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The purpose of this paper is to spatially and regionally examine academic engagement within Brazil, identifying patterns. Moreover, our investigation can contribute to a better understanding of how knowledge can be turned into a tool to fight regional inequality. We depart from two hypotheses: first, universities situated in peripheral regions interact more with companies from relatively more dynamic regions, and second, in the absence of industrial knowledge demand, universities tend to collaborate more closely with a diverse range of stakeholders in the region. To evaluate these hypotheses and find empirical evidence, we consider 4497 research groups and 4603 nonacademic organizations as “nodes” connected by 8830 collaborations throughout all Brazilian regions. Social network tools are used to illustrate the spatial and regional dimensions of academic engagement more accurately. The results show that academic engagement is not regionally homogeneous, demonstrating essential differences regarding local nonacademic partnerships. Innovation policies, which encourage only university–firm interactions, perpetuate regional inequality.  相似文献   
本文以太仓库为切入点,指出张居正时代的中央财政制度改革是在屯田、盐法开中、民运等原有财政体系日渐无法满足北边军镇基本常规需求的情况下,在嘉靖、隆庆以来持续改革的基础上,为改变太仓库长期入不敷出的局面而进行的努力。这次改革在财政方面展现出强烈的中央集权化倾向,但其间太仓库收支渐增的趋势仍在,收不抵支的隐患仍存,北边军镇屯田等原有财政供应体系日渐失效的基本问题未能解决。张居正死后,太仓库财政状况迅速恶化。因此,张居正时期的改革仅仅是推延了明王朝财政崩溃的时间而已。  相似文献   
This article focuses on the controversy over the charges of sexual impropriety made against Father Franz Reittemberger within the context of worship of Nuestra Señora de la Luz (Our Lady of Light) in the mid‐eighteenth century Mariana Islands. As is well known, this cult began to spread around the Americas and the Philippines (via New Spain) starting in 1740, and it became a cohesive force in a multiethnic society perched on the outskirts of Spain's overseas empire. The Society of Jesus arrived in the Marianas' archipelago in 1668 to found a mission with the economic support of Queen Mariana de Austria, Philip IV's widow and regent of Spain. In 1758 Father Reittemberger founded the Marian devotion to Our Lady of Light. After the expulsion of the Jesuit order from the Spanish islands of the Pacific (1769), the Augustinian commissaries of the Holy Office accused the congregation's founder of the crime of sollicitatio ad turpia. In examining this Inquisition trial Jesuit and Augustinian rivalries come to the fore, revealing the larger anti‐Jesuit sentiments that drove public censure of the colonial church in the Spanish overseas possessions.  相似文献   
姚霏  苏智良  卢荣艳 《历史研究》2013,(1):115-131,192
创建于1928年的上海大光明电影院,以好莱坞电影和西方现代主义的建筑装饰,迎合并引领上海民众推崇西方娱乐方式和文化,带动电影院成为近代上海摩登生活的文化地标。以大光明为代表的电影院,并非仅仅彰显娱乐功能。事实上,近代电影院显示出超越电影放映场所的多元功能。作为 "影片—影院—社会"这一信息传播链的中间环节,大光明电影院通过对好莱坞文化的传播刺激着上海社会对好莱坞元素的消费和再生产;同时,近代上海社会的民族主义、族群意识甚至政治风云也影响人们对电影的评价和对影院空间的态度。  相似文献   

Through a critical consideration of recent proposals urging the use of “citizen forums” or “mini-publics” on issues involving science, this article reflects on the challenge posed to democracy and democratic decision making by the intellectual authority of modern science. Though the danger of a descent into technocracy is real and pressing, arguably the most serious challenge to democracy today, these novel “deliberative democratic” institutions are unpromising as a corrective beyond the local level, and may actually exacerbate the problem. The article concludes with a consideration of alternatives.  相似文献   
We present the results of six years of archaeological work carried out in Heping Dao, Keelung, northern Taiwan. The site has revealed a rich archaeological record spanning a sequence that comprehends most of the history of Taiwan, including the most salient historical landmarks in it. The study of this long-term sequence of habitation in Heping Dao throughout prehistory to current times, allows us to attempt a historical archaeology of the longue duree of the place that in turn enables the establishment of comparisons between periods and raising of specific questions, among them: the general understanding of cultural transformation along the Neolithic and the Iron Age, and in turn the transition Iron Age/Aboriginal historic times in Taiwan, which in our view has to be observed as a history of continuity rather than of interruptions; the recognition of the Chinese presence in Taiwan in the pre-European period; the implantation of the European colony and its effects on the local populations; the differing material remains and impacts caused by the presence of pre-European Chinese and the Qing occupation; and the potential for a comparison between the European and the Japanese colonial projects as seen in the material record.  相似文献   
Emotions and perceived cultural differences have only recently been subject to sustained attention from international historians. By tracing the role of personal politics in Anglo-American relations with Portugal in the mid-1940s, this paper intends to introduce hitherto neglected culturalist approaches into the historiography. The purpose is to illustrate the importance of cultural factors to scholarly explanation of Anglo-American relations and rivalries, of the decline of British influence over Lisbon and of the continuation of the authoritarian Portuguese regime after the Second World War, albeit integrated into an American sphere of influence.  相似文献   
通过对比研究,巫山麦沱M47所出“西王母俑”应该是“西王母陶灯”,其时代为“东汉晚期”。M47的时代也应该是“东汉晚期”,而并非原报告所定的“东汉早期”。该器物不是生活实用器,而应为祭祀或殉葬的明器,祈求通过西王母神来引魂升天。  相似文献   
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