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陈诚,民国史上的一位风云人物,蒋介石的嫡系将领。他在师范学校毕业后,投笔从戎,跻身军界,由排长、连长,位至军长、集团军总司令、参谋总长,其军旅生涯,饱经沧桑,充满了传奇色彩…… 投笔从戎 1918年暑假,20岁的陈诚,站在一生事业和命运的十字路口。他怀揣师范和体专两张毕业文凭,却找不到一个满意的工作。正心乱如麻,彷徨不定。 秀丽的西湖被微风拂起阵阵涟漪。陈诚觉得自己像湖面上的一叶孤舟,漂泊无定;前途如云雾中的亭台楼阁,虚无飘渺。 他来到长途汽车站,决定先返回家乡青田,再从长计议。 突然,一个绅士模样的人,来到他的面前。此人头…  相似文献   
1984年3月,自治区党委和自治区人民政府以新党发(1984)21号文件批复自治区地方志编纂委员会的报告,同意编辑出版《新疆年鉴》。自治区地方志编纂委员会总编室于同年5月着手安排布置年鉴的组稿工作,10月起开始编辑,到1985年2月底基本完稿,3月总纂,4月交印刷厂发排,8月出书,实现了向自治区成立三十周年献礼的预期目的。  相似文献   
郤爱英 《沧桑》2011,(3):33-35
本文就《阳曲续志》篇目设计的创新思路总结了以下几个特点:布局运用大编纲目;排序依据事物次序;分类遵循事物属性;设目彰显地方事物;谋篇体现时代特色。  相似文献   
This article presents a geostatistical methodology that accounts for spatially varying population size in the processing of cancer mortality data. The approach proceeds in two steps: (1) spatial patterns are first described and modeled using population-weighted semivariogram estimators, (2) spatial components corresponding to nested structures identified on semivariograms are then estimated and mapped using a variant of factorial kriging. The main benefit over traditional spatial smoothers is that the pattern of spatial variability (i.e., direction-dependent variability, range of correlation, presence of nested scales of variability) is directly incorporated into the computation of weights assigned to surrounding observations. Moreover, besides filtering the noise in the data, the procedure allows the decomposition of the structured component into several spatial components (i.e., local versus regional variability) on the basis of semivariogram models. A simulation study demonstrates that maps of spatial components are closer to the underlying risk maps in terms of prediction errors and provide a better visualization of regional patterns than the original maps of mortality rates or the maps smoothed using weighted linear averages. The proposed approach also attenuates the underestimation of the magnitude of the correlation between various cancer rates resulting from noise attached to the data. This methodology has great potential to explore scale-dependent correlation between risks of developing cancers and to detect clusters at various spatial scales, which should lead to a more accurate representation of geographic variation in cancer risk, and ultimately to a better understanding of causative relationships.  相似文献   
现在学术界拥有大量关于东方的研究资料,其中包括研究辽阔的新疆地区的文献。19世纪后半叶,亚洲、欧洲的一些人相继前往新疆,所以关于这一地区的研究资料大多是在那时获得的。1857年德国旅行家 A·施拉金特魏特开通了从克什米尔经叶尔羌前往喀什噶尔的路线。1865年英国大地测量学专家约翰逊经昆仑山抵和田,然后到克里雅河。1863年~1869年英国旅行家罗伯特·肖和海沃德曾在喀什噶尔探察。一年后,Д·福赛斯率英国首批使团抵达喀  相似文献   
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