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2013年6~12月,淮安市博物馆对金湖塔集闸墓地进行了抢救性考古发掘,共清理墓葬42座。其中汉代墓葬38座,以土坑竖穴墓为主。墓地出土了一批陶器和釉陶器,器类有鼎、盒、壶、瓿、罐等以及少量铜器、铁器、漆器、料器、骨器、石器。墓葬形制、随葬品组合、器物演变充分展示了该地区汉代文化的基本面貌。墓地还发现宋墓1座,清墓3座,均为合葬墓。  相似文献   
The Shantou sites is one of the typical-sites of the Qingliangang Neolithic Culture and was identified by the senior generation of archaeologists, like Yin Huanzhang and Zhao Qingfang in the Nanjing Museum. Several hundreds of burials in later periods are now suffering from looting activities. This preliminary report introduces the burials dating from the Eastern Hart Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty. During each period, burials were laid out regularly, representing as various types of burial furniture. Most of these burials were abundant in free funeral goods with typical eharaeteristies of different periods but styles pointing to complicate origins. The discovery of East Han Dynasty burials in Huai 'an region, without any doubt, is going to play a siguificant role in the study of burial characteristics, funeral customs, arrangement of burial clusters, and even the local cultural history of this region.  相似文献   
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