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加拿大没有一个全面的人口分布政策,但有许多联邦政府或省政府的实施计划,它对人口和经济的分布有一定的影响。本文论述了最宏伟的联邦计划——加拿大劳动力迁移计划(CMMP)对加拿大人口移动的影响。  相似文献   
没有人会对任何大城市提出进行一次完满社会调查的主张,由于许多情报资料保密,有些不准确,而且某些重要的社会现象或机构很可能为我们所忽视,那么,可能做出的最好调查也是不完善的。然而。对我们周围的社会生活作些了解,总比毫无所知和漠然置之要好些。在这篇文章中,我们将对济南城作一局部的概述,对该城生活的15或20个主要方面进行一番评  相似文献   
The author considers the demographic importance of levels of sterility and infertility in Africa. The differences between infertility and sterility are first established, and their probable impact on the diffusion of family planning practice in Africa is considered, as well as their impact on demographic trends in general  相似文献   
尼日利亚的中、小学在二次大战前就开设了地理课程,但作为一门学科其基础的奠定则普遍认为是在1948年.当时,伊巴丹大学(系伦敦大学分院)成立并开设了地理学这一门基础课程.这个良好开端使地理学在尼日利亚迅速地得到了发展和推广.1962年,伊巴丹大学和伦敦大学分离并获取了自主权.1960年前,尼日利亚地理学由于遵循伦敦大学的模式,因此不可避免地受到外来影响的  相似文献   
有两个朋友打算出去漫游,他们把所挣的钱均分了,决心去他们想去的任何地方。他俩走了几天,到达了一个岔路口,看见一块牌子,上面写着一条路有尽头,另一条没有。他们站下来想:“怎么办?我们选择哪一条路呢?”末了他们决定各走一条路,年终在同一地点重逢,平分好处。他们靠拈阄来决定,第一个人拈着走有尽头的路,第二个人走另外一条。走在有尽头的路上的那个人,晚上来到一个城市,便留在了那里。另一个人踏上没有尽头的路,走了整整一天,晚上来到一座高山前。他爬上山,看到一个老妇人坐在那里,她手里拿着一个线球,正转动着它。她问他:“喂!先生,你干什么?是对生活厌倦了吗?为什么来到这儿?你注定要被杀死在这儿。”他问:“那么你在这儿干什么?”老妇人回答说:“他们对我施了魔法,我被  相似文献   
This paper proposes an adaptation of demographic transition theory to the nomadism-sedentarism continuum. It is argued that a change along this continuum implies a change in the mode of production, which in turn entails changes in fertility and mortality. The following hypotheses are set forth: 1) at the pastoral phase of a nomadic society, fertility is relatively low and mortality is relatively high, yielding a low rate of natural increase; 2) as a pastoral nomadic society senentarizes, fertility begins to rise and mortality falls, resulting in a sharp rise in natural increase, but as sedentarization becomes more advanced, both these trends slow down somewhat; 3) as the nomadic society becomes fully sedentarized, there is a period in which fertility remains at a high level but then begins to fall slowly, whereas mortality, after reaching a temporary minimum, exhibits a minor increase followed by a resumption of a declining trend; and 4) in the postsedentarization phase, the demographic regime of the ex-nomads becomes similar to the 2nd and 3rd stages of the original demographic transition theory, with a slowdown of the decline in mortality, followed by a later slowdown of fertility and of the rate of natural increase. The hypothesis of rising fertility among sedentarizing nomads is related to both social modernization and economic growth and development, including an improved standard of living and public health services. The interrelated processes of general societal responses to population growth and the changing role of children in the family are assumed to account for the eventual fertility decline. Data from several countries, including a case history from Israel, suggest that birth rates increase along the continuum but their decline at postsedentarization will depend on trends in the general rural sector. Natural increase rates of sedentarizing nomads are considerably higher than those of pastoral nomads. It is concluded that this approach may fill a gap in demographic transition theory and provide a conceptual framework for future studies.  相似文献   
大学前期的地理学地理学在沙特阿拉伯王国是一门举足轻重的学科.地理学课程的教学始于小学四年级直至高中毕业.课程的教材涉及面相当广泛,但缺乏系统性,内容重迭,与现实脱节,教学仍采用传统方式,极少使用最新技术和最新概念进行训练.教科书的内容与我们日常生活毫无关系,不能从微观与宏观上对环境问题提供认识,是深以为憾的.大学前期地理学课程小学:四年级《地理学原理》;方向的辩别力,部分阿拉伯半岛地理学术语和普通知识.五年级《阿拉伯半岛地理》;阿拉伯半岛的方位以及该地区的政治机构和各自最明显的自然特征和文化特征.六年级  相似文献   
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