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中秋节是我国仅次于春节的第二大传统节日。这一天,人们不仅要吃各式各样香甜可口的月饼,而且还互送月饼互相祝福。为何中秋节人们互送月饼呢?这里有一段传说。700多年前,南宋灭亡后,北方的鞑靼人(即蒙古人)南下统治了中原,建立了元朝。他们为了维护自己的封建统治,对各族人民尤其是人口众多的汉族实行极为残酷的民族压迫。统治者将人划分为四等:一等为蒙古人,二等为色目人(元朝统治者对西域各族人及西夏人的总称),三等为汉人,四等为南人(原南宋的臣民)。据传,元朝统治者为了防止汉人团结起来反抗压迫,将汉人家的闺女…  相似文献   
Neighborhoods and Fertility in Accra, Ghana: An AMOEBA-based Approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fertility levels remain high in most of sub-Saharan Africa, despite recent declines, and even in a large capital city such as Accra, Ghana, women are having children at a pace that is well above replacement level and this will contribute to significant levels of future population growth in the city. Our purpose in this paper is to evaluate the way in which neighborhood context may shape reproductive behavior in Accra. In the process, we introduce several important innovations to the understanding of intra-urban fertility levels in a sub-Saharan African city: (1) despite the near explosion of work on neighborhoods as a spatial unit of analysis, very little of this research has been conducted outside of the richer countries; (2) we characterize neighborhoods on the basis of local knowledge of what we call "vernacular neighborhoods"; (3) we then define what we call "organic neighborhoods" using a new clustering tool-the AMOEBA algorithm-to create these neighborhoods; and then (4) we evaluate and explain which of the neighborhood concepts has the largest measurable contextual effect on an individual woman's reproductive behavior. Multi-level regression analysis suggests that vernacular neighborhoods are more influential on a woman's decision to delay marriage, whereas the organic neighborhoods based on socioeconomic status better capture the factors that shape fertility decisions after marriage.  相似文献   
1940年10月,当纳粹德军的炸弹如雨点般降落伦敦的时候.这座城市的居民夜里就在奥尔德怀奇地铁站中避难。二战期间.伦敦像这样用作防空洞的地下站台大约有80个.有时睡在里面的人总数超过17万。  相似文献   
我只想表达我对美国《国家地理》交互杂志的热爱之情。电子版上的照片质量令人赞叹,可自由缩放,并从不同角度观看(譬如布氏穹顶这篇文章)。文章新奇有趣,还能方便地查看新闻和访问Instagram。  相似文献   
本文从《汽车库、修车库、停车场设计防火规范》及《人民防空工程设计防火规范》的有关条文规定出发,结合实际工作,探讨了防排烟设计中碰到的一些问题,包括排烟防火阀的设置、地下汽车库排烟方式的选择、自行车库及摩托车库的防排烟、机械排烟量的计算等问题,并提出了自己的理解和修改意见。  相似文献   
我在利马郊区的印加大道465号住了十年。这座城市由弗朗西斯科.皮萨罗创建。与秘鲁这座沿海大都会的其他许多市民一样,我也认为皮萨罗——这位终结印加帝国的西班牙征服者——把印加的过去给掩埋了,而我也从来没有把印加的王者们看作是活生生的人——直到我六岁的儿子兰斯上学第一天回到家。  相似文献   
Somnambulism, or sleepwalking, has always been of interest to theologians, writers, philosophers, physicians, and others fascinated by unusual behaviors. This parasomnia, which was defined less precisely in the past than it is today, has long been featured in medical dissertations and books of medicine. Further, Shakespeare, Bellini, and Brown, among others, incorporated it into their plays, operas, and novels. Because some somnambulists turned violent and committed other acts detrimental to society, sleepwalking also demanded attention from legal systems, and guidelines were set for whether somnambulists could be held responsible for their actions. This historical review focuses on these developments pertaining to somnambulism through the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries.  相似文献   
阿拉斯加人能种植的农作物并不多,不过就在这为数不多的种类中却有那么几种庞然大物——大黄科植物就是其中翘楚。据说,它们是在18世纪由俄国商人带到这里的,在阿拉斯加夏天漫长的日照下。其生长高度可达1.5米甚至更高。  相似文献   
This article draws together unusual characteristics of the legacy of apartheid in South Africa: the state-orchestrated destruction of family life, high rates of unemployment and a high prevalence of HIV/AIDS. The disruption of family life has resulted in a situation in which many women have to fulfil the role of both breadwinner and care giver in a context of high unemployment and very limited economic opportunities. The question that follows is: given this crisis of care, to what extent can or will social protection and employment-related social policies provide the support women and children need?  相似文献   
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