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为研究太和殿护板灰中所含有机组分,通过傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)及热裂解-气相色谱/质谱联用仪(Py-GC/MS)对太和殿上层护板灰、太和殿上层西南角护板灰进行分析检测。FTIR分析结果表明两个护板灰样品含有碳酸盐及油脂或虫胶漆类有机物,Py-GC/MS分析进一步确定两个样品所含有机物是植物油,且可能是生桐油与十字花科植物油脂的混合物;此外,在两个样品中检测到的雪松醇应该是太和殿所用杉木望板的挥发组分,而太和殿上层护板灰中则可能含有淀粉。研究结果有助于科学还原太和殿古建护板灰的传统制作方法。  相似文献   
Students’ opinion and assessment of the quality of teaching presents an important segment of the evaluation of the quality of teaching at university level in accordance with the principles of the Bologna Process. In this study, we have examined opinion of students at the Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade on the pedagogical benefits of fieldwork, which presents an important determinant of geographers’ education. A total of 215 students evaluated pedagogical benefits of fieldwork in relation to didactic-methodical aspects such as: immediate contact with objects of knowledge; interdisciplinary study of a problem; application of various methods of teaching; enhancement of motivation for learning; improvement of social relations, and development of skills necessary for fieldwork. Research results indicate that students recognize and positively evaluate benefits of fieldwork. Final-year students as well as students who had more days of fieldwork evaluate benefits of fieldwork in a more positive way. Research results indicate the need to improve the quality of fieldwork and increase its share in the curriculum of the Faculty of Geography in accordance with the constructivist paradigm in education, which places a student at the centre of educational process, and fundamental principles of the Bologna Process.  相似文献   
文化遗产和艺术作品的数字化保护与数字内容应用是近年来国内外文化界和科技界的一个共同研究热点,也是我国积极推动文化创新和文化产业发展的重要内容。为了更好地开展我国首批非物质文化遗产的佛山石湾陶瓷艺术的数字化保护工作,研究了非接触式光学三维扫描设备进行表面反光的陶瓷作品三维数据扫描和形态整合的问题。同时研究了利用HDR技术进行陶瓷表面色彩纹理信息采集和复原的技术方法,得到完整的陶瓷作品数字化模型,达到了对文化遗产数字化保护和数字内容建设的目的。最后,讨论和研究了文物数字化内容的宣传和推广方法,并给出了实际应用的案例。  相似文献   
Popular geopolitics of Chinese Nanjing massacre films: a feminist approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article attempts to deconstruct the masculinised contract among the war narrative, popular culture, and Chinese nationalism by exploring the roles of women in Nanjing Massacre films with war narratives and Chinese audiences' emotional ‘readings’ of these women. Based on the analysis of City of Life and Death (2009) and The Flowers of War (2011) and audiences' comments on these two films from Douban Movie, this article has mapped a popular geopolitics of these two films through a feminist approach. The main argument of this research points out that, through the production and consumption of these two films, the women of the Nanjing Massacre can be territorialised as Nanjing/China and used to represent China's attitudes towards both the historical and current Sino–Japanese relationship. In this way, the women of these films can be considered an articulation of popular culture and politics, and they are empowered to establish Chinese nationalism and construct anti-Japanese identities in Chinese society. To a wider extent, this article can be read as a contribution to the literature on gender, nationalism and popular geopolitics.  相似文献   
历史民族地理是现代中国历史人文地理的一个分支,其研究成果涉及中国民族史、民族学(人类学)、历史人文地理以及边疆史地等多个学科。中华人民共和国成立70年来,历史民族地理的发展也经历了一个曲折而复杂的过程。改革开放以来,随着各个相关学科的蓬勃发展,历史民族地理研究成果丰硕,成绩斐然,已初步成为历史人文地理研究领域的一个重要分支。  相似文献   
每个人的脚下都有许多条路,关键是找到一条真正属于自己的路。在这个世界上不幸的人,就是那些抛弃原则,缺乏主见和生活准则的人,他们永远跟在别人身后跑来跑去,就是没有找到一条属于自己的路。匆忙一生,到头来却是两手空空;艰辛奔走,到头来还是在原地踏步。难道我们不曾想过,  相似文献   
土地资源是人类生存的基本资料和劳动对象 ,是人地关系系统中一个重要的物质信息载体 ,是评价人类生境的一个重要对象。土地利用是人类在现阶段生产力水平下 ,对区域土地资源的开发程度和利用情况。土地资源的现状评价 ,是反映人地关系协调程度的一个重要手段。本文采用目前广泛使用的GIS先进技术手段 ,对青海省海北藏族自治州土地资源的利用现状进行了评价。表明了GIS技术对该区域土地利用评价起到了缩小工作量 ,提高精确度的作用。并且从土地利用角度对海北州人地关系现状进行了描述。  相似文献   
辽宁省城市民族工作随着城市民族关系发展,其重要性日益显著,其主要特点是,政治平等要求逐渐加强,加强国际联系的重要窗口,尊重少数民族宗教信仰和习俗习惯成为民族工作的重要方面,基层民族工作任务加重。对此,各极政府和民族工作部门应对城市民族工作给予高度重视,加强对城市民族工作领导,加强立法。  相似文献   
中日汽车产业的演进及发展模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
汽车产业具有集中度高、关联性强、技术复杂和产业价值链长等特征。由于汽车产业的发展特殊性,许多国家和地区都将汽车产业作为主导型的支柱产业发展。作为后发国的中国汽车产业,如何借鉴国际发达国家的经验,寻求其成长路径和模式是一个重大的战略问题。日本的汽车产业在战后有了迅速的发展,并且已经成为世界的汽车生产大国和强国,其成长的路径和发展战略模式的选择对中国汽车产业的发展具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
《学术批评丛稿》是青年学者杨玉圣同志的一部兼有学术论文和学术评论的论文集,文集自始至终贯穿着实话实说的实事求是精神。科学、健康的学术批评,需要有求索真理、学术自由、学术平等和学术公正的精神。当前中国的学术书评数量上亟待充实、书评队伍需要扩大、书评质量有待提高、书评气氛亟需改善。  相似文献   
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