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2005年山西省考古研究所在原平市北贾铺村清理了东汉中晚期的7座墓葬。通过随葬陶器以及棺内铺垫石灰,死者头枕灰泥枕等埋葬习俗等因素的对比分析,发现这批墓葬的主人与当时活跃在北方草原的鲜卑集团关系密切。原平地处汉魏时期的雁门郡,是当时北方游牧集团南下侵扰比较频繁的地区,也是中原王朝安置归附的北方游牧集团部众的区域之一。结合文献记载,北贾铺东汉晚期墓葬的人群很可能属于当时归附于中原王朝的鲜卑部众,而这些率先接受了汉文化影响的鲜卑集团有可能在埋葬习俗等方面对建立北魏的拓跋鲜卑产生过一定的影响。  相似文献   
2010年11月,陕西省子洲县裴家湾镇关王岔村出土了6件青铜容器,包括尊、瓿、盘、觚、鼎、提梁卣各1件。本文通过对铜器上遗留的工艺痕迹进行肉眼观察,对铜器的铸型设计、芯撑情况、浇注位置等铸造工艺环节以及铸后加工的细节进行了初步的判断和复原,指出该批铜器的铸造工艺与安阳出土的殷墟前期同类器物基本相同,这一结果对认识和揭示这批青铜器的学术价值具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
The quick and accurate identification of post-earthquake rescue objects can minimize the casualties and property loss caused by earthquakes. With the rapid development of remote sensing technology, rescue objects can be identified through high-resolution remote sensing images. There are two main categories of approaches to identify rescue object through high-resolution images: automatic extraction by a computer and visual judgment by professionals. Although results can be obtained quickly by using automatic extraction, the accuracy of the results is unacceptably low. For visual judgment, the large demands for time and professionals restrict its wide practical application. In this study, we introduce crowdsourcing into the identification of post-earthquake rescue objects. First, we integrate the advantages of the computer and crowdsourcing, which means that the computer takes advantage of the speed of information processing, while crowdsourcing makes full use of human recognition capabilities. Second, we take visual judgment tasks out of the hands of professionals and entrust the tasks to workers in a crowdsourcing platform. Not only are the human resources infinite, but we can also improve the efficiency of identifying rescue objects. Third, we propose a crowdsourcing model that improves the quality of the results and saves human resources. Finally, experimental results demonstrate that our solution is feasible.  相似文献   
The oldest extant musical instruments in the world are stone chimes. This music was created by the ‘eight tones’ that could be produced by these ‘stone’ voices. Although many of these stone chimes have been unearthed from sites predating the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period in China, their discussion in archaeological reports is usually not very thorough. In this paper, the ancient and modern samples are analysed from the point of view of lithology. The aim is to explore how the ancients chose to make these stones, and to check that the type of stone from which these ancient Chinese stone chimes are made is actually those recorded in previous studies. The results show that most of the ancient stone chimes in China are made of limestone. These chimes required a material with a single, homogeneous and compact mineral composition. Lingbi chimes (a kind of ‘lithophone’ produced in Lingbi county, China, are pure in composition and have a fine microcrystalline structure, which is the best choice for making stone chimes. This paper makes a systematic study of the lithology of Chinese stone chimes. The results supplement a significant lacuna in the study of ‘lithophone’ and ancient stone instruments both in China and on a more global scale.  相似文献   
辽代瓷器的研究已取得丰硕的成果,但对于契丹传统陶器的研究却没有得到应有的重视.通过对契丹最具特色的传统陶器的排序与编年的研究,不仅了解了契丹陶器发展演变的脉络,同时辨识出远在建立辽王朝之前的契丹遗存,并确认了其同鲜卑遗存的一定联系.契丹陶器的演化表明在建立辽代发展的过程中,随着经济实力的增强和技术工艺的发展,传统陶器逐渐被釉陶或瓷器所替代,走向了衰落.  相似文献   
20世纪五六十年代的新方志编纂应认真总结经验、教训.就当时修志的背景、规模、进程,尤其是从成书的数量和质量看,不宜称为"第一轮修志",可以称之为一个序幕或者一次兴起.  相似文献   
姜南 《安徽史学》2017,(1):46-54,129
在弓箭产生之前的原始社会,人类制造的石器工具不具备大规模改变生态环境的效能;人类最基本的食物获取方式采集与狩猎也不构成对生态环境的大规模破坏;人类和其他生物一起,维护着生态系统的和谐、稳定与美丽。尽管在文明程度方面原始社会无法同后来的文明时代相比,但是,同农业时代和工业时代人类对生态环境的大规模破坏,人类同大自然的日益疏离相比,原始社会在人类历史上具有无与伦比的生态保护价值,给文明时代人类极其重要的启迪,应该作为人类历史的宝贵财富加以珍视。  相似文献   

In December 1984, a private Japanese academic organization, the “Nanjing Incident Research Committee” (Nankin Jiken Chōsa Kenkyūkai), sent a survey team to visit Nanjing, with the aim of obtaining more evidence on the Nanjing Massacre to counter the internal debate within Japan. Through the coordination by the “Office of the Leading Team on History, Museums and Monuments for the Nanjing Massacre” during the visit, the survey team was able not only to gather historical materials, meet with survivors, and tour historical sites, but also to engage in exchanges with Nanjing researchers and students of Nanjing University. This visit to Nanjing further publicized Japan’s internal debate on the Nanjing Massacre in China, while also representing an unprecedented effort for collaboration between China and Japan in research on the Nanjing Massacre.  相似文献   
四种鲜为人知的专志与明清以来的洪洞问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山西洪洞大槐树是无数人心目中故乡的象征,相关研究成果层出不穷。在传统的研究思路下,洪洞大槐树移民作为明初历史上的大事件确立了在中国移民史上的重要地位。作者利用志书等文献史料对传统研究思路提出疑问,从洪洞内部探讨其成为故乡象征的深层内涵,认为大槐树移民传说是晚清到民国一个重塑汉族正统性的民间做法,是士绅阶层彰显洪洞历史的一次成功实践。本文在社会史研究的视角下,对洪洞问题给予一个全新的解读。  相似文献   
To promote historical research today, one needs to create a vigorous environment for historiographic criticism, to summarize the progress and state of all fields and topics of history, and to enhance the study of historiography. All these three aspects, which share similar characteristics, can be called “historiography.” Their essence is the basic method for deepening the study of historiography as a whole and refining its branches from the perspective of intellectual history. They can help us to form a healthy scholarly mechanism to review historical achievements, which would be crucial to the development of academic research. Translated from Nankai Journal (Philosophy, Literature and Social Science Edition), No. 2, 2004  相似文献   
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