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张思 《史学月刊》2003,2(11):82-93
19世纪末,直鲁农村手工纺织业在外国棉制品的冲击下经历了一个严重衰落的低谷,也迎来与国内发达地区并驾齐驱、与机器棉制品比肩竞争的发展转机,这一曲折经历包含着极为复杂交错的层面。一些学者关于洋布、洋货未能打入华北内地、甚至纠缠于“帝国主义是现实还是神话”的看法值得商榷;“封建、落后”的农村经济在突来的冲击面前所表现出的强韧性和对抗能力,在机遇面前所显示出的与时俱进的品质以及对新技术和新生产方式的持续容纳能力也同样值得关注。  相似文献   
公元前658年与655年晋两次"假道于虞以伐虢"道路和战场,与"鄍邑"、与"茅津"均无涉。晋第一次"假虞伐虢",其战场在虢之下阳,所假"虞道"与虢之下阳均在黄河以北。第二次晋"假虞伐虢"灭虢都上阳,师还灭虞,其战场分置于黄河南、北。其行军路线:第一次伐虢邑克下阳,是从晋都绛发兵,经虞坂——虞城——颠軨——傅岩——盘南——下阳;第二次伐虢灭上阳,重走第一次"虞道"经傅岩、盘南至下阳,再从"太阳渡"过河取虢都上阳。原路师还,顺道灭虞,返晋都绛。晋"假虞伐虢"所假"虞道",主指"虞坂——虞城——颠軨"路段。虞坂即盐坂、即青石槽。颠軨即軨桥。宋代以前平陆所设县治均在"大阳故城",即今茅津渡以东约两公里"下滩"一带。春秋时期,傅岩、茅津既不属虞,也不归虢,而是"戎人"与"夷人"的杂居区。古代"鄍"通"冥",所谓"虞邑",此乃暗城也。  相似文献   
The paper is concerned with the ways in which ethnic culture is presented and experienced by tourists with particular reference to two villages in China inhabited by members of the Miao minority group and popular with visitors. The study is based on qualitative and quantitative data derived from primary and secondary sources and findings reveal contrasts and similarities within and between destination residents and visitors regarding attitudes to tourism and its cultural impacts, especially in terms of authenticity. While the cases display unique features, their analysis affords more general insights into the characteristics of this particular form of heritage tourism and its consequences.  相似文献   
我国的区域经济地理研究与区域经济地理学   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
丁四保 《人文地理》2002,17(2):86-89
区域经济地理学在我国是一个受到特别重视的地理学的一个研究方向,文章讨论了西方和苏联地理学中区域经济地理学的发展情况,和在我国得到特别发展的条件,认为与中国的社会经济体制、改革开放以后地方经济的发展有特别的关系。文章对区域经济地理学学科的发展做了回顾,列举了这个学科在基础理论上的有代表性的成果,认为它已经形成了自己的理论体系,即包括劳动地域分工、经济地域运动和中国社会主义市场经济条件下经济区域化等。文章认为,我国丰富的区域经济生活实践将推动学科进一步发展,并提出了学科在跨学科方向上的发展趋势。  相似文献   
This article focuses on the fraught questions surrounding replicas and their use in heritage contexts, drawing on an in-depth qualitative study of a historic replica, the 1970 concrete St John’s Cross, Iona. We examine how replicas ‘work’ and unravel the part that social relations, place, and materiality play in the production and negotiation of their authenticity. The research shows that replicas are important objects in their own right, acquiring value, authenticity, and aura. The ‘life’ of a replica generates networks of relationships between people, places, and things, including the original historic object. While the underlying human stories of creativity, skill, and craftsmanship are rendered invisible when replicas are treated as mere surrogates, we argue that these ‘life-stories’ should be incorporated into future conservation, management and interpretation. The article spells out practical advice and guidance for heritage professionals who find themselves dealing with replicas.  相似文献   
思语 《收藏家》2010,(10):3-8
自公元1153年金海陵王将燕京改为中都城,北京便成为离我们这个时代最近的封建帝都了。即使从忽必烈营造起一座闻名世界的元大都城开始,算来也725年矣。作为数百年的首善之区,"四方之所观仰",亦理当人文荟萃,物华地灵。  相似文献   
Rosanvallon, P., Le sacre du citoyen: histoire du suffrage universel en France (Gallimard, 1992), 490pp., 195F., ISBN 2 07 072745 9  相似文献   
This article attempts to blend the insights of development economics and political economy in order to analyse industrial policy in Hong Kong. It describes the lack of industrial upgrading, the process of de-industrialization, and the over-reliance on the service sector, and examines the political economy of the functional industrial policy practised in Hong Kong, as well as its limitation. The author suggests that the political change from a colony to a special administrative region of China provides a context for Hong Kong State to undertake a more interventionist, industry-specific policy, the success of which will depend on a combination of two factors: state autonomy against the excessive influence of Beijing, and state capacity to guard against corruption and to enhance a mutually-beneficial regional co-operation in the South China region.  相似文献   
从近世走向近代:华北的农耕结合与村落共同体   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张思 《民俗研究》2010,(1):128-146
近世以来华北农民在农耕劳动上的互助-结合行为的变化与同时代村落共同体的变迁密切相关,而对上述问题的讨论则直接关系到对该时代农村社会性质等基本问题的认识。华北农村的农耕互助具有地域特征,通过对近世华北农村的"锄社"、"合具"及近代的"搭套"、"换工"等农耕结合习惯进行考察和相互比较,可以看出华北的村落共同体经历了一个从近世走向近代的、变质的过程。  相似文献   
史籍所见尧都之“平阳”是一个地理区域概念。“平阳”在今山西临汾市西南一带是可以肯定的。“王文”所采信的皇甫谧《帝王世纪》“帝尧始封于唐, 有徙晋阳, 及为天子, 都平阳。平阳即今晋阳, 即太原也”之说法根本就是错误的。考古学提供的一条重要线索, 陶寺遗址的地理位置与古文献记载的“尧都”地望相合, 其放射性碳素年代 (距今4200—4400年之间) 也与古史传说中“陶唐氏”兴盛的年代基本一致。先秦“太原”指晋南, 现在的太原是战国末期才出现的地名。太原始称晋阳则是汉以后的事。太原之“晋阳”没有早于春秋之前的考古发现。太原之“晋阳”与唐叔虞之封地无涉, 与“尧都平阳”更无涉。今临汾塔儿山周围的汾浍平原地带就是当年“唐尧”统治的“唐国”属地, 其“帝都”之墟当为今考古发现的山西襄汾之陶寺遗址。  相似文献   
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