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  张义中 《东南文化》2018,(6):23-34,I0001-I0003
2016年2月,安徽省文物考古研究所对淮北市渠沟墓群展开抢救性发掘,实际清理墓葬85座。其中M50为带墓道的单室砖墓,可能是一男二女妻妾合葬墓。M50规模较大,出土大量的模型明器和祭祀类器物。根据墓葬形制和出土器物判断,M50的年代当在东汉前期。墓葬的发掘为研究两汉之际该地区乃至整个江淮流域之间的丧葬习俗提供了重要资料。  相似文献   
2019年11月初,可可西里国家级自然保护区查处了一起非法穿越的案件,记者对此案件进行了全程跟踪报道。11月3日晚,正在参加联合巡护任务的可可西里管理处森林公安局工作人员尼玛扎西、闹布东周、巴义尔3人发现,在可可西里勒斜武担湖北岸发现有灯光闪烁。根据情报信息和巡护经验,他们判断极有可能是非法穿越的人员。  相似文献   
藏历二月十三日,正好是个星期日,西藏天文历算专家银巴开着私家车,带着太太岗祖,我也搭上银巴的车,一同前往林周县卡孜乡的那兰扎寺。那兰扎寺最初是仿照印度著名的那兰陀寺取名并建立的,1435年由萨迦派高僧荣顿夏迦坚参创建,曾是萨迦派最大的显宗讲学院,也是前藏地区最大的萨迦派寺庙。  相似文献   
An entrepreneur has created a new Tibetan perfume brand in Tibet,and she expects to help more people under critical economic conditions with part of the profit.Unlike many young Tibetans longing for a stable job in the public sector after graduating from college,Lhasa entrepreneur Dawa Drolma is living out her dream.  相似文献   
In capricious climates,from multiple angles in the skyt and in difficult conditions beyond our imaginations,this man spent 18 years filming western China from the heavens.The result is over 100,000 aerial photos,which have become the backbone of a valuable photo library.The filming of inhospitable alpine zones in particular have filled a gap in the history of aerial photography in China and even the world at large.His name is Tian Jieyan,the renowned aerial photographer of western China.  相似文献   
At the end of 2019,Ireceived a message from Tsering Gyalpo,a singer and storyteller of the epic of King Gesar.He said he and his fellow villagers had moved from Tsonyi County in Nagqu City to Sengpori,which is in Gonggar County of Lhoka City.With the message,there were some photos of him standing in front of a row of new houses and of himsitting in a living room with brand new furniture all around.  相似文献   
What kind of roads have you traveled on?Perhaps the mountain path you walked on behind your mother?Or the bridleway on which you left your hometown?I have not walked on those roads,but I am going to tell you about a road along which the peach trees blossom.  相似文献   
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