoted independent clinical neurology, as did his younger contemporary, Max Lewandowsky (1876-1918), who was already advising physician for neurology at the Berlin-Friedrichshain Hospital. Hug Liepmann (1863-1925), the creator of apraxia theory, worked at the asylums for the insane in Dalldorf (Berlin-Wittenau) and Berlin-Herzberge. In 1911, the first neurological unit was established in the large hospital in Berlin-Buch under the direction of Otto Maas. Not until after World War I were further neurological hospital units founded, under the direction of Paul Schuster (1867-1940), Kurt Goldstein (1878-1965), Kurt L?wenstein (died in 1953) and Friedrich Heinrich Lewy (1885-1950). These Jewish physicians, as well as C.E. Benda and Otto Maas, had to leave their posts in 1933 and emigrate. The clinical institutions and scientific achievements of these pioneers of independent clinical neurology will be presented up to the point of its violent dissolution.  相似文献   
In the early modern period, drinking alcohol was an integral part of Dutch social and cultural life. Toast were made to the health of unborn babies, for job nominations, and at funerals. Young people started to consume alcohol at an early age. However, within this culture they had to learn how to drink in moderation. Excessive drinking was not only a cardinal sin, it was also a paradox in the realm of gender. For males, the act of getting drunk and losing control was a flaw on their masculinity. They in fact became like women who were believed to be incapable of controlling their mind and body. On the other hand, the ability to drink great quantities of alcohol symbolized an age-old form of masculinity. Imbibing in "wine, women, and song" were liminal rites in becoming men and how young men demarcated themselves from being boys.  相似文献   
One of the key aims of the Dunedin Southern Suburbs project has been to examine the factors that structured opportunity in a period of rapid modernization in New Zealand, 1880-1940. This article argues that health was a key determinant of opportunity and examines how people thought about their bodies and sought to maintain health. It argues that older, humoral theories about health were maintained alongside new understandings wrought by the germ theory and that both placed a high value on regimen. Mothers were regarded as the household experts on health but lacked a vocabulary to communicate with their daughters about menstruation. While bodily health was an ideal to be striven for, there was little communication about bodily pleasure, a situation subject to change with the adoption of family limitation.  相似文献   
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