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汉魏时期的侍中是皇帝的近幸之臣,其设置、地位、权限几经变化,最终演化成门下省的长官,成为实际执掌国家枢机的"宰相"。曹魏时期是侍中职权转变的关键阶段,特别是它以特殊的方式介入尚书、中书的权力范围,这是非常值得注意的历史现象。本文根据曹魏侍中的设置特点和权力变化,考察其与尚书、中书的密切关系,着重突出曹魏侍中在当时权力格局中的特殊地位。  相似文献   
展翔 《文献》2021,(1):32-51,F0003
中国国家图书馆所藏甲骨数量极为丰富,《甲骨文合集》和《甲骨文合集补编》仅收录其中部分藏品的拓片。本文以"中国国家数字图书馆·拓片数据库·甲骨拓片"业已公布的甲骨拓片和彩照为研究对象,进行著录整理。具体包括甲骨残片缀合15组、复原13组,并对742版甲骨做出著录情况的对勘。  相似文献   
Accurate simulation of multiphase flow in fractured porous media remains a challenge. An important problem is the representation of the discontinuous or near discontinuous behaviour of saturation in real geological formations. In the classical continuum approach, a refined mesh is required at the interface between fracture and porous media to capture the steep gradients in saturation and saturation‐dependent transport properties. This dramatically increases the computational load when large numbers of fractures are present in the numerical model. A discontinuous finite element method is reported here to model flow in fractured porous media. The governing multiphase porous media flow equations are solved in the adaptive mesh computational fluid dynamics code IC‐FERST on unstructured meshes. The method is based on a mixed control volume – discontinuous finite element formulation. This is combined with the PN+1DG‐PNDG element pair, which has discontinuous (order N+1) representation for velocity and discontinuous (order N) representation for pressure. A number of test cases are used to evaluate the method's ability to model fracture flow. The first is used to verify the performance of the element pair on structured and unstructured meshes of different resolution. Multiphase flow is then modelled in a range of idealised and simple fracture patterns. Solutions with sharp saturation fronts and computational economy in terms of mesh size are illustrated.  相似文献   
Kicking in soccer has been the subject of scientific research for more than 40 years yet review articles summarizing the biomechanical fundamentals of kick optimization as a guide to coaching are scarcely to be found. The current review article aims to bridge the gap between scientific research into the maximal instep kick (including studies employing 3D motion capture and full-body biomechanical modelling) and the application of such research in coaching. It does so by supplying a scientifically founded, coaching-friendly article explaining identifiable characteristics and motor control sequencing that define this skill. Relevant biomechanical factors are identified in a way that should help coaches better develop training programmes and, at the same time, foster better understanding of the skill among athletes. Such information will contribute to both accelerated skill acquisition and, by concomitant gains in skill efficiency, the development of programmes that minimize risk of injury to athletes during training.  相似文献   
"承负说"与两汉灾异论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韩吉绍 《史学月刊》2007,1(12):29-36
作为《太平经》基础理论的"承负"说主要有两层含义:一是善恶报应,继承汉代之前中国本土的善恶报应思想;二是对汉代社会危机提出的一套解释系统,此与灾异论的盛行具有重要关联。前者为《太平经》对下层民众进行宗教教化准备了前提,后者为其政治改良方案的提出铺平了道路。尤其后者,对两汉之际不同派别的道教运动产生了革命性的影响,进而深刻影响了后汉之政治变迁。  相似文献   
中国北方干燥地区出土糟朽漆器加固材料及修复方法   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
为探索一种适合于我国北方干燥地区出土糟朽漆器保护的材料和方法,从而解决这类漆器的保护问题。通过试验比较,以水、乙醇和丙三醇作为中国古代北方干燥地区出土漆器漆皮的回软修复材料;选用乳液型粘合剂与纸、绢、古代木材作为回软漆皮的加固材料;选用聚乙二醇乙醇溶液与Paraloid B72丙酮溶液为渗透加固剂,对三件糟朽漆器加固取得很好的效果。实验表明,本方法为中国北方干燥地区出土糟朽漆器的保护修复,提供了一种科学易行的方法和材料。  相似文献   
韩慧林  邹统钎 《人文地理》2022,37(3):183-192
在旅游消费升级驱动下,目的地品牌化日益成为国内外旅游业竞争的焦点。本文基于制度理论,从游客的全新视角探究在现有的制度环境中目的地的相关制度性行为如何影响目的地品牌资产。数据显示,旅游目的地不但可以通过制度性行为正向影响目的地品牌资产,还会通过品牌合理性的中介作用间接影响品牌资产;研究还进一步发现,不同于一般的精细加工可能性模型适用机制,目的地制度性行为效应的大小独立于目的地熟悉度的高低,目的地熟悉度并不是目的地制度性行为发挥效应的外部条件。本文的研究结论不仅展现了制度效力对目的地品牌建设的重要作用,还能进一步丰富目的地品牌资产研究的路径和方法,并为目的地营销实践提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   
向燕南 《文献》1999,(2):153-169
焦竑字弱侯,号澹园,又号漪园,谥文端、文宪,江宁(今南京)人,是晚明最负盛名的学者之一,尤其精于史学.明代史学风气至嘉、万时期丕变,由空疏转向谨严.其中功绩,王世贞之外,则首推焦竑.在焦竑传世的三十余种著作中,史学著作计有《献征录》120卷、《熙朝名臣实录》27卷、《逊国忠节录》4卷、《国史经籍志》6卷、《玉堂丛语》8卷、《皇明人物考》6卷、《京学志》8卷、《词林历官表》3卷等,此外尚有汇录大量考史笔记的《焦氏笔乘》6卷和《续笔乘》8卷等,是明代整个学术发展中非常有影响的人物①.  相似文献   
非物质文化遗产保护是一项全人类、全社会卷入的公共文化事业,需要各方面主动扮演相应的角色、发挥各自的优势、承担特定的责任。把各个方面建构成积极有为的身份,就成为非遗保护的一项颇有建设价值的理论工作。其中,以"主体"身份看待相关的各个方面,是一项有益的尝试。界定非遗的主体与非遗保护的主体,实际上也是探索建立非遗保护这项公共文化事业的分工合作的身份框架。  相似文献   
张广泗上疏朝廷,于乾隆十年十一月至十一年闰三月,首浚赤水河,疏通68处险滩,使川盐由四川合江经赤水河到仁岸茅台村,运输路程大大缩短,盐价渐平,对黔人"斗米斤盐"之负担有所减轻,经济效益十分明显.文中还对赤水河源流及遵义知府陈玉(殿)是否参与赤水河疏浚、吴登举之死等问题,均有论述与考辨.  相似文献   
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