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Reviews Book     
TIM UNWIN. Wine and the Vine: An Historical Geography of Viticulture and the Wine Trade. London and New York: Roudedge, 1991. Pp. xvi, 409. $29.95 (us). Reviewed by Norman R. Bennett

MASK GREENGHASS, ed. Conquest and Coalescence: The Shaping of the State in Early Modem Europe. London: Edward Arnold, 1991. Pp viii, 200. $33.95 (CDN). Reviewed by Simon Ditchfiel

DAVID KIRBY. Northern Europe in the Early Modem Period: The Baltic World 1492–1772. London and New York: Longman, 1990. Pp. xii, 443. $33.95 (CDN). Reviewed by Thomas Munck

JOHN CORREIA-APONSO, ed. Intrepid Itinerant: Manuel Godinho and His Journey from India to Portugal in 1663. Bombay: Oxford University Press, 1990. Pp. xi, 253. $33.50 (CDN). Reviewed by Anthony Disney

KARL W. SCHWEIZER. Frederick the Great, William Pitt, and Lord Bute: The Anglo-Prussian Alliance, 1756–1763. New York: Garland Publishing, 1991. Pp. ix, 358. $53.00 (US). Reviewed by H.M. Scott

HELEN ANGELOMATIS-TSOUGARAKIS. The Eve of the Great Revival: British Travellers' Perceptions of Early Nineteenth-Century Greece. London and New York: Roudedge, 1990. Pp. xvii, 289. $52.00 (US). Reviewed by Alexander Kitroeff

CARL VON CLAUSEWITZ. Historical and Political Writings, ed. and trans. Peter Paret and Daniel Moran. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1992. Pp. 397. $29.95 (US). Reviewed by Christopher Bassford

LAWRENCE SONDHAUS. In the Service of the Emperor: Italians in the Austrian Armed Forces 1814–1918. Boulder, Col.: East European Monographs; dist. New York: Columbia University Press, 1990. Pp. ix, 217. $32.50 (US). Reviewed by Erwin A. Schmidl

SANDI E. COOPER. Patriotic Pacifism: Waging War on War in Europe, 1815–1914… New York: Oxford University Press, 1991. Pp. 336. $55.95 (CDN). Reviewed by Roger Chickering

R.S. O'FAHEY. Enigmatic Saint: Ahmad Ibn Idris and the Idrisi Tradition. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press, 1990. Pp. xvii, 261. $42.95 (US), cloth; $12.95 (US), paper. Reviewed by Rudolph Peters

RUDOLPH J. VECOLI and SUZANNE M. SINKE, eds. A Century of European Migrations, 1830–1930. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1991. Pp. 395. $44.95 (US). Reviewed by Donald Harman Akenson

MARGARET FULLER. ‘These Sad but Glorious Days’: Dispatches from Europe, 1846–1850, ed. Larry J. Reynolds and Susan Belasco Smith. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1991. Pp. xiii, 338. $35.00 (US). Reviewed by Agatha Ramm

STEVEN G. MARKS. Road to Power: The Trans-Siberian Railroad and the Colonization of Asian Russia, 1850–1917. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1991. Pp. xxi, 240. $31.95 (US). Reviewed by J.L. Black

ANN POTTINGBR SAAB. Reluctant Icon: Gladstone, Bulgaria and the Working Classes 1856–1878. Cambridge, Mass, and London: Harvard University Press, 1991. Pp. ix, 257. $39.95 (US). Reviewed by P.R. Ghosh

ARDEN BUCHOLZ. Moltke, Schlieffen and Prussian War Planning. New York and Oxford: Berg Publishers; dist. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1992. Pp. xi, 352. $59.95 (US). Reviewed by Gunther E. Rothenberg

HERBERT ELZER. Bismarcks Bündnispolitik von 1887: Erfolg und Grenzen einer europäischen Friedensordnung. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1991. Pp. 507. DM 108. Reviewed by Norman Rich

ISAHIA N. KIMAMBO. Penetration and Protest in Tanzania: The Impact of the World Economy on the Pare 1860–1960. Athens: Ohio University Press, 1991. Pp. xii, 188. $29.95 (US), cloth; $16.95 (US), paper

ABDUL SHERIFF and ED FERGUSON, eds. Zanzibar under Colonial Rule. Athens: Ohio University Press, 1991. Pp. ix, 278. $34.95 (US), cloth; $19.95 (US), paper. Reviewed by Ibrahim Abdullah

ROBERT A. KANN. Dynasty, Politics and Culture: Selected Essays, ed. Stanley B. Winters. Boulder, Col.: Social Science Monographs; dist. New York: Columbia University Press, 1991. Pp. xvi, 444. $61.00 (US). Reviewed by Enno E. Kraehe

CARLO M. SANTORO. La politica estera di una media potenza: L'Italia dall'Unità ad oggi. Bologna: il Mulino, 1991. Pp. 352. L40,000

BRUNELLO VIGEZZI. Politica Estera e Opinione Pubblica in Italia dall'Unità ai Giorni Nostri. Milan: Jaca Books, 1991. Pp. 220. L22,000. Reviewed by Richard Bosworth

DAVID A. LAKE. Power, Protection, and Free Trade: International Sources of US Commercial Strategy, 1887-1939. Ithaca, N.Y. and London: Cornell University Press, 1988. Pp. xi, 242. $29.95 (US). Reviewed by Ben Baack

JOSEPH SMITH. Unequal Giants: Diplomatic Relations between the United States and Brazil, 1889–1930. Pittsburgh, Pa.: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1991. Pp. 296. $39.95 (US)

THOMAS D. SCHOONOVER. The United States in Central America, 1860–1911: Episodes of Social Imperialism and Imperial Rivalry in the World System. Durham, N.C. and London: Duke University Press, 1991. Pp. xiii, 253. $32.50 (US). Reviewed by Lester D. Langley

ROSAMUND M. THOMAS. Espionage and Secrecy: The Official Secrets Act 1911–1989 of the United Kingdom. London and New York: Routledge, 1991. Pp. 304. £40.00. Reviewed by Wesley K. Wark

LEE CONGDON. Exile and Social Thought: Hungarian Intellectuals in Germany and Austria, 1919–1933. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1991. Pp. xvi, 376. $29.95 (US). Reviewed by István Deák

ROBERT WRIGHT. A World Mission: Canadian Protestantism and the Quest for a New International Order, 1919–1939. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1991. Pp. x, 337. $44.95 (CDN). Reviewed by A. Hamish Ion

JAN WILLEM SCHULTE NOHDHOLT. Woodrow Wilson: A Life for World Peace, trans. Herbert H. Rowen. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991. Pp. viii, 495. $34.95 (US). Reviewed by Lloyd E. Ambrosius

CAROLE FINK, AXEL FROHN, and JÜRGEN HELDBKING, eds. Genoa, Rapallo, and European Reconstruction in 1922. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991. Pp. x, 262. $44.50 (US). Reviewed by Alan Cassels

B.J.C. MCKERCHER, ed. Anglo-American Relations in the 1920s: The Struggle for Supremacy. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1990. Pp. xiii, 242. $37.50 (CDN). Reviewed by Frank Costigliola

HARM G. SCHRÖTER and CLEMENS A. WURM, eds. Politik, Wirtschaft und internationale Beziehungen: Studien zu ihrem Verhältnis in der Zeit zwischen den Weltkriegen. Mainz: Verlag Philipp von Zabern, 1991. Pp. ix, 176. DM 48. Reviewed by Andrew J. Crozier

GERALD STUDDERT-KENNEDY. British Christians, Indian Nationalists and the Raj. New York: Oxford University Press, 1991. Pp. x, 274. $23.95 (CDN). Reviewed by Judith M. Brown

MICHAEL GELB, ed. An American Engineer in Stalin's Russia: The Memoirs of Zara Witkin, 1932–1934. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991. Pp. ix, 363. $29.95 (US). Reviewed by David W. McFadden

PAUL BROOKER. The Faces of Fratemalism: Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Imperial Japan. New York: The Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, 1991. Pp. ix, 397. $89.00 (US). Reviewed by Alan Cassels

TOM BUCHANAN. The Spanish Civil War and the British Labour Movement. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991. Pp. xvii, 250. $47.50 (US). Reviewed by Tim Rees

MARK WALKER. German National Socialism and the Quest for Nuclear Power 1939–1949. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1989. Pp. x, 290. $29.95 (US). Reviewed by Bruce Wheaton

IFTIKHAR H. MALIK. US-South Asian Relations, 1940–47: American Attitudes towards the Pakistan Movement. London: Macmillan, 1991. Pp. xi, 322. £45.00. Reviewed by Ayesha Jalal

SIR ALEC CAIRNCROSS. Planning in Wartime: Aircraft Production in Britain, Germany and the USA. London: Macmillan, 1991. Pp. xvi, 197. £35.00. Reviewed by Robin Higham

JOHN A. ENGLISH. The Canadian Army and the Normandy Campaign: A Study of Failure in High Command. New York: Praeger, 1991. Pp. xvii, 347. $47.95 (US). Reviewed by David I. Hall

DAVID JABLONSKY. Churchill, the Great Game and Total War. London: Frank Cass, 1991. Pp. xi, 237. £27.50, cloth; £18.00, paper

CHRISTOPHER HILL. Cabinet Decisions on Foreign Policy: The British Experience October 1938–June 1941. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991. Pp. xx, 359. $59.50 (US). Reviewed by John Charmley

PAUL FREYBERG. Bernard Freyberg VC: Soldier of Two Nations. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1991. Pp. xi, 627. £30.00. Reviewed by T.H.E. Travers

JOHN GILLINGHAM. Coal, Steel, and the Rebirth of Europe, 1945–1955: The German and French from Ruhr Conflict to Economic Community. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991. Pp. xvi, 397. $44.50 (US). Reviewed by Henry Pelling

IRWIN M. WALL. The United States and the Making of Postwar France, 1945–1954. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991. Pp. x, 324. $47.50 (US). Reviewed by Alan S. Milward

LOUISE FAWCETT. Iran and the Cold War: The Azerbaijan Crisis of 1946. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992. Pp. xii, 227. $54.95 (US). Reviewed by Fred H. Lawson

E. TIMOTHY SMITH. The United States, Italy and NATO, 1947–52. London: Macmillan, 1991. Pp. ix, 232. £45.00. Reviewed by James Edward Milles

PAUL M. EVANS and B. MICHAEL FROLIC, eds. Reluctant Adversaries: Canada and the People's Republic of China 1949–1970. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1991. Pp. xii, 268. $60.00 (CDN), cloth; $19.95 (CDN), paper. Reviewed by Patricia E. Roy

LAWRENCE S. KAPLAN, ed. American Historians and the Atlantic Alliance. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1991. Pp. viii, 192. $27.00 (US), cloth; $14.50 (US), paper. Reviewed by Ritchie Ovendale

MONICA BRAW. The Atomic Bomb Suppressed: American Censorship in Occupied Japan. Armonk, N.Y. and London: M.E. Sharpe, 1991. Pp. xviii, 194. $35.00 (US).Reviewed by Kathryn Meyer

JEFFREY HERF. War by Other Means: Soviet Power, West German Resistance, and the Battle of the Euromissiles. New York: Free Press (Macmillan), 1991. Pp. xiii, 369. $24.95 (US).Reviewed by Matthew Evangelista

MARTIN STANILAND. American Intellectuals and African Nationalists, 1955–1970. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1991. Pp. ix, 310. $30.00 (US).Reviewed by Dane Kennedy

DIANE B. KUNZ. The Economic Diplomacy of the Suez Crisis. Chapel Hill and London: University of North Carolina Press, 1991. Pp. xii, 295. $43.95 (US).Reviewed by Kathleen Buhk

W. DAVID MCINTYRE. The Significance of the Commonwealth 1965–90. London: Macmillan, 1991. Pp. ix, 305. £45.00.Reviewed by J.G. Darwin

KARL PIERAGOSTINI. Britain, Aden and South Arabia: Abandoning Empire. London: Macmillan, 1991. Pp. xiv, 256. £45.00.Reviewed by Michael B. Bisheu

TOMOHEI CHIDA and PETER N. DAVTES. The Japanese Shipping and Shipbuilding Industries: A History of Their Modem Growth. London and Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Athlone Press, 1990. Pp. xi, 240. $65.00 (US).Reviewed by Steven J. Ericson

WILLIAM T. TOW. Encountering the Dominant Player: US Extended Deterrence Strategy in the Asia-Pacific. New York: Columbia University Press, 1991. Pp. xiv, 540. $52.00 (US).Reviewed by Paul A. Varg

CHARLES F. DORAN. Systems in Crisis: New Imperatives of High Politics at Century's End. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991. Pp. xviii, 294. $49.50 (US).Reviewed by Robert Jervis  相似文献   
Miceal Ross 《Folklore》2013,124(1-2):63-75
This paper focuses on anchors as links between two worlds. It examines medieval legends first, starting with mirabilia which link ships in the sky to the earth, then goes on to study those legends which link the surface of the sea to a submarine world. In tracing the evolution and interrelationships of these sets, the pivotal legend is shown to be one in which a man is lured to a submarine monastery. The remainder of the paper focuses on modern accounts of similar legends. Those involving ships in the sky and cloudland themes are instanced first. After a brief look at legends of anchors blocking submarine fairy paths, the final section takes up the lining theme in the modern context. The emphasis here is on a legend localised in Kerry in which a woman from the sea uses an anchor to trap her man.  相似文献   
Charles Harrington. Psychological Anthropology and Education: A Delineation of a Field of Inquiry. New York: AMS Press, 1979. xii + 232 pp. Index, annotated bibliography. $15.00.  相似文献   
Professor Wilhelm

When I began research on this topic some months ago, I had expected to find many obvious influences of the I Ching on the Turkic works. As you will see, the results were quite different; nonetheless, I hope you will find my short study interesting and enjoyable.  相似文献   
Huichol cosmology, in general with the intellectual productions of other mesoamerican groups, has been presented as an anarchic hetrogeneity of deities and folk heros whose deeds are executed in an indeterminate and constantly changing landscape.

It is argued that sacred narratives, far from being the productions of caprice, structure the relations between divine personages and events by providing a classificatory matrix which partitions the universe into moral spaces. The value of an event or the significance of a deity is given by its spatial position.

Furthermore this scheme is extended to incorporate pre‐conquest and post‐conquest epochs into the same moral configurations and thereby provide a paradigm on which inter ethnic relations in the area are predicated.

The vectors of this order of orders provide the ligaments on which the structure of events is apprehended and the referents of memory are dependent.  相似文献   
This article draws on the concept of spatialisation to better understand the development of a digital games industry on the periphery of mainland Europe, on the island of Ireland. Positioning digital games within the cultural and creative industries, we explore how global networks of production in this industry get territorialised, negotiated and shaped by local factors. Drawing upon an industry-wide survey in Ireland we found that employment has grown by 400% in the last decade but that this rate of employment growth and its concentration in large urban areas masks significant ruptures and shifts which more detailed spatial, occupational and social analysis reveals: in particular, how the state, multinational game companies, and physical and human capital interact to shape an industry which is strong in middleware, localisation and support but weak in content development. An understanding of global digital games production networks and of occupational patterns in this industry is, we believe, crucial for national and European cultural policies for the digital games industry and for the cultural and creative industries more generally.  相似文献   
There has been a gradual shift in historical archaeology towards interpretive approaches to material culture, including recognition of the potential for multiple functions and meanings in local contexts. It is argued here that artifacts can also maintain multiple, fluid origins and identities that affect our understanding of the nature of cultural persistence and change among migrant, indigenous and other ethnic groups. However, predefined classification schemes are often rigid and do not allow for this kind of fluidity, including the potential for artifacts from one culture to be indigenized into another. Data drawn from recent research on Japanese migrants in British Columbia, in conjunction with an approach rooted in transnationalism and diaspora, are used to highlight the nature of these ambiguities and to suggest methodological and theoretical means of overcoming them. These solutions include the need to develop contextual classification schemes that incorporate multiple artifact identities and to conduct detailed material culture histories that trace shifting origins and identities both before and during periods of migration or displacement.  相似文献   
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