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Grasslands pose a particular problem for archaeological survey involving artifact assessment, as no material is plowed up to the surface. Although finds in molehills are often the only source of information available on sites with such low visibility, an archaeology of molehills has thus far been largely disregarded. Yet, by applying a low-cost and time-efficient methodology, both the potential and the pitfalls of molehill archaeology come to the forefront. At the medieval harbor site of Monnikerede, it was possible to assess material culture and to locate certain structural elements. However, when artifact densities were compared with the underlying geophysical anomalies, a more complex relationship appeared at the level of individual features.  相似文献   
Roman plasters sampled from different houses at the archaeological site of Herculaneum, Italy, (2010–12) were studied by means of petrography, thermal analysis and X‐ray fluorescence. Herculaneum plasters are composed by preparatory layers (arriccio) with a thickness of several centimetres and are based on a calcitic binder and volcanic scoriae as aggregates, covered by a thin final layer characterized by a low granulometry. Most of the sampled plasters can be placed into two groups based on the aggregate composition and classified as marmorino or intonachino. However, a similar aggregate composition did not induce superimposable thermal behaviour, thus suggesting that the samples underwent different ageing/weathering processes, with a consequent change of the ratio among the components.  相似文献   
Radon (Rn) is a potentially toxic gas in soil which may affect human health. Assessing Rn levels in soil gas usually requires enormous efforts in terms of time and costs, since the sampling protocol is very complex. In most cases, the variable under study is sparsely sampled over the domain and this could affect the reliability of the spatial predictions. For this reason, it is useful to incorporate, into the estimation procedure, some auxiliary variables, correlated with the in soil gas Rn concentrations (primary variable) and more densely available over the domain. On the basis of this latter aspect, it is even better if the covariates are derived from a geographical information system (GIS). In this article, the Rn sampling protocol used during a measurement campaign planned over a risk area is described and the process of deriving GIS covariates considered as secondary information for predicting the primary variable is clarified. Then, multivariate modeling and prediction of the Rn concentrations over the domain of interest are discussed and a comparative study regarding the performance of the prediction procedures is presented. Rn prone areas are also analyzed with respect to urban and school density. All these aspects can clearly support decisions on environmental and human safeguard.  相似文献   
严修任贵州学政三年,大胆采取革新考试题、严惩替考者、革新课程、设立官书局等措施,革除科举考试流弊,扭转了考风学风、推动了贵州教育近代转型,其整饬教育的措施至今仍有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
Small angle neutron scattering and neutron phase analysis techniques have been for the first time jointly employed to extract microscopic parameters of ceramic samples prepared under controlled conditions, in an attempt to establish a protocol for deriving information on the firing process. Data have also been collected on two series of early medieval samples from the Italian regions of Cuma and Miseno. The variation of the microscopic features observed on these samples could mirror some technological evolution in the period spanning from the 6th to the 12th century AD.  相似文献   
本文概括论述了成吉思汗经略西北边疆的出众文略,指出他组建新的依靠力量,经略中西驿路交通,短短几年便统一中国西北边疆,达到了建立欧亚帝国和促进人类古代最广大的一次“握手”的一代辉煌,以及成吉思汗处理西北民族关系和塑建开放性民族结构之成功。同时剖析了他因文化的局限性而造成的两大失误给他本人和子孙带来的悲剧。最后,剖析了领土观念、制度文化、利益依附关系如何成为边疆分裂的根本因素。  相似文献   
19世纪中后期,西力东侵,维系原来中国、朝鲜和日本三国关系的条件发生了变化,东亚地区三个古老的国家开始相继实现对外开放的历史进程。三国在向近代外交迈进的过程中表现出不同的姿态。中朝两国的统治者都不能以对世界变局的正确认识以及健康的心态迎接来自西方的挑战,融入新的国际秩序。只有日本在新的形势面前适时摒弃传统的世界观,以近代世界观看待东亚秩序问题,进而建立一个以日本为中心的东亚新秩序。三国在19世纪中后期不同的外交取向,与其是否能够与时俱进,形成近代世界秩序观有着直接的关系。  相似文献   
2006年9月1日至2日于东北师范大学举办了“在世界文化场域中的中日文化·文学”国际学术研讨会。本届国际学术研讨会由东北师范大学与日本早稻田大学联合举办,是继2002年7月之后双方举办的第二次国际学术研讨会。  相似文献   
幕末为挽救农村的危机而由二宫尊德创立的报德运动,在明治维新后持续的农村疲敝中,由他的弟子一直继承下来。特别是在日俄战后的地方改良运动中,报德运动从自发的民间组织的行为变成了内务省主导下的运动,报德思想也成了地方改良运动的指导理念。  相似文献   
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