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This essay explores the impact of governance on the Chinese religious landscape during the early years of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) through a case study of the Young Buddhist Association (YBA) of Shanghai. Despite the official atheist ideology of the Chinese Communist Party, during this era of New Democracy the YBA experienced Communist governance in practice as a process of political incorporation rather than coercive eradication. As its Buddhist youth movement not only survived the Communist takeover in 1949 but gained momentum well into the 1950s, the YBA was propelled to the forefront of the Buddhist community in Shanghai and became the most active and influential grassroots Buddhist organization in the early PRC. The case of the YBA demonstrates that incorporation into the new political order of the 1950s had transformative effects on the spatial construction, identity formation, and social dynamics of religious communities that cannot be reduced to steps toward their eventual elimination during the Cultural Revolution.  相似文献   
文化定式是指在跨文化交际过程中,人们将具有相同特征的一群人或者任何民族、种族塑造成一定的形象。不同的社会文化背景和历史条件下,人们对事物的认识会发生变化,有时认识与真实情况完全相悖。苏联不同时期社会对外部世界的认识不一,根本原因在于官方宣传的引导,次要原因是社会传统和文化传承。既有的社会文化定式将长期影响人们对事物的认识。  相似文献   
This article discusses options to allow comparative analysis of inequalities in the distribution of health workers (HWs) across and within countries using a single summary measure of the distribution. Income inequality generally is measured across individuals, but inequalities in the dispersion of HWs must use geographical areas or population groupings as units of analysis. The article first shows how this change of observational unit creates a resolution problem for various inequality indices and then tests how sensitive a simple ratio measure of the distribution of HWs is to changes in resolution. This ratio of inequality is illustrated first with the global distribution of HWs and then with its distributions within Indonesia. The resolution problem is not solved through this new approach, and indicators of inequalities of access to HWs or health services more generally appear not to be comparable across countries. Investigating geographical inequalities over time in one setting is possible but only if the units of analysis remain the same over time.  相似文献   
This article compares coital experience of Chiang Mai 17-20-year-olds who were: (1) out-of-school; (2) studying at vocational schools; and (3) studying at general schools or university. Four-fifths, two-thirds and one-third, respectively, of males in these groups had had intercourse, compared to 53, 62 and 15 per cent of females. The gender difference for general school/university students, but not vocational school students, probably reflects HIV/AIDS refocusing male sexual initiation away from commercial sex workers. Vocational school females may have been disproportionately affected. Loss of virginity was associated, for both sexes, with social-educational background and lifestyle, and was less likely in certain minority ethnic groups. Among males, it was also associated with age and parental marital dissolution, and among females, with independent living and parental disharmony. Within social-educational groups, lifestyle variables dominated, but among general school/university students, parental marital dissolution (for males) and disharmony (for females) were also important, and Chinese ethnicity deterred male sexual experimentation.  相似文献   
马匹是和人类关系最为密切的动物之一,作为人类驯化的一种自然力量,对人类生活和文明进程产生过巨大的影响。柴尔德生前十分关注考古遗址中的马骨研究,在他的《告别辞》中,他特别呼吁考古学家加强对马骨的研究。在得知河南辉县发现了车马坑后,他还特地给中国历史博物馆的王振铎写信,详细询问马车的形制。布鲁斯.特里格提到,马可能是在中亚驯化的,然后与马具一起传到世界各地。然而,这个传播过程目前仍不清楚。马在我国商代就已引入,到春秋战国,马车和骑乘已经成为贵族和军队的常用运载工具,这个过程非常值得研究。目前我国学界对马的作用大致集中在马具和轮车,对马骨本身的研究似乎还比较薄弱,原因可能是缺乏比较系统可靠的鉴定方法。本文从分辨马衔对牙齿和齿隙的损伤来了解马匹的役使,为从马骨证据来了解马的使用提供了一种可行的途径。文章认为,使用马衔会对马的第二下臼齿前缘以及齿隙造成损伤,表现为下第二前臼齿前角的磨蚀、前缘釉质和齿质的带状暴露,在下颌的齿隙部位则会造成骨骼的磨蚀和新骨的形成。人们甚至还会刻意锉去下第二前臼齿的前角,使马在套上马衔时比较舒服。但是,为了和马牙的自然损耗相区别,在分辨马衔磨蚀时,需要检视这种磨蚀是否与上第二臼齿的咬合对应,马匹是否患咬合不正等等。同时还要考虑马衔质地以及役使的方式和强度等因素。我国考古遗址中出土的马骨也很丰富,值得我们仔细研究。结合马具和马车遗存,可以深入了解马在我国历史上的作用和驾驭方式,提高动物考古在社会文化信息提炼上的能力。本文中译因篇幅所限而略去了许多统计表格和一些照片。  相似文献   
The increased lethality of nineteenth-century “arms of precision” caused military formations to disperse in combat, transforming the ordinary soldier from a near automaton, drilled to deliver random fire under close supervision, into a moral agent who exercised a degree of choice about where, when, and how to fire his weapon. The emerging autonomy of the soldier became a central theme in contemporary tactical debates, which struggled to reconcile the desire for discipline with the individual initiative necessary on the battlefield. This tactical conundrum offers revealing insights about human aggression and mass violence. Its dark legacy was the propagation of military values into civilian society, thus paving the way for the political soldiers of the twentieth century.  相似文献   
Numerous Hellenic terms have been gradually adopted during the development of modern medical science. Moreover, there are a significant number of words that derive directly from the Hippocratic texts. Hippocrates (ca. 460-ca. 377 BC), revered as the father of medicine, and his followers left behind a valuable heritage of medical knowledge that, practically, laid the foundations of Western medicine. Their theories, collected in Corpus Hippocraticum, transformed medicine by adding, mainly, clinical observation and inductive reasoning as significant parts of medical diagnosis and treatment. Additionally, Hippocratic writings have provided an invaluable heritage of medical terms for all medical fields. The present article examines the Hellenic and Hippocratic terminology referring to the spine and how this vocabulary has influenced and dominated upon modern spinal onomatology.  相似文献   
在日本大熊町,动物救援工作者浅沼圭(戴棒球帽者)和星礼雄支起烧烤炉,用随风飘散的烤肉香气把狗群引来,以便他们捕捉。这里距福岛第一核电站不到5公里,事故发生后辐射水平骤升,人们举家逃离,宠物纷纷被遗忘在这里。但许多人在离去后十分想念自己的宠物伴侣,当他们得知这批人(其中包括摄影师戴维·古滕费尔德)打算进入禁区寻找动物。纷纷把自己原来的住址告诉救援人员,希望他们帮助自己找到遗失的宠物。  相似文献   
乌鲁木齐是一个多民族聚居的城市,全市每条街道都有少数民族居住。本文通过对乌鲁木齐市天山区这种由多民族居住的社区较多的区为例,探索少数民族聚居社区发展中的问题,对城市多民族社区的和谐构建提出针对性的建议,这样可以为多民族社区的发展提供参考,也可以为民族、社区和城市的共同发展提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   
"水珠形"眼睛的人面像岩画主要分布在中国北方、俄罗斯远东以及西伯利亚中南部地区。其产生于中国新石器时代文化早中期,经过若干发展阶段,并在新石器时代晚期向北境扩散。向东到达黑龙江下游和乌苏里江;向西通过外贝加尔、安加拉河到达叶尼塞河中游地区。西线人面像岩画的传播路线表明,在中西方的古代交通中,存在着一条比草原丝绸之路更为古老的森林岩画之路,其存在年代约为新石器时代晚期到铜石并用时代。  相似文献   
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