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坐落在美国田纳西州橡树岭的美国原子能博物馆(现美国科学与能源博物馆,如今仍有类似的小型展览)举办的展览会上。一个胆大的访客让机器臂为她涂口红。离此地不远的橡树岭国家实验室中,原子能科学家也采用这种装置处理放射性物质。  相似文献   
出租车司机知道乘客不愿错过巴西晚间肥皂剧的每一个片段。在热播剧《你你你》中,克劳迪娅·拉亚(电视屏幕上)扮演一位意志坚强的时装设计师。  相似文献   
1947年8月的一天,建筑工人路易斯·阿代索坐在纽约曼哈顿东41街的某个门廊上,年轻的沃尔特·沃尔克往他头上浇一桶水。好让他凉快一下。入秋以后许久,暑气仍未退散。1947年与2007年的10月是纽约有史以来同期温度最高的。但热浪终究会被驱散:1947年的冬天也是纽约雪势最凶猛的冬季之一。  相似文献   
This paper is a case study of specialization in clinical medicine - it is a story of the difficult and complicated birth of a neurosurgery clinic in Russia and the Soviet Union. It demonstrates the futile attempt to institute a new specialty as surgical neurology advocated by neuro(patho)logist V.M. Bekhterev (1857-1927) and implemented by his pupils L.M. Pussep (1875-1942) and A.G. Molotkov (1874-1950). However, surgical neurology was gradually replaced by neurological surgery performed by general surgeons N.N. Burdenko (1875-1946), A.L. Polenov (1871-1947), and V.N. Shamov (1882-1962). Part of my paper is dedicated to the institutional history (emergence of the Institute of Surgical Neurology in Leningrad (in 1926) and the Central Institute of Neurosurgery in Moscow (in 1934). The Moscow Neurosurgical School was focused on lesions of the central nervous system whereas the Leningrad neurosurgical school dealt primarily with peripheral nerve surgery. In the 1930s neurosurgical clinics were established beyond the two capitals - in Rostov-on-Don, Kharkov, and Gorky. Similar to the centralized five-year planning in the Soviet economy, a new discipline of neurosurgery was also centralized and planned from Moscow in the 1930s. It was characterized by kompleksnost' - concentration of several auxiliary disciplines (neuroradiology, neuroophthalmology, neurophysiology, etc.) within neurosurgical research institutions in Leningrad and Moscow. Particular stress was made on the experimental nature of a new discipline, which was viewed as a sort of applied neurophysiology.  相似文献   
This article compares the Toronto Health Department's role in controlling the 1918 influenza epidemic with its activities during the SARS outbreak in 2003 and concludes that local health departments are the foundation for successful disease containment, provided that there is effective coordination, communication, and capacity. In 1918, Toronto's MOH Charles Hastings was the acknowledged leader of efforts to contain the disease, care for the sick, and develop an effective vaccine, because neither a federal health department nor an international body like WHO existed. During the SARS outbreak, Hastings's successor, Sheela Basrur, discovered that nearly a decade of underfunding and new policy foci such as health promotion had left the department vulnerable when faced with a potential epidemic. Lack of cooperation by provincial and federal authorities added further difficulties to the challenge of organizing contact tracing, quarantine, and isolation for suspected and probable cases and providing information and reassurance to the multi-ethnic population. With growing concern about a flu pandemic, the lessons of the past provide a foundation for future communicable disease control activities.  相似文献   
当你年轻又不被事业所累时,伴随着所有的锴失和未期的结果,旅行的收获是最大的。  相似文献   
The medieval discipline of the ars dictaminis (or dictamen), which flourished during the 12(th)-14(th) centuries, can be considered as an adaptation of classical Latin rhetoric to the communicational needs of the medieval society. Yet, although the relation between the teaching of the ars and its practice is an important one, it has rarely been addressed because of the persistence of numerous misunderstandings about the various different levels at which the ars was taught. This article offers some suggestions to fill this gap.  相似文献   
在考古研究与文明探源中,宏伟的纪念性建筑如金字塔、宫殿、庙宇陵墓常被视为文明灿烂程度的重要标志。本文中,布鲁斯·特里格借鉴热动力学方法来看待这个问题,并用"最省力"原则来剖析这种毫无回报的能量投入。热动力学用计算或衡量社会能量投入的劳力和数量来衡量这个社会的权力和复杂化程度,随着社会复杂化的进程和文明的起源,人类的生产方式发生了一种重大的变化。一般来说,无论是动物还是人类的生存都遵循一种"最省力"的原则,即在从事任何活动如生产和分配食物和其他资源时都力求节省能量,也即我们今天所谓的讲究"效益"。"最省力"原则完全不适用于祭祀建筑的营造和奢侈品的生产,而表现了一种"显赫消费"的特点。如果权力经济主导着这些物品的生产,那么消耗能量、特别以一种非实用目的来消耗他人能量的方式便成为衡量权力大小的标志。于是,权力能够从象征性上予以表达和强化的最基本方式,就是为非实用的目的而消费能量。从经济学角度来说,权力的"显赫消费"和全部依赖社会剩余产品的特点,很容易损害支撑这个社会系统存在的经济基础。当统治阶层将大量的社会资源和能量投入毫无回报和经济效益可言的祭祀和炫耀活动中去的时候,其结果很快就会达到开始损害其经济基础一点。当整个社会的运转完全为了维持等级体制而非供养民生,当"显赫消费"逐渐开始透支能量和耗竭资源、无法再从物质上来维持统治阶层的神圣地位时,这个复杂社会的崩溃就不可避免。为什么考古学上所谓"满天星斗"的史前文明大部分都是流星一闪,究其原因可能可以从权力的政治经济学上来找答案。  相似文献   
引言在欧亚草原,马在人类生计的中心地位贯穿于整个全新世,它在草原人民文化和经济生活中无所不在。我们认为,人类和马不断演化的关系对于草原的聚落形态和游牧社会的发展有着重要的作用。  相似文献   
科学家们正在提示自然界种种毒素的药用潜力。 迈克尔打算出去游个泳。他正跟家人在墨西哥的格雷罗城度假,天热得像个火炉。他抓起晾在椅子上泳裤,穿起来,跳进泳池。迎接他的不是如释重负的清凉,却是刹那传遍大腿背面的炽热痛楚。他扯下泳裤,赤裸着跳出泳池,腿上像搁了块烙铁。  相似文献   
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