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自古以来,歌谣作为民间文学的体裁之一,记载着各民族丰富多彩的生活。在《诗经》中,就有“心之忧关,我歌且谣”的说法。生活在青藏高原的土族是甘青地区特有的少数民族,流传于土族群众中充满着浓郁民族风格和乡土气息的儿童歌谣就是土族文化宝库中的一颗明珠,散发着独特的魅力。本文以流传于青海大通,  相似文献   
关昕 《东南文化》2018,(6):98-103,127-128
非物质文化遗产(非遗)作为博物馆展览的主题已成为常态。经过多年的发展,"非遗"主题展览已经形成了相对模式化的叙事类型和同质化的发展特征。这一现状反映了多重话语博弈下的行业惯习,同时也体现了非遗作为一种文化遗产行政话语所应有的限度。"非遗"主题展览应与强调多元、互动与阐释性的新博物馆学发展趋势相呼应,关注非遗变化与改造的实践性,摆脱"非遗"话语与行业惯习接驳的逻辑自洽,反思性的回归博物馆多线和声的智识传统,从而使非遗与展览的关联拥有更多的可能性。  相似文献   
正Whenever anybody feels uncomfortable,a doctor,once called,will immediately come to provide his or her services.As part of the new wave of doctors providing their services to smaller communities,"homebased doctors"are gradually being introduced to common civilian homes.At present,Lhasa City has been positively promoted the home-  相似文献   
正The sun shines upon the earth in spring.The Paltang Xuanzi is a well-known dance from Paltang County,Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture.In the village committee of Yarigon's Daxu Village,there are over 100 villagers gathered together,discussing something of great importance."Today,I have a bit of good news!"said Sonam Drakpa,party secretary of the town of Yarigong,while surrounded by locals."Lu Guangrong,the party secretary of Chengdu's Xihanggang Street in  相似文献   
The quick and accurate identification of post-earthquake rescue objects can minimize the casualties and property loss caused by earthquakes. With the rapid development of remote sensing technology, rescue objects can be identified through high-resolution remote sensing images. There are two main categories of approaches to identify rescue object through high-resolution images: automatic extraction by a computer and visual judgment by professionals. Although results can be obtained quickly by using automatic extraction, the accuracy of the results is unacceptably low. For visual judgment, the large demands for time and professionals restrict its wide practical application. In this study, we introduce crowdsourcing into the identification of post-earthquake rescue objects. First, we integrate the advantages of the computer and crowdsourcing, which means that the computer takes advantage of the speed of information processing, while crowdsourcing makes full use of human recognition capabilities. Second, we take visual judgment tasks out of the hands of professionals and entrust the tasks to workers in a crowdsourcing platform. Not only are the human resources infinite, but we can also improve the efficiency of identifying rescue objects. Third, we propose a crowdsourcing model that improves the quality of the results and saves human resources. Finally, experimental results demonstrate that our solution is feasible.  相似文献   
本文从中国对瑞典认识和记述的历史这一角度,介绍并论述了作者收藏的孤本书籍《瑞典国记略》。文章指出,迄至清朝末年,中国对瑞典的认识经历了如下六个阶段:第一阶段,从明末到清代康熙中期。通过西洋传教士的介绍,对瑞典开始有初步的了解。第二阶段,从康熙晚期到道光初年。主要是清朝官方和个别出洋商人,通过出使他国偶然接触到的瑞典国民并向所在国探问相关情况;或是与瑞典来华商船的直接接触;或是海外经商听闻的间接传说,对瑞典有了中国人自己的记述。第三阶段,道光二十年鸦片战争爆发前短暂的若千年期间。西洋传教士开始重新向中国介绍包括瑞典国在内的世界地理知识。第四阶段,从鸦片战争之后到同治四年。在中国人自己撰述的全球地理总志中,对瑞典有了更为丰富和清晰的记述。第五阶段,从同治六年到光绪中期。留下了一批中国人考察游历瑞典的日记,对瑞典的认识变得非常具体明晰,但还很不系统。第六阶段,光绪中期至清王朝结束。《瑞典国记略》就是这一时期的标志性著述,它是中国对瑞典最早的全面系统的记述。这部书虽然没有在社会上正式刊布,但在中国认识瑞典的历史上,仍具有里程碑式意义。  相似文献   
一批重量级科学家扑进了可可西里——世界上最大无人区的神秘面纱进一步被揭开——这里是研究古特提斯现象的历史博物馆,这里有处于完全原始状态的净土——国家为保护这里的生态作出重大决策——可可西里的地位在抬升  相似文献   
年轻气象学骨干张琳的脚印张琳是青海省气象科学研究所的工程师,参加可可西里综合科学考察时他36岁。张琳的任务是观测有关气象的全部数据,最后拿出可可西里的气象报告。考察队在一个点上一般工作4天,可他要做的事特别多。为完成繁重任务,每到一个新的地方,他顾不上休息,  相似文献   
10世纪前的中国西北边疆经历了开拓、稳定和演变等过程,构成了一个相对完整的发展阶段,边疆发展的各种形态与主要特点尽皆呈现。南农北牧既是西北边疆的基本经济形态,也是历史上中原农业王朝与北方游牧民族角逐态势延伸的主要依据;在作为边疆主体的中原或内地王朝、客体的西域地区和旁体的北方游牧民族等三个主要因素的共同作用下,西北边疆的政治地理范围时有伸缩,而多种统治体制并存、边疆问题与民族问题一体化等特点也贯穿于这一时期西北边疆发展的整个过程。  相似文献   
对一名土族女子来说,刺绣是她们一生中的必修功课。打六七岁开始,一个土族女孩就要跟随祖母、母亲学习拈针舞线。她受到的教导是:能做一手好的绣活是一个女孩必须具备的素质。她要利用干完农活和家务活后的闲暇,为父兄绣烟袋、鞋垫,为自己绣好嫁衣上需要的所有绣品。等到出嫁时  相似文献   
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