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2005年冬,刚从秘鲁来到美国的纳尔逊·基斯佩找了份工作,在怀俄明州赤地千里的沙漠中放牧羊群。雇佣他的牧场主帕特·奥图尔给了他一匹六岁的野马,助他穿越遍布大雪堆和山艾树丛的漫长路途。这匹野马通体纯白,唯独身躯后部有一些黑色斑点,显露出些许阿帕卢萨马的血统,而从它餐盘大小的马蹄上又可看到曳马的痕迹。“荣誉农场”的劳改犯人给它起名叫“斑点”,  相似文献   
我们这些动物给予植物的尊重是远远不够的。在英语里,某君想要贬损他人,责其学无所长、一无是处的时候,就把此人唤作“盆栽”,对于完全丧失自理能力、日子过不下去的残废者,则称其为“植物人”。但是,少自作聪明了,植物们的日子过得好着呢,而且在人类出现之前早已逍遥了千百万年。  相似文献   
都市传说的研究方法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在美国民俗学界,都市传说研究对那些不怎么成熟老到的学者来说是一个富有创意而且很有价值的领域,也是一次提升自身研究水准的非同寻常的机会。这是因为,正如本书(《消失的打车客》)已经表明的,与都市传说有关的很多信息和资料都是学生们在学习民俗学课程时收集的,或者是年轻学者们通过大众传播媒介偶然发现的。跟民俗  相似文献   
西藏旅游是个热门话题,也是个大话题,当西藏旅游资深管理官员旺堆和我谈到西藏旅游餐饮业的发展时,我觉得这是一个很好的切入点。  相似文献   
2001年9月,第五套伍拾元人民币正式发行。伍拾元券背面主景是始建于唐代的西藏布达拉宫———极能代表我国社会政治稳定,民族团结,宗教和顺,又很有特色的美丽风光。布达拉宫历时1000多年,实为世界罕见的建筑艺术杰作。人们在数十里之外,能看到它依山凌空、层楼竞耸、金光灿烂、巍峨壮观的雄姿。布达拉宫宫殿按红山山势由南麓蜿蜒到山顶,高117.19米,东西长360多米。整个建筑为石木结构,用大石块砌成,角度后仰,斜指向上,有一种内敛而雄伟的气势。宫墙厚2~5米,墙身全用花岗岩砌筑,宫殿外墙基直入岩层。其外观有宫殿与寺院的双重…  相似文献   
从我躺在阿扎睡了四十年的青羊皮褥子上被自己鲜红的初潮吓哭的那个早晨起,我就固执地认为:草原——是母性的。当然,这不仅仅是指我的家乡八个家,而是指所有的草原。草原上生长着青草,青草养育着牛羊,牛羊繁衍着自己的后代。所有这一切难道不是伟大草原母亲的恩赐吗?山和石头是男人的象征。当山峰披上了青草绿树的盛装,所有的阳光就被隐藏起来被滚滚绿色淹没了,融化了。山上是珍珠样散落着吃草的牛羊,谷底里流淌着一缕缕清水,空气凝滞不动,松林静止。这时候,山的冷峻已被漫天而来的阴柔所替代。高山草原是不需要英雄的地方,这里是所有失败英…  相似文献   
威廉才九岁,但家庭作业之战已经开始了。每天晚饭后,他总是玩电视游戏、拨弄着电视遥控器或者去打扰他的姐姐,然后,他的父母连哄带骗地让他坐到写字台前定下心来。直到晚上十点钟,经过一番伴随着哭叫的“大战”,每个人都已精疲力竭。  相似文献   
The history of drink driving and legislative responses to it remain virtual terra incognita. This contribution traces developments in Britain between 1945 and the aftermath of the Road Safety Act in 1967. The first section focuses on the formation of an extra-parliamentary pressure group in the 1950s. This is complemented by an interpretation of the impact of the government-backed Drew Report (1959), and the ways in which Drew's research was rhetorically and creatively deployed by Graham Page, leading spokesman for the Pedestrians' Association and Ernest Marples, the Conservative Minister of Transport. The final section interrogates key debates leading up to the introduction of the breathalyser. The article concludes that belated introduction of road safety legislation in Britain in the 1960s revealed a high degree of cross-party consensus. Only senior officials at the Home Office, and to a lesser extent, at the Ministry of Transport, repeatedly threatened to delay reform.  相似文献   
This article contributes to a growing literature on working-class suburbanization by arguing that both the residualization and privatization of council housing need to be properly historicized. This case study of housing policy in the borough of Brighton demonstrates that council house sales between the 1950s and 1970s were important in the residualization of inter-war estates well before the 'right to buy' legislation of the 1980s. Concerns about excessively affluent tenants can also be traced to the inter-war period, although it was not until the late 1950s that local Conservatives sought to push affluent council tenants into owner occupation via capping incomes and encouraging council house sales. The article shows that slum clearance had long been central to the local council's provision of municipal housing and that apart from two short periods following the First and Second World Wars, council housing was conceived of primarily as a residual tenure by those in control of policy implementation. It further demonstrates that slum clearance between the 1920s and 1960s altered the social constituency for council housing and, combined with selective privatization, specific allocation policies and disinvestment, led to the stigmatization of certain inter-war estates. The article suggests that further case studies are needed in order to test the wider applicability of these arguments during the middle years of the twentieth century.  相似文献   
本文通过对韩氏家族两个支派的华文和马来文族谱和相关地方文史资料的研究,分析阐述了18世纪中叶到18世纪末爪哇韩氏家族的人物关系、社会结构、融合情况及其在当地经济中的作用,旨在更好地了解东南亚华人移民家族的融合与文化适应模式。  相似文献   
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