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Consideration of the integrated production-location problem is extended to include several types of business taxes. Many of these taxes are technologically and spatially neutral under certainty, but are shown to be nonneutral when factor prices are stochastic and the firm is risk averse, even when the tax is spatially uniform. Consequently, even a nationally uniform tax can have regional biases and can encourage migration of plants. When factor prices are uncertain, the effects of taxes on output rates, input ratios, and plant location vary with the form of the tax imposed as well as the amount to be paid. Income taxes involve the taxing authority in sharing the risk with the firm and are shown to promote risk taking by the firm and induce the expansion of output. Locational incentives which are mutually beneficial to firms and the government are presented.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. In this paper we develop a model of the law of one price in a network where many markets are linked with a structure of paths. We show that arbitrage-free prices depend on the structure of the network and so do price dynamics. Our estimates indicate that local bypass and open access pipeline transportation were instrumental in opening arbitrage paths to natural gas city markets and causing their prices to converge. Spot markets in the city gates, pipeline hubs, and production fields, that are scattered over distant points in the vast pipeline network in the United States, now form a single market.  相似文献   
Microscopic examination of wear patterns on artifacts can produce valuable information on the manner in which they were made and used. In the case discussed here, observations made by an earlier worker are reaffirmed but a different interpretation is placed on their significance, so reconciling the scientific and historical evidence which were previously at variance.  相似文献   

With an increasing rate of sea level rise inherently linked to climate change, numerous coastal archaeological resources are under threat. In Maine, virtually all 2000+ coastal aboriginal shell middens are eroding. Given limited time and resources, an efficient method for making informed cultural resource management decisions is critical. Herein, we describe a six-step protocol for a minimally invasive and cost-effective ground-penetrating radar delineation of shell midden size and morphology. Benefits of the survey methodology outlined in this study include the efficiency of data collection, the non-destructive aspect of the technique, continuous records of site stratigraphy, and the lower cost as compared to large-scale excavation. Two case studies are presented to illustrate the advantages and challenges associated with this method.  相似文献   
Dean Jaensch, An Introduction to Australian Politics, Melbourne, Longman Cheshire, 1981, pp. 320. $8.95

James Jupp, Party Politics: Australia 1966–81, Sydney, George Allen and Unwin, 1982, pp. 232. $19.95, $9.95 (paper)

Patrick Weller and Michelle Grattan, Can Ministers Cope? Australian Federal Ministers at Work, Melbourne, Hutchinson Group, 1981, pp. 231. $17.95

Marian Sawer (ed), Australia and the New Right Sydney, George Allen & Unwin, 1982, pp. 181. $19.95, $9.95 (paper)

1. John Arthur and William H. Shaw (eds) Justice and Economic Distribution, Prentice‐Hall, New Jersey, 1978.

2. For example, Peter Steinfels The Neoconservatives, Touchstone, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1979; Lewis A. Coser and Irving Howe (eds) The New Conservatives, Meridian, New York, 1977; Philip Green The Pursuit of Inequality, pantheon, New York, 1981; Robert LeKach‐man Greed is not Enough: Reagonomics. pantheon, New York, 1981.

J.A. Pettifer (ed), House of Representatives Practice, Canberra, Australian Government Publishing Service, 1981, pp. 966. $56.40, $44 (paper)

The Australian Constitution Annotated, with Cumulative Supplement, Compiled and Annotated by the Attorney‐General's Dept., Canberra, Australian Government Publishing Service, main text 544 pages (including four Appendices and Index to the Constitution); Supplement 94 pages. Main text $24.50; Supplement $3.20.

Don Dunstan, Felicia: the Political Memoirs of Don Dun‐stan, Macmillan, South Melbourne, 1981, pp. 328. $19.95

Kathryn Cole (ed), Power, Conflict and Control in Australian Trade Unions, Melbourne, Penguin, 1982, pp. 309. $9.95

Leon Glezer, Tariff Politics: Australian Policy‐making 1960—1980, Melbourne, Melbourne University Press, 1982, pp 360. $23.00

N.G. Butlin, A. Barnard and J.J. Pincus, Government and Capitalism: Public and Private Choice in Twentieth Century Australia. Sydney, George Allen & Unwin, 1982, pp. 369. $25.00, $12.95 (paper)

Len Fox, Multinationals Take Over Australia, with contributions by E.L. Wheelwright and Greg Crough, Sydney, Alternative Publishing Co‐operative Limited, 1981, pp. 226. $21.95, $9.95 (paper)

Tom O'Brien, Job Generation, Melbourne, Hill of Content, 1981, pp. 209. $12.95

Peter Thompson, Power in Tasmania. Melbourne, Australian Conservation Foundation, 1981, pp. 192. $19.95, $13.95 (paper)

Geoffrey Bolton, Spoils and Spoilers: Australians Make Their Environment 1788–1980, Sydney, George Allen & Unwin, 1981, pp. 200. $17.50, $9.95 (paper)

Ross Fitzgerald, From the Dreaming to 1915: A History of Queensland, St Lucia, University of Queensland Press, 1982, pp. 354. $19.95

John Lechte, Politics and the Writing of Australian History: An Introduction to a Structural Study, Melbourne Politics Monograph, 1979, pp. 240. $6.00

Russell Rollason, The new International Economic Order and Implications for Australia, Chippendale NSW, Alternative Publishing Co‐operative Limited, 1981, pp. 208. $24.95, $12.95 (paper)

Henry S. Albinski, The Australian‐American Security Relationship: A Regional and International Perspective, St Lucia, University of Queensland Press, 1982, pp. 257. $29.95

Philippa Smith, Living on the Edge, ACOSS, Sydney, 1982, pp. 168. $9.50.

J.R. Frears, France in the Giscard Presidency, London, Allen and Unwin, 1981, pp. 224. $32.50, $13.95 (paper)

David Childs and Jeffrey Johnson, West Germany: Politics and Society, London, Croom Helm, 1981, pp. 231. 10.95,5.95 (paper)

W.J. Mommsen (ed), The Emergence of the Welfare State in Britain and Germany, London, Croom Helm, pp. 423. 12.95

Vernon Bogdanor, The People and the Party System: The referendum and electoral reform in British politics, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1981, pp. 285, 20, 6.95 (paper)

Julian Le Grand, The Strategy of Equality: Redistribution and the Social Services, London, Allen & Unwin, 1982, pp. 192. $35, $12.50 (paper)

Nick Bosanquet and Peter Townsend (eds), Labour and Equality: A Fabian Study of Labour in Power, 1974–79, heinemann Educational Books, 1980, pp. 312.5.50 (paper)

R.K. Carty, Party and Parish Pump: Electoral Politics in Ireland, Waterloo, Ontario, Wilfrid Laurier Univesity Press, 1981,pp.259.Can$9.00

Allen M. Potter, Peter Fotheringham and James G. Kel‐las, American Government and Politics, 3rd edn, London, Faber and Faber, 1981, pp. 340. $10.95 (paper)

Gary Wills, Explaining America: The Federalist, Double‐day, 1982, pp. 270. $14.95

Michael Vale (ed), Poland: The State of the Republic, London, Pluto Press, pp. 231. $14.95 Neal Ascherson, The Polish August, London, Allen Lane, pp. 316. $12.50

Beverley Male, Revolutionary Afghanistan: A Reappraisal, London and Canberra, Croom Helm, 1982, pp. 229. 13.95

Benjamin Amonoo, Ghana 1957—1966: Politics of Institutional Dualism, London, George Allen & Unwin 1981, pp. 242. SA42.50, $A11.95 (paper)

Arthur Gavshon, Crisis in Africa: Battleground of East and West, Harmondsworth, Middlesex, Penguin, 1981, pp. 320. $9.95

Isaiah Berlin, Against the Current. Essays in the History of Ideas, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1981, pp. 394. $A12.95

C.L. Ten, Mill on Liberty, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1980, pp. 195. 4.95 (paper)

Jean Blondel, The Discipline of Politics, London, Butter‐worths, 1981, pp. 222. $17.00

John Charvet, A Critique of Freedom and Equality, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1981, pp. 200. 17.50

Alan Gilbert, Marx's PoliticsCommunists and Citizens, Oxford, Martin Robertson, 1981, pp. 271. 16.50

W.J. Stankiewicz, Approaches to Democracy: Philosophy of Government at the Close of the Twentieth Century, London, Edward Arnold, 1980, pp. 276. 11.50

Michael Laver, The Politics of Private Desires: The Guide to the Politics of Rational Choice, Ringwood, Penguin, 1981, pp. 186. $4.95 (paper)

Ralph Pettman, Biopolitics and International Values: Investigating Liberal Norms, New York, Pergamon, 1981, pp. 183. $13.40 (paper)

Bernard Schaffer and Geoff Lamb, Can Equity be Organized? Equity, Development Analysis and Planning, Farn‐borough, Gowerand Paris, UNESCO, 1981, pp. 166. $24

Ann Oakley, Subject Women, Oxford, Martin Robertson, 1981, pp. 406. 9.50

Olive Banks, Faces of Feminism, Oxford, Martin Robertson, 1981, pp. 285. 15.00, 5.00 (paper)

Mukherjee S.K. and Scutt, Jocelynne A, Women and Crime, Sydney, Allen and Unwin, 1981 $8.95 (paper)

Margherita Rendel (ed), Women, Power and Political Systems, London, Croom Helm, 1981, pp. 262. 12.95

David Owen, Face the Future, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1981, pp. 279. $9.95 (paper)

Australia on the Rack: amalgamated Metal Workers and Shipwrights Union, Sydney; pp. 341, 1982. $1.00

Colin Mellors, The British MP, Farnborough, Saxon House, 1978, pp. 146. $A27.00

D. Home, E. Thompson, D. Iaensch and K. Turner, Changing the System, APSA Monograph 25, Bedford Park, South Australia, 1981, pp. 44. $1.50  相似文献   

THE EVOLUTION OP AUSTRALIAN FOREIGN POLICY 1938–1965. Alan Watt. London, Cambridge University Press, 1967. Pp. x + 387. 60/‐ stg.

FATE AND WILL IN FOREIGN POLICY. James Eayrs. Toronto, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 1967. Pp. 87. ?1.25 (Canadian).

THE COMMONWEALTH AND THE UNITED NATIONS. T. B. Millar. Sydney, Sydney University Press, 1967. Pp. 237. $5.50.

SIR WINSTON CHURCHILL AND THE COMMONWEALTH OF NATIONS. J. D. B. Miller. Brisbane, University of Queensland Press, 1967. Pp. 27. $0.75c.

RACE RELATIONS IN THE BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AND THE UNITED NATIONS. Lord Caradon. London, Cambridge University Press. Pp. 25. $0.65c.

THE ROLE OF THE CHINESE ARMY. John Gittings. Issued under the auspices of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Oxford University Press, London, 1967. Pp. xx + 331. $7.80.

BASIC TACTICS. Mao Tse‐tung. Translated and with an introduction by Stuart R. Schram. New York, Praeger, 1966. Pp. v + 149. $5.80.

PEKING AND PEOPLE'S WARS. Samuel B. Griffith. New York, Praeger, 1966. Pp. 142. $5.80.

A STUDY OP THE CHINESE COMMUNIST MOVEMENT 1927–34. Shanti Swamp. Oxford, 1966. Pp. viii + 289‐ $5.80.

THE JAPANESE COMMUNIST MOVEMENT 1920–1966. Robert A. Scalapino. University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1967. Pp. 412. $6.50 (US).

THE COMMUNIST MOVEMENT IN IRAN. Sepehr Zabir. University of California Press, 1967. Pp. xiv + 279. 48/‐ (stg.).

PROBLEMS OF SMALLER TERRITORIES. Burton Benedict (ed.). University of London, The Athlone Press, 1967. Pp. 153.


AUSTRALIAN IMMIGRATION: A BIBLIOGRAPHY AND DIGEST. Charles A. Price (ed.). Australian National University, 1966.

THE LAW OF THE SEA AND AUSTRALIAN OFF‐SHORE AREAS. R. D. Lumb. St. Lucia, University of Queensland Press, 1966. Pp. 86. $2.85.

RELIGION, POLITICS AND ECONOMIC BEHAVIOUR IN JAVA: THE KUDUS CIGARETTE INDUSTRY. Lance Castles. Yale Southeast Asia Studies, Cultural Report Series no. 15, 1967. Pp. vii + 158.

IDEOLOGY IN INDONESIA: SUKARNO'S INDONESIAN REVOLUTION. Donald E. Weatherbee. Monograph Series No. 8, Southeast Asia Studies, Yale University, 1966. Pp. x + 135.  相似文献   

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