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为了用实际行动响应党中央、毛泽东整风的号召,张闻天在参加延安1941年9月政治局扩大会议后,即下决心到农村去调查研究。他的请求得到了党中央的同意。于是从中央几个部门抽调了九名干部(包括张闻天夫人刘英),组成“延安农村调查团”,由张闻天担任团长,出发调查。  相似文献   
This tomb,consisting of a vertical passage and a main room made of brick,excavated by Xi‘an Municipal Institute of Relics Preservation and Archaeology in August, 1998. According to the epitaph,the occupant was Zhuzeng(朱zheng),a member of imperial family,titled Qianyang Duanyi King(汧阳端懿王). There were 111 materials such as pottery ceremonial figurines with bright color,vivid expression and various action;fine models of house and furniture with well--preserved color,sacrificial utensils;porcelains ;bronze coins ;wooden stamp and stone epitaph etc. excavated out . This excavation provided detail data for us to study the tomb formation,burial custom,style of construction,art of clay sculpture,characteristics of furniture,ceremonial system and cloth fashion etc. of Ming dynasty.  相似文献   
义和团起源研究的回顾与随想   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在中国近代史上,很少有什么历史事件,像义和团这样引起过如此长期的众说纷坛的讨论──特别是义和团起源问题。一百年来几代的历史学者、政治人、传教士和记者为阐释这个问题留下了大量的文字。究其原因,这不仅是由于义和团的起源复杂、组织奇特、可供解释的文字史料和其他的人文传承物又过于零散,因而使这一历史现象本身就带有许多模糊不清、彼此矛盾的因素;而且也因为这是一个人们在考察晚清政局乃至考察中国的历史脉络时都容易发生联想的问题。长期以来,人们出于不同的立足点和方法论,勾廓出了许多不同的乃至于是对立的义和团“起…  相似文献   
春节晚会又快登场了。今年,人们除了谈论赵本山和他的徒弟们,还多了一个期待:小虎队将在晚会上复出,天后王菲也很可能闪亮登场。  相似文献   
最近,奥斯卡影帝尼古拉斯·凯奇的日子很不好过。继被前财务经理、银行、前妻上门追债后,凯奇又面临新一轮的财务危机。据报道,有地产投资公司起诉他欠款两年之久。人们惊讶地发现,片酬2000万美元的影帝如今连300万美元也还不起了。  相似文献   
Around the year 1891, four theatres were established in the Guangzhou Prefecture. Three were located in the provincial city of Guangzhou, and one was in the town of Foshan. For a long time, Chinese operas were, on most occasions, performed either in private gardens or in public outdoor spaces. We may presume that the rise of these theatres as an urban phenomenon in the late nineteenth century would ultimately transform the form and style of opera performance in one way or another. However, material concerning the above-mentioned theatres is too limited for us to understand their buildings, furnishings, stage and seat arrangements, lighting and sound effects, and other related aspects. It is therefore very difficult for us to explore the possible connection between the physical elements of these theatres and the style of opera performances. Fortunately, in the mid-nineteenth century, some Cantonese merchants who were active in San Francisco hired a number of opera troupes from Guangzhou to travel to San Francisco and perform in American theatres. Some years later, they even built their own theatres in China Town especially for the performance of Chinese opera. English materials describing these overseas performances and theatres allow us to have some idea of what a Chinese theatre might be like, and to speculate how these overseas experiences may have left an impact on local opera troupes back in Guangzhou.  相似文献   
<正>中共十一届六中全会通过的《关于建国以来党的若干历史问题的决议》(以下简称《历史决议》),是在中共中央政治局常委会领导下由邓小平  相似文献   
男人和女人的性别角色界定,本是一个社会最基本的秩序和制度之一。但是,现在恐怕很难找出一个稳定的男女性别关系模式来  相似文献   
有个段子说,在富翁葬礼上,一年轻人哭得死去活来。不明真相的人问:"是你父亲吗?"年轻人哭得更厉害了:"不是,就因为他不是我父亲。"与遗产无关的人,还能为此痛哭,那些与遗产相关的人要为这遗产奋不顾身,更在情理中。  相似文献   
近年来,海林市的旅游事业得到了长足的进步与蓬勃发展.这主要体现在生态环境的改善与自然风光的开发方面,如以人文景观为基础的杨子荣烈士陵园、威虎山影视城、俄罗斯风情园;以山水风光为基础的中国雪乡、海浪河漂流、北方小九寨沟、莲花湖;以动植物为基础的横道河子虎园、海林湿地公园景点等,都已成为旅游胜地.诚然,海林市的自然景观已经开始得到了大力开发和利用,但是能否说明海林市的旅游资源已经得到全面开发和利用了呢?笔者认为还有应该开发而未开发的地方.例如人文景观中的宁古塔文化旅游资源就亟待开发和利用.研究历史的终极目的是为经济建设服务,为促进海林旅游事业的进一步发展,本文借鉴李兴盛先生的研究成果,就这一问题进行一些粗浅的探讨,借以抛砖引玉,以期引起社会各界有识之士及相关部门领导的重视.……  相似文献   
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