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考古发掘工地石膏封护提取文物的方法及实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据中德考古科技合作协议,德国美茵兹罗马-日耳曼中央博物馆与中国陕西省考古研究所协商在文物修复保护领域进-步扩大合作范围,决定合作开展在发掘工地现场的文物保护性提取试点工作。1995年10月至11月,恰逢陕西省考古研究所正在发掘北周武帝宇文邕孝陵,壁龛及墓室的遗迹、遗物较为合适开展这项工作,即决定以此为试点。德方保护专家H.V.雷可夫斯基、S.佩希特.赫尔特和中方保护专家吴天才、  相似文献   
读了《贵州都市报》4月23日和4月26日刊载的关于贵州余氏族人,是不是成吉思汗的后裔的文章后,我翻出1993年10月参加“贵州省十县市区政协工作暨经济协作会议第五次年会”期间,我在石阡县民委办公室所收集到的《余氏谱牒》手抄本,细细研读后,同时查阅了《石阡县志》(1992年12月,贵州人民出版社),以及由石阡县民委编写的《石阡县民族志》(1988年10月,送审稿),所得结论,与《贵州都市报》发表的两篇报道所持的观点相悖,现将实情叙述于后。  相似文献   
A.沃洛霍娃是俄罗斯外交部外交研究院主任研究员。历史学副博士。这篇论文发表于《远东问题》2000年第2期,主要以俄罗斯外交档案为依据。论述了朝鲜停战谈判的过程及谈判中主要分歧和争论,由此可看到目前俄罗斯史学界对这一重大历史事件的某些看法,对于深人研究这一问题具有一定的参考和借鉴价值。当然。论文中有些观点值得推敲,如认为中国出兵朝鲜是在斯大林的压力下才决定的。这就有失于客观公允。事实上,中国高层内部当时虽然在出兵问题上有分歧,但作为主要决策者的毛泽东审时度势,还是主张坚决出兵的,而且不管苏联是否出动空军,中国都决定出兵。诸如此类,读者可加以鉴别和分析。运用多方面材料进行比较研究,从而更为科学地评价这一历史事件。  相似文献   
<正>从古至今,工艺品对非洲人都是非常重要的,不论是用于宗教礼仪,还是增添生活情趣,装饰品始终伴随着非洲人民。正是这个原因,造就了非洲发达的手工艺品业,这种精湛的技艺是世界上任何地方都不能与之媲美的。非洲,尤其是南非的手工艺品绝对值得驻足观看、购买收藏。  相似文献   
要想抓一条龙,请遵循以下步骤:先杀一头羊,把肉切好;叫上几个精壮的伙伴.扛三个3米长的钢铁捕兽笼,把羊肉装袋拎上。接着你得翻越好几公里山路,走得膝盖生疼。三十多摄氏度的高温下,你俨然成了蒸笼里的饺子——但你顾不上擦汗,开始放置第一个捕兽笼,装入大堆生肉作诱饵,还要挂几袋在树上以便肉香散播出去。  相似文献   
Dystopian accounts of climate change posit that it will lead to more conflict, causing state failure and mass population movements. Yet these narratives are both theoretically and empirically problematic: the conflict–environment hypothesis merges a global securitization agenda with local manipulations of Northern fears about the state of planetary ecology. Sudan has experienced how damaging this fusion of wishful thinking, power politics and top-down development can be. In the 1970s, global resource scarcity concerns were used locally to impose the fata morgana of Sudan as an Arab-African breadbasket: in the name of development, violent evictions of local communities contributed to Sudan's second civil war and associated famines. Today, Darfur has been labelled ‘the world's first climate change conflict’, masking the long-term political-economic dynamics and Sudanese agency underpinning the crisis. Simultaneously, the global food crisis is instrumentalized to launch a dam programme and agricultural revival that claim to be African answers to resource scarcity. The winners, however, are Sudan's globalized Islamist elites and foreign investors, whilst the livelihoods of local communities are undermined. Important links exist between climatic developments and security, but global Malthusian narratives about state failure and conflict are dangerously susceptible to manipulations by national elites; the practical outcomes decrease rather than increase human security. In the climate change era, the breakdown of institutions and associated violence is often not an unfortunate failure of the old system due to environmental shock, but a strategy of elites in wider processes of power and wealth accumulation and contestation.  相似文献   
Why did the production of rum in the French West Indies not achieve the same success within the French Atlantic as it did in the British Atlantic world? Surveying the history of rum production in the French Caribbean in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, this article contends that the reason why no regional trade in rum developed in French North America resulted from fierce industrial and institutional competition from brandy producers in metropolitan France. Rum, nevertheless, remained significant within the culture and economy of Native Americans and African Americans. This article seeks to add nuance to the wider debate of the ability of the trans-border diffusion of new ideas to stimulate and institutionalize industrial and economic growth in the Atlantic world. French entrepreneurs were no less ‘entrepreneurial’ than their British counterparts, but real constraints on consumption on both sides of the Atlantic created insufficient demand.  相似文献   
思想政治课如何才能培养学生的创新能力,我认为活泼和谐的课堂氛围是前提,也是培养创新能力的关键。当今社会使我们面临前所未有的挑战,这些挑战归根结底是对人的能力,主要是创新能力的挑战。政治课教学肩负着培养学生创新能力的使命。本文主要阐述对学生树立人格、主动创新意识、重视学法指导、发现问题、辨证思维、实践能力等方面的培养,使学生成为善于思考、开拓进取的创新型人才。  相似文献   
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