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第二部分 从历史社会学到“语言学的转向”。晚近二十年间的历史理论与历史编纂学 1.回到叙述的艺术 1979年Past and Present[《过去与现在》]杂志上发表了劳伦斯·斯通的文章《回到叙述的艺术。对一种新的旧历史编纂学的思考》这份杂志  相似文献   
洪晓纯(以下简称洪):自上世纪70年代以来,您一直是东南亚和太平洋考古最具代表性的考古学家之一可否请您谈谈您对这个区域的研究兴趣开始于何时?以及您这40年来的研究主题有什么更动?贝尔伍德:我对考古学的兴趣始于1960年,那时我才 17岁.原因是那时我阅读了一些和考古学相关的大众读物.当时,我在家乡——英国莱斯特(Leicester)的一家制鞋工厂作学徒.1963年,经过考试我获得英国政府的奖学金进入剑桥大学国王学院,在那儿我学习罗马及欧洲考古直至1966年完成大学学业.  相似文献   
这座位于沙漠贸易通道上的城市,藏匿着许多重要的书籍和神秘的信札,此外还有无数的阴谋。  相似文献   
我此时脚下所踏的地方,曾是整个北美地区最伟大古文明的心脏所在——美洲的第一座城市,甚至可以说是美洲印第安人最辉煌的成就——而我就是对那条穿入古城遗址的四车道公路看不顺眼。  相似文献   
“我一看见他就躲,我不想见到他。”培哈妮(左一)回忆起她初嫁给马吉德的日子,那时她6岁,他25岁。照片里,现年8岁的娃娃新娘与以前的同班同学.同为童妻的加达一起。在家乡哈杰省合影留念。  相似文献   
情绪多变,冲动任性,令人头痛。到底是什么使青春期的孩子变成这样?而从进化的眼光看,他们身上最让人恼火的性格特征,或许正是成年之后获得成功的关键所在。  相似文献   
Humanitarian aid's psycho-therapeutic turn in the 1990s was mirrored by the increasing emotionalization and subjectivation of fund-raising campaigns. In order to grasp the depth of this interconnectedness, this article argues that in both cases what we see is the post-Fordist production paradigm at work; namely, as Hardt and Negri put it, the direct production of subjectivity and social relations. To explore this, the therapeutic and mental health approach in humanitarian aid is juxtaposed with the more general phenomenon of psychologization. This allows us to see that the psychologized production of subjectivity has a problematic waste-product as it reduces the human to 'Homo sacer', to use Giorgi Agamben's term. Drawing out a double matrix of a de-psychologizing psychologization connected to a politicizing de-politicization, it will further become possible to understand psycho-therapeutic humanitarianism as a case of how, in these times of globalization, psychology, subjectivity and money are all interrelated.  相似文献   
In this article, the author uses a slum clearance project in Lexington, Kentucky, as a lens through which to examine the spatial dynamics of racial residential segregation during the first half of the twentieth century. At the time, urban migration and upward socioeconomic mobility on the part of African Americans destabilized extant residential segregation patterns. Amid this instability, various spatial practices were employed in the interest of maintaining white social and economic supremacy. The author argues that such practices were indicative of a thoroughgoing reinvention of urban socio-spatial order that in turn precipitated the vastly expanded scale of residential segregation still found in U.S. cities today. Evidence of this reinvented ordering of urban space lies in the rendering of some long-standing African American neighborhoods as “out of place” within it and the use of slum clearance to remove the “menace” such neighborhoods posed to it.  相似文献   
In 1612 the Bordeaux witchcraft inquisitor Pierre de Lancre (1556–1631), himself linked by marriage to Michel de Montaigne (1533–1592), revealed that the essayist and sceptic was related on his mother’s side to a leading authority on magic and superstition, the Flemish-Spanish Jesuit Martin Delrio (1551–1608). De Lancre confounded historians' expectations by using the revelation to defend Montaigne against his cousin's criticism. This article re-evaluates the relationships of De Lancre, Delrio and Montaigne in the light of recent scholarship, which casts demonology as a form of "resistance to scepticism" that conceals deep anxiety about the existence of the supernatural. It explores De Lancre’s and Delrio’s very different attitudes towards Montaigne and towards evidence and scepticism. This, in turn, reveals the different underlying preoccupations of their witchcraft treatises. It hence argues that no monocausal explanation linking scepticism to witchcraft belief is plausible.  相似文献   
Clark J 《家族历史杂志》2011,36(3):333-349
Most narrators of the Dakota Memories Oral History Project (DMOHP), the children and grandchildren of ethnic German immigrants from Russia, reminisce a great deal about their family relationships -- grandparent-grandchild relationships, parent-child relationships, and sibling-sibling relationships. They share memories of their grandmothers baking them delicious dough dishes, of their fathers making them labor endlessly in the fields, and of their siblings coaxing them into mischief. Through these relationships, Germans from Russia not only learned about their ethnic group's identity, but they also reshaped it into a new identity, blending their past with their present. Within the context of family relationships, these German Russian descendants forged a new identity rooted in their ethnic heritage and history, but serviceable to new, American-born generations.  相似文献   
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