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农村公路作为公益性最强的公共基础设施,无疑是农村生产生活、经济社会发展的基础。民和回族土族自治县由于受地区条件的限制,全县大多数乡镇、行政村分布零散,点多面广,落后的交  相似文献   
定窑是中国古代最具代表性的白瓷窑场之一,在中国古代陶瓷发展史上占有举足轻重的地位。定窑有着丰富的文献记载和大量传世品,是古陶瓷研究中成果最为丰硕的窑场之一。随着近代考古学的兴起,湮没已久的定窑窑场于1922年被重新发现,经过百年来的考古调查与发掘,以及逐渐丰富的考古学研究,定窑研究正在向更为广阔和深入的方向发展。  相似文献   
This article examines Rwanda's gender equality policies with the intention of contributing to the ongoing debate in the literature on the meaning of gender equality initiatives in authoritarian states. The article evaluates the transformative potential of Rwanda's gender equality policies with reference to deep‐rooted societal norms and practices within which gender inequalities are embedded. To this end, the article draws on in‐depth interviews conducted in Rwanda with a range of stakeholders, as well as on documentary research. It explores the factors informing the Rwandan commitment to gender equality, and the positive developments this has brought about, before identifying five trends that threaten the transformative potential of Rwandan gender equality policies. The authors conclude that while a strong political will and target‐driven policies offer opportunities for promoting gender equality, the transformative potential is jeopardized by the dominance of an underlying economic rationale; the neglect of the ‘invisible labour’ of women; the formalistic implementation of gender policies and their focus on quantitative results; the limited scope for civil society voices to influence policy; and the lack of grassroots participation.  相似文献   
This article discusses seven bone fragments excavated during the second Belgian archaeological campaign at ed-Dur (tomb G.3831, area N). Rather than weaving implements, these objects are identified as the reinforcing bone laths of composite bows. Information on the composite bow in general—origins, structural composition and technical advantages—will be given. Additionally, the question of which types of composite bows could have been present at ed-Dur and what role these weapons could have played at the site are discussed.  相似文献   
冷战结束以来,与世界政治及安全形势的动荡与变化相适应,日本在外交与安保战略方面不断强化与美国的同盟关系,同时在国内积极推进以“有事法制”为核心的安全保障战略的重新定位与调整。尤其是以“有事法制”体系的建立为标志,日本关于国家安全战略的定位与方向性的政策研讨及法制建设基本完成,日本回归“普通国家”的过程进入了新的阶段。  相似文献   
可持续发展是世界各国的共同选择,是人类生存和发展的条件。20世纪日本在经济发展中遇到了环境被严重污染和破坏的问题,并及时实施了一系列环境保护的政策和措施,全面推进可持续发展战略,对于扭转经济发展过程中的生态环境恶化得了较好的效果。日本的经验、教训及治理对策,对于我国实施可持续发展战略具有重要的借鉴和启示价值。  相似文献   
中日俄在东北亚地区的能源博弈   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国际能源消耗与日俱增,原油价格不断飙升,“能源安全”问题日趋凸显。比邻而居的中日两国都是世界能源消耗大国和能源进口大国,在能源领域有着“共同的弱点”。近些年中日在东北亚地区围绕俄罗斯西伯利亚·远东输油管线建设问题展开了激烈的博弈。作为能源供应国的俄罗斯,大搞能源外交,有意在东北亚能源市场中引入竞争机制,谋求本国利益最大化,这在客观上进一步加剧了中日在输油管线问题上的恶性竞争。在能源领域,如何协调和缓解对抗式、排他式的恶性竞争,避免传统的“零和博弈”是摆在中日俄面前的重要课题。  相似文献   
Potential mechanisms for the changing appearance of Qin terracotta was evaluated on simulated bricks with, SO2, NH3, O3, and a NH3/O3 mixture for total dosages of 2.2–5.4 ppm-years. Changes in the surface composition and appearance were evaluated with scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive X-ray analysis (SEM–EDX) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). No observable changes with O3 exposure were found. Sulfate as sulfur and ammonium as nitrogen increased by 1.2 at% and 0.8 at% of the surface deposit as determined by XPS. O3 did not have a detectable effect by itself, but when combined with NH3, NO3 as nitrogen increased by 1.5 at%, indicating a strong oxidation of NH3 to nitric acid. The combination of outdoor O3 infiltration with indoor NH3, presumably from the visitors, appears to have a greater potential for damage than either pollutant by itself. SEM–EDX mapping of the surface showed sulfur associated with calcium and magnesium compounds after SO2 exposure, but not before. More detailed microscopic examination showed this primarily in the form of gypsum, especially near cracks and pits in the surface. Both of these mechanisms are probably among the causes of changes in terracotta appearances since they were unearthed in 1974.  相似文献   
历代校勘<史记>的成果不仅为我们保存了一些珍贵的<史记>古本资料,而且它们清楚地显现了古本<史记>如何成为今本<史记>的轨迹;同时,这些校勘成果在一定程度上也反映了古代学者对<史记>的关注以及古代校勘学的理论与实践.  相似文献   
几件青铜器的科学分析和修复   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为对几件出土的青铜剑、青铜器和弯形器进行保护研究,用X射线探伤、X射线衍射、金相显微镜、扫描电镜和原子吸收光谱等方法对器物的形貌、成分及制作技术进行了分析。分析结果表明青铜剑0125的剑格和茎部锈层下有合范痕迹一些铸造小缺陷;弯形器腐蚀形态为均匀性腐蚀,枝晶间腐蚀和活性腐蚀;0108表面有合金层和褶皱,合范痕迹;0101、0102断面没有任何锈蚀及金属疲劳痕迹。器物经用不同方法清洗、铝箔局部还原处理、倍半碳酸钠浸泡和BTA缓蚀处理后,在相对湿度95%的环境中一周,没有发现新的锈蚀出现,达到良好的保护效果。表明科学分析方法在物保护和修复中是非常有用的,同时还可以获得关于考古学和历史学的很多信息。  相似文献   
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