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时光流逝,1999年1月即届北平和平解放50周年。北平和谈成功使百万生灵免遭涂炭,使历史悠久的文化古城得以安然无恙,加快了新中国成立的步伐,这件举世瞩目的事件我永远不会忘记。 作为和谈主要参加者邓宝珊的女儿,我亲身经历了这件大事,我认为父亲之所以能  相似文献   
露菲 《炎黄春秋》2000,(8):45-47
一大早接友人电话,告知陆石同志去世了,惊得我半天回不过神儿来。真是太突然了。前些日子去看他,还好好儿的,那天他谈兴很浓,谈到胡乔木、田家英、何其芳、周扬等很多老领导、老朋友。他慢条斯理,话语中充满了深情。我离开时,他还送了我一册《陆石诗书集》。现在怎么一下子就去世了呢!当我赶到陆石同志家时,他的夫人赵中同志,一位自控力极强的资深编辑,已悲痛地说不出话来;女儿雪梅也泣不成声,陆石同志平日坐的沙发也空荡荡的了。  相似文献   
The impetus to pursue the study of ocular motility in sleeping adults was derived from a previous study conducted by the author on infants. He noted through visual observation alone that there was an approximate twenty minute interlude of complete ocular quiescence during each hour of sleep. This period of quiescence was termed 'No Eye Movement Period' or 'N.E.M. Period', and it was the intent of the author to ascertain what effect age would have on the distribution of N.E.M. periods during sleep. In the latter part of 1951, the first continuous all-night recording of ocular motility in sleep using a combined EEG and EOG technique was conducted on the author's eight year old son. Instead of N.E.M. Periods, what he found were aproximately twenty minute periods of vigorous ocular activity including saccadic-like eye movements. Although he ultimately termed these epochs as 'REM Periods', his initial intent was to name them 'Jerky Eye Movement Periods' or "JEM Periods'. Ironically, some three decades later he found that a mathematical measure of jerkiness was a better discriminator than velocity in distinguishing REMs from waking saccades. Kleitman, who was the thesis advisor, played the role of skeptic during the REM discovery and demanded unassailable proof of the existence of REM. His feelings had to be ambivalent inasmuch as the REM state, with its concurrent activated cerebral cortex, negated his own theory that sleep was a completely passive phenomenon.  相似文献   
"... Problems of using a linear, log-linear, or other simple functional forms for the study of interstate migration have been discussed. A general form and the procedure to estimate it have been introduced. 1970 [U.S.] Census data for the 48 contiguous states have been used to estimate the parameters in the general form."  相似文献   
一、引言象牙、兽骨和有关材料,在古代就被用于制作工具(用具)、装饰品和艺术品等.世界各地出土的此类物品作为历史史料对艺术史专家、考古学家和人类学家来说是非常重要的.遗憾的是由于年代久远,埋藏环境、热力变化和自然的矿化过程,这些象牙品中有许多保存状况甚差.从古代起,象牙一直被用来作为艺术表达方式的媒介,而很少考虑到它们脆弱易损的性  相似文献   
跨过黄河,从乌鞘岭往西,是东西长约1000公里、宽十余公里至近百公里不等的狭长地带,位于南、北两山之间,形如走廊,因在黄河以西,被称为河西走廊。  相似文献   
大约在2500年前,位于今天墨西哥南部的奥萨卡谷地发生了一场深刻的社会文化变革,建立起以蒙特尔班为中心的第一个地域性国家。这个国家比该地区以前所发展的任何形式都要复杂。而且,和世界上其他仅有的几个国家一样,蒙特尔班国家是在当地土著文化的基础上发展起来的,没有受到任何其他地区国家的影响。我们研究的目的,是为了探索这一政体发展的基本原因和发展方式。众所周知,有关早期国家起源的问题由来已久,而且对于当代考古学来说仍然是一个重要的理论问题[1]。  相似文献   
清朝的玻璃制造与耶稣会士在蚕池口的作坊   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
天主教耶稣会士纪理安、倪天爵、纪文和汤执中等人在北京任职期间曾经在蚕池口建立了制造玻璃及画珐琅玻璃器皿的作坊。其多数制品是日用工艺品,亦有数学和天文学仪器,而以金星玻璃为代表的佳作则是中国和欧洲宫廷及教廷之间互赠的礼品。本文大量使用西方档案叙述了欧洲的玻璃工艺,特别是吹制、添色、雕刻和抛光技术在中国的传播历程及其由盛转衰的原因。  相似文献   
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