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到目前为止,在滨海边疆区地域内共发现了145处以上、时间在8~10世纪期间内的遗址,这个时间范围亦即是渤海国存在的时期.从(20世纪)90年代初开始就在属于渤海考古学遗存上进行了范围广泛的考古学考察.在1994年,国立远东大学的专家们与远东分院历史、考古、民族学研究所的考古学家们一起进行对渤海遗存的考察研究工作.韩国和日本的考古学家也参加了一些遗址的发掘.在滨海地区的南半部发掘了包括渤海时期在内的古城遗址、村落遗址、祭祀建筑等在内的遗迹,其中有克拉斯基诺、西涅里尼科沃、戈尔巴特卡、南乌苏里斯克、尼科拉耶夫卡、马里亚诺夫卡、阿乌罗夫卡古城遗址,康斯坦丁诺夫卡-1、阿布里科索沃村落遗址,以及科尔萨科夫卡、科佩京斯克和阿布里科索沃寺庙等祭祀遗址和克拉斯基诺、切尔尼亚京斯克古墓地.  相似文献   
青藏铁路在广大建设不分昼夜的奋斗下,正一步一步地向西藏自治区首府迈进。人们关注着来自建设一线的每一个好消息,期待着一个新时代的开始,中国最后一个没有铁路的省区将消失,西藏和祖国内地的联系更加便捷。可就在此时,国外一些人却对此说三道四,那么,我们到底该不该为青藏铁路喝彩呢?  相似文献   
This article examines the discourse of two American couples in the China trade regarding fidelity and sacrifice during the period in which the spatial confines of the Canton system gave way to the intensified interactions of the Treaty Port era. Before the Opium War, when the Qing court had mandated that Western husbands conducting business in Canton live apart from their wives, marital tension was accentuated by the separation from absentee husbands. In the subsequent Treaty Port era, enhanced spatial mobility of the couples did not assuage their concerns. Instead, intensified cross-cultural encounters allowed them to project their feelings and expectations on the “foreign other” as racial categories developed and their imperial proclivities began to escalate. Bringing the Western women in contact with elite Chinese and other Western women only aggravated their agitation as they faced their Chinese counterparts, whom they readily construed as competitors. The socio-political and spatial reconfigurations provided new dimensions to the discourse of fidelity and sacrifice. The voices of the American couples recorded here are those of individuals, but the underlying anxiety they articulated represented the growing pains of more intimate Sino-Western encounters.  相似文献   
近年来,西方研究人员在撰写有关中国旅游的课题时,对可持续发展旅游业给予了特别的关注。"可持续发展旅游业"这一词可理解为为了达到社会文化、自然环境、以及旅游业经济增长这三点之间的和谐关系而努力发展的旅游业。本文回顾了全球各方力量对旅游业的塑造,并指出在创造积极的旅游前景时其可持续发展性所面临的挑战。对如何执行和研究可持续发展所采取的具体措施及对其的深度理解是当前研究的热点。通过五大路径,十种个人行为及四个组织模块建立可持续发展旅游业的主导思想。  相似文献   
Starting with a court debate which broke out in the spring of 1684, this essay explores the multivalent symbolism of the Kangxi emperor’s first imperial tour to Shandong and Jiangsu provinces in the fall of 1684. Some courtiers advocated treating the Kangxi emperor’s touring activities as a rite of conquest, while others saw them as an exercise in sagely rule and benevolent civil governance. Here I suggest that this ritual controversy revealed a tension between civil and military values within the political culture of the Qing court. Furthermore, this ideological tension became most acute and apparent during the Kangxi emperor’s “eastern” and “southern” tours of 1684, when the imperial procession approached and crossed certain culturally and symbolically significant locations. As such, we are reminded that the legitimization of Qing rule was never fully complete, but was rather an open-ended and ongoing historical process.  相似文献   
诚如梁启超先生所言,“史料为史之组织细胞,史料不具或不确,则无复史之可言。”①历史的、批判的史料学研究,是历史科学的第一步。这是因为,史料既是历史和史家之间的唯一的桥梁,同时又具有不同的层次和质量,不同的史料在反映历史事实的真实程度上有着天壤之别。严格区分不同的史料,仔细辨别真伪正误,方能谈论历史研究。本文试图在前人的研究基础上,从理论上进一步阐述史料的两种不同类型及其不同的价值,明确“遗留性史料”和“记述性史料”两种史料概念,并阐明这一分类的标准和意义。史料的二分法是史料学的重大课题,无论从现…  相似文献   
公元前478年,中国的文化巨人孔子盍然长逝.这位中华文化的集大成者、儒家学派的创始人,不仅对中国文化,而且对世界文化所作出的贡献是超时空的、是无国界的.……  相似文献   
在我十二、三岁的时候,有一天家里来了一对非常陌生的男女,两人都上了年纪,穿着也很普通,但是父母显然很尊重他们,用一对平日里不常见的杯子为他们倒了茶,在我当时的感觉里。只有来了很重要的客人,父亲才会拿出这两个他收藏了很久的茶杯,可以说这两个茶杯就是客人尊贵身份的象征。  相似文献   
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