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Babi and Baha'i Religions: From Messianic Shi'ism to a World Religion, by Peter Smith, Cambridge University Press, London, New York, New Rochelle, Melbourne, Sydney 1987, pp.xiv, 243.

Panj Vaqf‐namah, by Mahmud Afshar Yazdi, (Five Endowment Deeds), Tehran Foundation for Mahmud Afshar Yazdi's Endowments, 1363/1984. Iraj Afshar and Karim Isfahaniyan, eds., Namvarah‐yi Doktor Mahmūd Afshar Yazdi (Mahmud Afshar Yazdi's Festschrift), 4 vols., Tehran: Foundation for Mahmud Afshar Yazdi's Endowments, 1364/1985–1367/1988.

Bulles et Sceaux sassanides de diverses collections, by Philippe Gignoux and Rika Gysclen, Paris: Sludia Iranica, Cahier 4, Association Pour l'avancemeni des études iraniennes, 1987, 306 pp, 23 plates.

Iran and Iraq at War , by Shahram Chubin and Charles Tripp, Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1988.

The Tragedy of Sohrab and Rostam, from the Persian National Epic, the Shahnameh of Abol‐Qascm Ferdowsi, translated by Jerome W. Clinton, Seattle: The University of Washington Press, 1988, xxv + 190 pages, $25.00 cloth $12.50 paper.

Persian Carpets , by Michael Craig Hillmann, Austin: University of Texas Press, 1984, 98 pp. index to p. 112.

Resurrection and Renewal: The Making of the Babi Movement in Iran, 1844–1850, Abbas Amanat, Ithaca & London: Cornell University Press, 1989, pp. xv.+ 461, no price indicated.

Iran min al‐Dakhil, (Iran From Within), by Fahmi Huwaydi, Cairo: Markaz al‐Ahram li al‐tarjuma wa al‐nashr, 1987, 405 pp.

Woven From the Soul, Spun from the Heart: Textile Arts of Safavid and Qajar Iran, 16lh‐19lh Centuries , edited by Carol Bier, Washington, DC: The Textile Museum, 1987.

Summon Up Remembrance, by Marzich Gail, Oxford: George Ronald Books, 1987, 295 pp., appendix, bibliography, $14.95.

Iran and The United States, A Cold War Case Study, by Richard W. Cottam, Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1988. $12.95 pb.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Theodore G. Th. Pigeaud and P. Voorhoeve. Handschriften aus Indonesien (Bali, Java, und Sumatra), xi, 71 pp., 6 plates. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH, 1985. (Verzeichnis der Orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland, XXVIII, 2.) DM 64,‐

G. J Knapp, Kruidnagelen en christenen: de Verenigde Oost‐Indische Compagnie en de bevolking van Ambon 1656–1696.xii, 323 pp. Dordrecht: Foris Publications, 1987. (Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal‐, Land ‐en Volkenkunde, 125.) Guilders 35.

Rainer Carle (ed.). Cultures and societies North Sumatra. 514 pp. Berlin; Hamburg: Dietrich Reimer Verlag, 1987. (Veröffentlichungen des Seminars für Indonesische und Südseesprachen der Universität Hamburg, 19.) DM 95.

J. Noorduyn. Bima en Sumbawa: bijdragen tot de geschiedenis van de sultanaten Bima en Sumbawa door A. Ligtvoet en G. P. Rouffaer.xii, 187 pp. Dordrecht: Foris Publications, 1987. (Verhandelingen van net Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal‐, Land‐ en Volkenkunde, 129.) Guilders 30.

Anthony J. Whitten and others. The ecology of Sulawesi. By Anthony J. Whitten, Muslimin Mustafa, Gregory S. Henderson,xxi, 777 pp. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press, 1987.

Robert Wessing. The soul of ambiguity: the tiger in Southeast Asia. vi, 148 pp. [Dekalb, Illinois]: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Northern Illinois University, 1986. (Monograph Series on Southeast Asia, Special Report 24.) (Distributed by Cellar Bookshop, 18090 Wyoming, Detroit, Michigan 48221.)  相似文献   


Bateman W. R. G. and Ward M. W. (eds), Australia's Offshore Maritime Interests, Canberra, Australian Centre for Maritime Studies, 1985, pp. 122. $15.00 (paper)

Stephen Castles, Mary Kalantzis, Bill Cope and Michael Morrissey, Mistaken Identity: Multiculturalism and the Demise of Nationalism in Australia, Sydney, Pluto Press, 1988, pp.152. $14.95 (paper)

Roger Gibbins, Federalism in the Northern Territory; Statehood and Aboriginal Political Development, Darwin, North Australia Research Unit, Australian National University, 1988, pp. 148. $14.00 (paper)

Dean Jaensch and Peter Loveday (eds), Challenge From The Nationals: The Territory Election 1987, Darwin, North Australia Research Unit, Australian National University, 1987, pp. 226. $20.00 (paper)

Constance Lever‐Tracy and Michael Quinlan, A Divided Working Class, London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1988, pp. 338. $29.95 (paper)

Peter Loveday and Peter McNab (eds), Australia's Seventh State, Darwin, The Law Society of the Northern Territory and the North Australia Research Unit, Australian National University, 1988, pp.322. $24.00 (paper)

Geoffrey Skene, Specialities of the House, Department of the Parliamentary Library/Australasian Political Studies Association, 1988, pp.59. $10.00 (paper)

Comparative and international

Chris Bellamy, The Future of Land Warfare, London and Sydney, Croom Helm, 1987, pp.302. £29.95 (cloth)

Cathy Downes Strategic and Defence Studies Centre Research School of Pacific Studies The Australian National University

Melanie Beresford, Vietnam: Politics, Economics and Society, London, Frances Pinter, 1988, pp.242. $19.95 (paper)

Vernon Bogdanor (ed.) Constitutions in Democratic Politics, Gower, for the Policy Studies Institute, Aldershot, 1988, pp.395. $59.00 (cloth)

Barry Coldrey, Faith and Fatherland: The Christian Brothers and the Development of Irish Nationalism 1838–1921, Dublin, Gill and Macmillan, 1988, pp. 338. £27.50

John Connell, New Caledonia or Kanaky? The Political History of a French Colony, Canberra, Australian National University, National Centre for Development Studies, Pacific Research Monograph No. 16,1987, pp.493. $25.00 (paper)

Michael Spencer, Alan Ward and John Connell (eds), New Caledonia: Essays in Nationalism and Dependency, St Lucia, University of Queensland Press, 1988, pp.253. $ 19.95 (paper)

Leon Epstein Political Parties in the American Mold, Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin Press, 1986, pp. 440. $US27.00 (cloth).

Keith Ewing, The Funding of Political Parties in Britain, Cambridge, U.K., Cambridge University Press, 1987, pp. 264. $70.00 (cloth)

Richard Higgott (ed.), New Directions in International Relations? Australian Perspectives, Canberra, Department of International Relations, Australian National University, 1988, pp. 223. $10.00 (paper)

Michael J Sheehan, Arms Control; Theory and Practice, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1988, pp. 188. $34.95 (paper)

Political theory and methodology

Boris Frankel, The Post‐Industrial Utopians, Cambridge, Polity Press, 1987, pp. 303. $29.95 (paper)

P. Gottfried and T. Fleming The Conservative Movement. Boston, Twayne Publishers, 1988, pp.125. US$7.95 (paper)

Peter C. Ordeshook, Game Theory and Politics: An Introduction, New York, Cambridge University Press, 1986, pp.511. $47.00 (paper)

A. Teichova, M. Levy‐Leboyer & H. Nussbaum (eds), Multinational Enterprise in Historical Perspective, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1986, pp. 396. $107.00 (cloth).  相似文献   

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