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Summary. This article explores the relationship between cave art and Upper Paleolithic archeology in northern Spain (and extreme southwestern France). Among the 83 known art sanctuaries, only three can probably be terminus ante quem dated to the early Upper Paleolithic (c. 35,000-20,000 BP). Other types of evidence (virtual absence of ornaments and mobile art objects before the Solutrean, stylistic similarities between works of late Upper Paleolithic mobile art and parietal art, overwhelming association of Solutrean and/or Magdalenian cultural deposits with art sanctuaries) clearly suggest that most of the cave art was done in the period between c. 20,000-10,000 BP. Cave art sanctuaries are distributed in non-random fashion. The clusters of sanctuaries usually correspond with dense clusters of habitation sites. The clusters are separated by substantial geographical gaps. These chronological and geographical facts coincide with contemporaneous subsistence intensification, all of which tends to support the hypothesis of increased territorialism in the late Last Glacial.  相似文献   
National parks can no longer be considered as pristine ecosystems protected by impenetrable boundaries. It is now realised that many forces outside national park boundaries create significant changes within those boundaries. To date, most attention has focussed upon penetration by biophysical factors. This paper addresses another aspect, external influence over decision making in the parks. It suggests that three main groups - entrepreneurs, environmentalists, and aboriginal peoples - have been dominant in different time periods, and uses case studies to illustrate the rise to current prominence of aboriginal peoples. Reasons are suggested for this ascendancy.
Les pares nationaux ne peuvent plus être considérés comme des écosystèmes primitifs protégés par des limites impénétrables. On remarque à présent que beaucoup de forces en dehors des limites des pares nationaux peuvent créer des changements significatifs à &lcaron intérieur de ces limites. Jusquà maintenant la plupart des études ont traité de la pénétration par des facteurs biophysiques. Cet article traite &dcaron un autre facteur, une influence externe qui agit sur les décisions prises au sujet des pares. Nous suggérons que trois groupes principaux - les entrepreneurs, les écologistes et les populations autochtones - ont été dominants à des époques différentes, et soumettrons des études de cas pour illustrer comment les populations autochtones sont arriveées à la dominance. Nous offrirons également des raisons pour cette ascension.  相似文献   
This articles considers the political cultural of the SocialistUnion (1951–9), and influential ethical socialist groupin the 1950s' Labour Party. Specifically, it discusses its uniqueintellectual influences and the legacy of its (somewhat different)previous manifestation as the Socialist Vanguard Group (1929–50).Emphasis is placed on the importance of the notion of fellowshipto the politics of this tradition and how this shaped a distinctpolitical and moral identity. Whilst it has been largely overlookedby historians, the Union had a considerable impact on Britishsocialism in the 1950s, through its journal, Socialist Commentary,and through leading members like Allan Flanders and Rita Hinden. * Special thanks are due to those former Unionists who sharedtheir experiences with me: Jay Blumler, Annemarie Flanders,and especially, Rene Saran. Thanks also to Peter Alexander,Nina Fishman, John Kelly, Peter Mandler, Mark Minion, Nick Tiratsoo,Hugh Wilford, and Leo Zeilig who read previous drafts of thispiece and to those participants in seminars at the Instituteof Historical Research who have commented on it. I am gratefulto George Bain for allowing me access to his papers at Warwick.  相似文献   
Introduction There has been an increasing focus in feminist and pro-feminist inspired studies on examining men, male subjectivities and masculinities in the decade since Gender, Place and Culture began publication. Our aim in this article is to provide readers with a brief overview of some of this recent research, and then to place these works within a critique of the Anglocentric character of geographic knowledge production. The article proceeds in the following manner. We begin with a brief definition of masculinity, in order to stress its temporal and geographical contingency. We follow this discussion with a brief review of some of the research on masculinities undertaken in the past two decades, with a particular emphasis on studies of the social and cultural geographies of masculinity completed in the decade since Gender, Place and Culture began publication. It is important to note that our review is far from exhaustive, but rather, more indicative. Our purpose here is to provide a context for our subsequent critique of a specific scaling of knowledge that constitutes much of the context for the way that work on masculinities is understood in Anglo-American geography.  相似文献   
There are, of course, many heroes behind the Supreme Court's most famous and, some would argue, most significant case of the 20th Century: Brown v. Board of Education. 2 Chief Justice Earl Warren wrote the decision and is credited with convincing the other Justices to make it unanimous. Thurgood Marshall and Robert L. Carter argued important aspects of the case for the NAACP and championed a legal strategy that brought it to the High Court. Few, however, would readily name Herbert Brownell, Jr. as one of the heroes. Yet, as Attorney General, Brownell was President Eisenhower's chief adviser on judicial appointments when he put Warren on the Court, and Brownell led the Justice Department in supporting the notion that segregation of public schools violated the Constitution.  相似文献   
James Clark McReynolds was a man who people only spoke of in superlatives—most of them unflattering.  相似文献   
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