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走过长着芭蕉树的水等边,走过窝特节沙村子边,那里住着阿莫人。阿布啊阿布,电您在人间的饭,只能吃到这一天了,您就要到兔寨里找食物了。您在人间的水,只能喝到今天了,您就要到鬼寨里找泉水了。您走出了插达流②的寨门,您走到了寨边七条岔路口,不该走的路您别走,沿着祖先的路去”巴。阿布啊阿布,你顺着甜笋蓬往前走,记着转到后山去,别忘到扣子那里去看看,鸟儿是否扣住了。③白闭鸟鸟儿扣住了,白鹃鸟肉鬼不吃,不要带给祖先去。阿布啊阿布,您往漂姑阿它央⑧那里走,再往水鬼滚玩的泥潭去,您走过一条分岔的河,一条岔河洗头脸,一条岔河洗全身;当您…  相似文献   
多少年以前,人们只会种芋吃,后来才会种谷子。所以,景颇人叫粮食这个词,就是芋头和谷子这两个词组成的,而且芋这个词还放在前。据说,人们还在木死省腊崩山脚居住的时候,一直是种芋吃的。有一次,一个景颇人南下到密支那一带地方,看到那里的人  相似文献   
楚雄城西北32公里的吕合街,有一座横跨紫甸河的大桥,人称吕仙桥。桥长19米,宽5米。自古以来就是滇西的交通要道,至今五百来年仍然象从前一样坚固。这座桥为什么叫做吕仙桥呢?在吕合坝子中流传着这样一个故事:  相似文献   
传说,很久以前,苗家山寨里,有一家人,夫妇俩都四十多岁了,老婆才生下一个又白又胖的小儿子,老两口高兴得不得了,把小儿子当成心肝宝贝。小孩的舅舅家有两个姑娘,一个大他一岁,一个小他一岁。十一二岁的时候,舅舅和舅母就把大女儿许配给了他,帮他定了婚事。一年后,小孩的父母相继得病去世。舅舅看到他无依无靠,就把他带到家里去。初到时,舅舅一家都对他还好,可是,没过几天,就逼他上山砍柴,割草、放羊,让他什么重活都干。后来,舅舅就不再把他当成小姑爷。拉嫫也不把  相似文献   
随着13世纪蒙古军队越来越接近欧洲,欧洲人便开始注意中国的边疆地区了.在罗马教皇使节普兰·德·迦儿宾及其后继者带着关于这一地区及其民族的第一手资料返回之前,还没有任何人真正了解这一地区。在马可·波罗长期熟悉了解了这一辽阔的疆域返回欧洲以后,公众对这一地区的兴趣进一步高涨起来。但14世纪以后,欧洲对该地区的了解和兴趣又停滞不前了。只是在西伯利亚殖民化并紧接着恢复了与这些地区的接触后.欧洲才又重新燃起了对它  相似文献   
移民与发展中的社会——墨西哥北部的华人   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
墨西哥华侨的经历是海外各地华侨经历的一个缩影,但也有自己明显的特色。在20世纪第一个25年,华侨曾是墨西哥北部重要的社会和经济集团,然而,20世纪20年代晚期和30年代初,成千上万的华侨被驱逐出索诺拉(sonora)州,他们企图继续致富的希望破灭了。索  相似文献   
1987年3月至5月,湖北省博物馆、郧阳地区博物馆和丹江口市博物馆联合抢救性发掘了丹江口市肖川区黄峰乡关门岩沿丹江水库降水一线出露的战国两汉墓葬28座。墓地位于肖川区东北2.5公里,在肖川区以北伸入丹江水库的半岛东部。墓葬沿水库边缘自北往南分布于北泰山庙、秦家坡、付家院后、水牛坡、汤家洼、何家沟口五处平  相似文献   
"An empirical test of the effects of exogenous shocks upon a region's population size is conducted in the framework of an equilibrium locational model. The model emphasizes the separation of endogenous from exogenous factors, a point omitted in most empirical studies of aggregate migration. Exogenous changes are manifested in the local relative cost of living and the local relative unemployment rate. Hypotheses are tested using a national sample of youth, in addition to census, data [for the United States]. Surprisingly, a simple measure of the size of shock to a regional economy has the greatest explanatory power compared to more sophisticated measures based on prior business cycles."  相似文献   
Discrete-choice theory and logit models are evaluated for their usefulness in analyzing migration patterns in a zonal system. The authors "argue that spatial effects and more specifically the relative location of zones are not taken into account in such analyses. We, therefore, introduce a measure of spatial structure and advocate its usage as a predictor of migration in such models. In an example of intrametropolitan migration in Toronto [Canada], we demonstrate that this variable is not only significant but also it improves the performance of all the other variables with the greatest impact on the distance between zones. In addition, inclusion of this variable improves the overall performance of the model in terms of residuals."  相似文献   
"This paper presents a two-sector dynamic model of regional population change. The model contains a migration equation, an earnings equation, and an amenity equation for each region. In the context of this model, migration is seen as a disequilibrium process through which the regional populations move towards equilibrium positions. Migration occurs when one region is perceived to be superior to the other on the basis of its earnings and amenity levels. Equilibrium is achieved when population movements between the regions eliminate any differences in their relative attractiveness. A comparative-static analysis of the model is presented to analyze the effects of policy changes and exogenous shocks on the distribution of population among the regions." The geographical focus is on the United States.  相似文献   
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