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ABSTRACT This paper provides theoretical and empirical analyses of the effect of transportation subsidies on urban sprawl in a two‐mode urban spatial model. Comparative static analysis shows, among other things, that the urban area contracts with a public transit subsidy but expands with an auto subsidy. The paper provides the first empirical test of these hypotheses and finds that the spatial size of the urbanized area shrinks with an increase in transit subsidies but increases at a decreasing rate with auto subsidies.  相似文献   
依据甲骨卜辞和考古资料,我国目前最早的社祭遗存属于商代二里岗上层时期.在甲骨卜辞中,商代的社与战争有着密切的关系.一般说来,当时的社有不同的种类,有木质或石质的主.社神的地位要低于祖先神的地位,其祭品主要是人牲、牺牲、酒等,但还没有像后世那样明显的等级差别.  相似文献   
通过对比研究,巫山麦沱M47所出“西王母俑”应该是“西王母陶灯”,其时代为“东汉晚期”。M47的时代也应该是“东汉晚期”,而并非原报告所定的“东汉早期”。该器物不是生活实用器,而应为祭祀或殉葬的明器,祈求通过西王母神来引魂升天。  相似文献   
苏多杰 《攀登》2006,25(2):83-86
环境政策是西部民族地区环境保护的基石。西部民族地区现行的环境政策对保护西部民族地区环境,促进社会经济的发展起到了一定的作用。但不论从政策覆盖面、政策的深度,还是政策的配合和执行政策后所产生的效应来看,均存在许多不足。为了能最充分地发挥环境政策效应,本文设计了环境政策的基本框架,并提出了分类环境政策设计的思路。  相似文献   
蒋国为"周公之胤",是西周早期分封的重要侯国。鉴于周公特殊的历史地位,周公家族在西周时期的受封情况以及家族内部的宗法关系,都值得重视。对周公之胄的蒋国相关问题进行考察,不仅能了解周公家族在两周时期的发展情况,同时有利于从个案的层面考察西周时期的分封制,从而深化对周代宗法、分封的认识。有关蒋国的研究资料较为匮乏,学者们关于蒋国的研究也不多见。  相似文献   
La mayoría de especialistas en la historia de la iglesia de las Filipinas reconocen el gobierno del arzobispo de Manila, fray Felipe Pardo (1677–1689), como uno de los más conflictivos de la historia del archipiélago. Sin embargo, poco o muy poco se ha escrito sobre las actividades políticas y económicas de sus capitulares, particularmente en lo que se refiere a los períodos de sedes vacantes. Frente a la imagen monolítica y triunfante que la historiografía modernista ha proporcionado del discurso tridentino, lo cierto es que hubo grietas, divergencias y conflictos derivados de su confrontación con la realidad local. Los prebendados no constituían un grupo socialmente homogéneo, sino caracterizado por intereses, identidades y lealtades móviles que dependían de contextos políticos y económicos. En este ensayo vamos a analizar las políticas civiles y eclesiásticas de los prebendados del cabildo catedralicio, haciendo especial énfasis en la conflictividad capitular que siguió a la muerte del arzobispo Pardo (1689) hasta finales del siglo XVII.  相似文献   
王绚  张溯 《东南文化》2018,(1):81-87
大汶口文化流行以獐牙随葬和拔牙的习俗。以獐牙随葬的习俗出现于大汶口文化早期,到中、晚期有逐渐增多的趋势。除了以獐牙随葬外,还随葬一种由獐牙制作而成的钩形器。拔牙习俗出现于大汶口文化早期,中、晚期在鲁中南地区的大汶口遗址中仍然流行。拔牙的形式极为统一,均为拔除上颌两颗侧门牙。拔牙和以獐牙随葬的习俗主要流行于汶泗流域的遗址中,分布地域相同,其他地区发现很少。这两种习俗在大汶口文化时期较为兴盛,到龙山时期几乎消失不见。可能源自大汶口先民对獐的图腾崇拜,拔掉上侧门齿以模仿獐的样子,生前随身携带獐牙制作的勾形器,死后随葬獐牙,均是图腾崇拜的反映。  相似文献   
Authenticity is a significant concept in the heritage field. However, the connotations of authenticity and its relevance to Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) need further consideration. This paper ascertains the function of authenticity in the heritage field and reconceptualises authenticity so as to relate it to ICH. The subjectivities of ICH practitioners, as well as their subjective perspectives and experiences are privileged in this research, in line with the general aims of Critical Heritage Studies. Drawing on the idea of ‘existential authenticity’, which was developed in tourism studies, this paper presents a concept of ‘subjective authenticity’ with which to describe the ability of ICH practitioners to convey the dynamic, subjective and developing ICH values in both intrapersonal and interpersonal embodiments. Using case studies of ICH from Lijiang, China, the idea of subjective authenticity is evidenced and illustrated. Meanwhile, the materialist or ‘objective’ authenticity that exists in the Chinese Authorised Heritage Discourse is critiqued as inappropriate. Theoretically, this paper investigates people’s subjectivities and experiences in the process of ICH value-making, as well as identity-making. The results contribute not only to the establishment of an inclusive concept of authenticity in heritage studies, but also to the theorisation of existential authenticity in tourism studies.  相似文献   
宿晨 《收藏家》2008,(5):43-48
红山文化因首次发现于赤峰红山而得名。是中国北方新石器时代最具代表性的古文化,距今5500毛左右。除最引入瞩目的大型祭坛遗存、丰富多彩的彩陶遗物外,成批精美的玉器和玉龙的发现,  相似文献   
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