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Hope was central to cancer control in twentieth-century America. Physicians placed great store in its power to persuade people to seek medical help as early as possible in the development of the disease, when it was most amenable to treatment; to maintain patients' loyalty through what could be a long, painful and uncertain course of therapy; and to encourage doubts about alternative healers. Some also argued that hope could have beneficial therapeutic and psychological effects for patients. However, we know very little about its meanings for the public. Focusing on a large collection of letters written to the Food and Drug Administration in the 1950s concerning an anti-quackery campaign, this article explores how men and women responded to the competing messages of hope promoted by orthodox cancer organizations and by alternative healers. It asks: What did hope mean to such men and women? How did they construct this meaning? How did they decide which treatments were hopeful and which were not? And, how did they use hope to imagine the social world of cancer? In short, this article explores the vernacular meanings, epistemologies, and imaginative uses of hope among Americans in the mid-twentieth century.  相似文献   
年轻女子们沿着台湾的大街小巷站好位置,兜售着一种危险却越来越受欢迎的小吃:槟榔。顾客们把熟石灰抹在槟榔树的种子上,再用蒌叶包起来——“蒌叶果”的别名由此而来——接着便丢入口中大嚼。吃这种东西会上瘾。和烟草嚼块一样,槟榔能使人产生微醺的感觉,减轻饥饿感,消除疲劳。吃这种东西的样子也很不堪,它刺激唾液腺,然后把涌出来的口水染成鲜红色。  相似文献   
This article seeks to dispel the popular myth surrounding the food crises which precipitated food riots in the global South in 2008. Arguing from a structural and historical perspective, the article suggests that global hunger is a deep-rooted crisis that is embedded in the social and structural variables associated within the nation-state that places a restraint on the self-regulating capacity of nation-states in the South. Internationalizing the food crisis, however, will do more harm to the south’s agricultural transformation and rural development. The article argues for integrated rural development that will increase output growth through an institutional, technological, and marketing strategy.  相似文献   
最近几年在历史研究的各个领域中,一个显著趋势是重新审视历史事实。当我们站在与以往不同的观察角度时,历史就会呈现出不同的姿态,对这些予以重新认识也就成为一项新的课题。在这一方面作出回答的,应首推三崎良章的《五胡十六国》(东方书店)。该书首先对“五胡”、“十六国”这些史料用语进行分析,然后以政治史为中心描述了整个时代的概貌,最后以此为基础论述了“五胡十六国”的时代特征。这部著作将综述的作用发挥得淋漓尽致,是日本第一部有关这一时代的专著,其研究成果令人瞩目。除此以外,笔者所见2 0 0 2年的研究论文约87篇,本文拟介绍…  相似文献   
理论界和广大民众高度关注并希望加快推进政治体制改革的良好愿望与政治体制改革在实践中相对滞后的矛盾,说明政治体制改革是一个十分复杂的工程,单单有愿望是不够的。要想使政治体制改革真正能够向前发展,不能靠愿望,要靠动力。因此,探讨政治体制改革的动力问题乃是弄清政治体制改革滞后的原因,寻找推动政治体制改革发展的契机的根本性问题,同时也是准确把握各历史阶段政治体制改革的目标和任务的关键所在。  相似文献   
“你们认为圣火想去哪里?”当中国奥运会策划者向火炬接力专家约翰迈克隆征求有关火炬传递路线的意见时,他提出了这个问题。回答是走遍全球。2008年的奥运圣火是由希腊阳光汇聚点燃.将传遍六大洲;一枝分火炬将登上珠穆朗玛峰.为保证圣火在稀薄的空气中持续燃烧.它会被罩在特殊的风灯里、另有几枝同样取种干希腊的“母火”也都安置在风灯里,全程陪伴本次接力.以防火炬意外熄灭。  相似文献   
The rational system of medicine distinct from magical or religious practices originated with Hippocrates. This revolutionary change established diseases with natural causes and treatments. Epilepsy with its prominent physical and psychic features was regarded in ancient times with superstitious awe and given the name "Sacred Disease." Hippocratic authors distanced themselves from the prevailing supernatural views but were careful not to oppose the traditional medicine especially the cults of Asklepios. This analysis of the practices of Hippocratic and Temple medicine in relation to epilepsy reveals some clear differences and also some overlapping features.  相似文献   
初到拉萨时,诧异于遍布大街小巷的甜茶馆。同样是藏族,也在藏区长大,但这以前却绝少喝过甜茶。在老家时,街上几乎看不到专以卖茶为业的茶馆,最多也就是三朋四友聚在某一人家品  相似文献   
1976年1月5日,李春呜先生在重庆逝世,中华人民共和国外交部领事司获悉后给四川省革委会外事组发去唁电,要求转送给李春鸣晚年客居重庆的家属,唁电如下:  相似文献   
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