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2004秋天,大约40枚叶尔羌汗国钱币出现在乌鲁木齐的钱币市场上。除了一枚以外,都是同品种的。虽然收藏家以前见过这种钱币,但是好像此类钱币还没被公布过,钱币的铭也没被释读过,这应该是由钱币打造方法造成的。由于打造钱币的印模都比被打的铜片大,还有打压的用力不够,所以实物铭都不完整,单个的实物铭读不全。因而新出现的大量钱币是释读此类叶尔羌汗国钱币的好机会。本篇章是以观察此批钱币与笔收集的5枚为基础写成的。  相似文献   
他死时年仅十几岁,是一个强大家族的最后继承人。这一家族统治埃及及其帝国长达数百年。他被葬入墓中,并最终被人遗忘。自从1922年他的陵寝被人发现后,世人一直在猜测他究竟遭遇了什么,其中最极端的猜测认为他是被人谋杀。在被发现80多年后,他第一次离开墓室.接受了CT扫描(上)。这为人们揣测他的生前诸事提供了新的线索.也为描绘这位少年法老的准确法医学复原图(右)提供了精确的资料。  相似文献   
险峻、荒凉的南乔治亚岛伸出海面,岛上幽昧的南极群峰以及冰原.悬冰川构成了一条180公里长的弧线。从一艘船的甲板上看过去,整座岛屿显得突儿而吊诡,就像喜马拉雅山刚从史前一场席卷全球的大洪水中现小身来。  相似文献   
在"文明使命"价值观的指引下,英国人在印度扮演的角色,既是征服者和殖民者,又是统治者和开化者.他们在治理与掠夺印度的过程中,摧毁了印度原有的社会与经济结构,推进了印度社会的近代化,用强力手段将古老的印度拉进了以英国为中心的世界资本主义体系.  相似文献   
我们这些动物给予植物的尊重是远远不够的。在英语里,某君想要贬损他人,责其学无所长、一无是处的时候,就把此人唤作“盆栽”,对于完全丧失自理能力、日子过不下去的残废者,则称其为“植物人”。但是,少自作聪明了,植物们的日子过得好着呢,而且在人类出现之前早已逍遥了千百万年。  相似文献   
This article reports on mean consumption, poverty (all three FGT measures) and inequality during 2004 for rural India using National Sample Survey (NSS) data for the 60th Round. Mean consumption at the national level is much higher than the poverty line. However, the Gini coefficient is higher than in recent earlier rounds. The headcount ratio is 22.9 per cent. Mean consumption, all three measures of poverty and the Gini coefficient are computed at the level of 20 states and 63 agro-climatic zones in these 20 states. It is surmised that despite impressive growth rates deprivation is pervasive, pockets of severe poverty persist, and inequality is rampant.  相似文献   
Recent debates concerning the abolition of the schizophrenia label in psychiatry have focused upon problems with the scientific status of the concept. In this article, I argue that rather than attacking schizophrenia for its lack of scientific validity, we should focus on the conceptual history of this label. I reconstruct a specific tradition when exploring the conceptual history of schizophrenia. This is the concern with the question of the sense of life itself, conducted through the confrontation with schizophrenia as a form of life that does not live, or as Robert Jay Lifton termed it "lifeless life" (1979: 222-39). I conclude by arguing that the contemporary attempt to deconstruct or abolish the schizophrenia concept involves a fundamental shift in concern. The attempt both to normalize psychotic experiences, and to conceive them purely in terms of cognitive processes that can be mapped onto brain function, results in a fundamental move away from the attempt to understand the experience of madness.  相似文献   
This article looks at three historical efforts to coordinate the scientific study of biological and cultural aspects of human consciousness into a single comprehensive theory of human development that includes the evolution of the human body, cultural evolution and personal development: specifically, the research programs of Wilhelm Wundt, Lev Vygotsky and Albert Bandura. The lack of historical relations between these similar efforts is striking, and suggests that the effort to promote cultural and personal sources of consciousness arises as a natural foil to an overemphasis on the biological basis of consciousness, sometimes associated with biological determinism.  相似文献   
一听到开饭的钟声,延布丹珠法庄寺庙学校的小僧侣就纷纷冲下山坡,撒欢而来。这所学校有400多名小僧侣,他们的学习时间从早上五点持续到晚上九点半。  相似文献   
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