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Popular and scholarly literature usually assumes that prehistoric artists were adult men. We show in other publications that young children from the Palaeolithic fluted in Rouffignac Cave, France, and hence the incorrectness at least here of the usual assumption. Our research also shows that females as well as males fluted in Rouffignac. Our methods for demonstrating this are forensic based on physiological research of relative finger lengths of males and females. We examine the profiles of the flutings of seven individuals and show that two are probably male whereas the remaining five are probably female. This type of study leading to where we identify individuals can produce responses to social questions about the fluters both as a group and as individuals.  相似文献   

前几天和同事去贵州进行了次“喀斯特洞穴游”,被眼前美景完全迷住的同时也让我对“洞穴”这个旅游项目充满了兴趣.洞内恰似一方隐匿的世界,隔绝了外界的变化,保持着自己的步调,短短几百米,峰回水转,一弯一拐,入眼的风景各不相同.流年匆匆过,洞里留什么? 洞穴旅游是我国最早开展的旅游形式之一,徐霞客游历中国写出《徐霞客游记》之后,洞穴便成为人们津津乐道的事物之一.  相似文献   

Palaeomagnetic measurements on sediments from Petralona cave. Greece indicate a stable, single component remanence of normal polarity. Redeposition experiments established the ability of the sediments to acquire the direction of the geomagnetic field. Magnetic properties and Mössbauer spectra of sediments and magnetic concentrates show that magnetite, which is slightly non-stoichiometric, and haematite are present in the sediments from the cave. The magnetite dominates the magnetic properties and exhibits pseudosingle domain behaviour. Using rstimated deposition rates for the sediments in the cave. and the fact that U Th and ESR dates which can be stratigraphically correlated to the palaeomagnetic section range from 200 to 750 ka. implies that the section represents a time span of about 150 180 ka within the Brunhes epoch. From this. the age of a human cranium found in the cave 25 years ago is estimated to be not older than 620 ka.  相似文献   

This paper explores the origins of the symbolic–religious interpretation of Palaeolithic art. We analyse the relationship between the explanations that were given of the 'primitive' mentality in the second half of the nineteenth century and the birth of the religious interpretations of Palaeolithic art and we try to show how this union does not express a direct cause–effect relationship. In order for the union to take place, an intellectual change that would generate a new way of understanding the origins and the nature of art was necessary.  相似文献   

陕西窑洞传统乡村聚落景观基因组图谱构建及特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
窑洞聚落是黄土高原最典型的聚落形态,它具有悠久的历史、深厚的精神文化内涵以及独特的文化景观特征,在陕西渭北地区和陕北黄土高原丘陵沟壑区分布广泛。本研究基于传统聚落景观基因组图谱的相关研究,以陕西31个窑洞传统乡村聚落为研究对象,按照“单个窑洞聚落、多个窑洞聚落、特定研究区”三个层次,构建了窑洞聚落的典型院落图谱、空间序列图谱、院落模式图谱、排列模式图谱和空间格局图谱五大类型图谱体系。通过分析窑洞聚落景观基因组图谱的基本特征,进一步验证了构建窑洞聚落景观基因组图谱的必要性和迫切性。本研究旨在丰富景观基因组图谱层次,推动景观基因研究向区域层面发展,并为窑洞聚落景观基因信息链修复及景观基因区域识别系统构建等相关研究奠定基础,为保护与发展窑洞聚落提供科学依据。  相似文献   

SHEN GUANJUN 《Archaeometry》1986,28(2):179-184
The travertine layers of the Prince Cave have been dated by the U-series methods. The age of the lower part of the breccia Br2, where a human iliac fossil bone was discovered, is between 110 and 160 ka. and the upper part of Br2, together with the breccia Br1, between 79 and 160 ka. The reliability of the results is confirmed not only by the consistency of the dates obtained from samples in close proximity, but also by the agreement between two independent dating methods: Th-230/U-234 and Th-227/Th-230.  相似文献   

Summary. This article explores the relationship between cave art and Upper Paleolithic archeology in northern Spain (and extreme southwestern France). Among the 83 known art sanctuaries, only three can probably be terminus ante quem dated to the early Upper Paleolithic (c. 35,000-20,000 BP). Other types of evidence (virtual absence of ornaments and mobile art objects before the Solutrean, stylistic similarities between works of late Upper Paleolithic mobile art and parietal art, overwhelming association of Solutrean and/or Magdalenian cultural deposits with art sanctuaries) clearly suggest that most of the cave art was done in the period between c. 20,000-10,000 BP. Cave art sanctuaries are distributed in non-random fashion. The clusters of sanctuaries usually correspond with dense clusters of habitation sites. The clusters are separated by substantial geographical gaps. These chronological and geographical facts coincide with contemporaneous subsistence intensification, all of which tends to support the hypothesis of increased territorialism in the late Last Glacial.  相似文献   

We use a combination of rock magnetism (anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility, AMS) and magnetic polarity to characterize cave deposits and as a proxy for sedimentary fabric. In three localities at the Atapuerca archaeological site (Galeria, Gran Dolina and Sala de los Cíclopes), magnetic foliation (Kmax/Kint) is always greater than lineation (Kint/Kmin), consistent with a primary, depositional, sedimentary fabric. Our results, although preliminary, reveal a higher degree of anisotropy in autochtonous deposits compared to allochthonous deposits, possibly indicative of a higher hydrodynamic regime in the former. At two localities the magnetic lineation (Kmax) defines a cluster, which is thought to be antipodal to the palaeocurrent direction. Hence we are able to retrieve palaeoflow directions in deposits that otherwise lack any other sedimentary structure. We conclude that AMS is a powerful tool for determining the hydrodynamic character of depositional environments in cave sediments at the Atapuerca archaeological site. A better understanding of the depositional environment and how sedimentation occurred allows reconstruction of the karst evolution and ultimately a better definition of human interaction with the environment.  相似文献   

Summary. Re-study of the fauna recovered in 1969 during excavations by John Campbell in front of the West Entrance to Robin Hood Cave, Creswell Crags, Derbyshire, England, shows it to include components of different ages. Arctic hare is the only species certainly exploited by humans and it is suggested that the position and character of cut-marks preserved on bone surfaces documents the processing and possible consumption of uncooked meat. It has not been possible to identify the time(s) of year when these hares died. Radiocarbon results for cut-marked bones are important for dating the Creswellian.  相似文献   

This paper presents the first detailed analysis of the lithic industry from El Sidrón Cave. Previously we have published other works concerning Anthropology and Palaeogenetics. The lithic assemblage contains 415 artefacts coming from both unofficial and official excavations and is largely flake‐based. The raw material derives from the immediate cave environment, and is mostly chert, with quartzite in a lesser proportion. To date, 67 artefacts have been refitted, including some tools and cores. The spatial distribution of the refitted lithic artefacts confirms, on the one hand, the unity of the assemblage and, on the other, its secondary context.  相似文献   

This paper considers the presentation of the results of the mechanical analysis of cave sediments, suggesting that the use of grain size parameter scatter diagrams is preferable to the older method of cumulative percentage frequency graphs. A sequence of samples was taken from an ideally-situated cave, the Badger Hole at Wookey, and first subjected to the standard soil analytical tests, followed by a detailed mechanical analysis. It is hoped that this preliminary work will encourage a more quantitative approach to granulometric analysis for archaeological purposes, leading eventually to the extraction of more precise environmental data from cave sediments.  相似文献   

Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are being incorporated into archaeology as a technique to improve the understanding of spatial organization and the relationships among finds within specific areas. Although their use as a basic tool in predicting the location of archaeological sites or in assessing the extent of their catchment areas is relatively common, in general, they have less often been applied to the study of the spatial distribution of archaeological remains within individual deposits, and in particular to faunal assemblages. Despite this, they can prove essential to understanding dispersion and grouping patterns within deposits fully, and, together with various correlation analytical techniques, they provide valuable information about the economic organization of settlements and inhabitant lifeways. To demonstrate the potential of this methodology, a zooarchaeological GIS has been prepared for the Middle and Late Magdalenian and Azilian layers in El Mirón Cave (eastern Cantabria, Spain), and the spatial distribution patterns of various attributes of the archaeological record have been analysed. Significant conclusions in terms of type and duration of human occupation have been drawn.  相似文献   

This paper presents a visualization system based on metric data to manage and disseminate archaeological information on the Internet. We describe the integration of two different types of sensors: laser scanning and close‐range photogrammetry. How we created an automatic and hierarchical approach based on processing and matching the images coming from a digital camera and a terrestrial laser scanner is also shown. This development has created a visualization system combining spherical photographs and georeferences for graphical and numerical data acquired by the sensors. The case study where we have applied this method is the Palaeolithic rock art of the Llonín Cave (Asturias, Spain), which has been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO and has restricted public access. Our results demonstrate that this tool integrates data, metadata, services and information, which simplifies the location, identification, selection and management of archaeological information.  相似文献   

Summary. This paper covers two aspects of an unusual Palaeolithic sanctuary located in a small recess in the cave of Nerja. The first shows the way in which the artist or artists took advantage of a spectacular group of tilted and tightly packed folds in painting their sides, hollows and edges. The second stresses the musical effect obtained when striking the edges with a wooden stick, in the manner of a percussion or lithophone. Some edges have been broken at various heights of old and their worn appearance testifies to their repeated use. We believe the sound effect to have been part of some kind of ritual taking place deep inside the cave, which may have been associated with the painted signs and symbols.  相似文献   

The Edera Cave, near Aurisina in the Trieste Karst, retains a stratigraphy that extends from the Mesolithic to the modern era. At Sauveterrian layers, many specimens of Helix cincta are present, which are considerably crushed, and a small percentage of which are also blackened. Chemical analyses show that the blackened specimens were exposed to a temperature of between 500 and 550°C, and suggest that many others were destroyed by fire at temperatures of above 700°C. Consequently, only a part of the Helix cincta shells is assumed to be the residue of human meals, since several factors render plausible an accidental combustion of shells already present in the ground before the lighting of Mesolithic hearths.  相似文献   

This study presents the application of neutron tomography to the analysis of ironstone slabs found in a late Earlier Stone Age context (Fauresmith industry) at the back of Wonderwerk Cave, Northern Cape Province, South Africa. These slabs have markings on the surface that might be anthropogenic, and thus significant to understanding the emergence of human symbolic behaviour. Neutron tomography proved to be an effective tool for distinguishing surface incisions from lines that are the expression of internal fissures in the rock.  相似文献   

This paper presents the first TL dates for burnt quartzites and silcretes from the Still Bay layers of Blombos Cave (South Africa). These layers contained engraved ochres and marine shell beads that could be an early manifestation of symbolic and thus ‘modern’ behaviour by the Middle Stone Age humans. The procedure devised to calculate the ages is presented in detail, particularly with regard to internal microdosimetry, because the problems faced in estimating the dose rates require an approach different from the one usually used on flints and sediments. A mean age of 74 ± 5 ka was obtained for five burnt lithics unearthed in the BBC M1 member of the Still Bay layers. This result is in good agreement with both ESR dates on teeth and OSL dates on sediment, and demonstrates the great antiquity of the archaeological remains discovered at Blombos Cave.  相似文献   

Summary. The parietal art in the cave of Labastide was discovered in 1932 by Norbert Casteret, the spelaeologist, but another 50 years were to pass before an exhaustive inventory was made of these figures, followed by their publication. The study of the parietal art has revealed a sanctuary with a predetermined layout in which the main panels were specially devoted to large figures representing a central Bison-Horse theme. The cave is also of interest because of the discovery of traces of 'Magdalenian IV' occupation (14,260 b.p.): about twenty small, engraved stone slabs display stylistic analogies with the parietal art, and are the best means of dating it.  相似文献   

治理术作为福柯后期研究的一个重要概念具有丰富的内涵,已被广泛用于西方地理学的研究。本文在福柯的著作和西方相关文献的基础上,梳理了治理术的概念,归纳了西方地理学对治理术的主要应用。福柯的治理术主要包含治理技术和治理理性两个向度;治理术的分析框架以生命政治、计算和治理目的为支柱;与这一分析框架相对应,西方地理学对治理术的应用集中在以下三个话题:族群与生命政治,领土与计算,认知/空间合理性和城市管治。治理术的相关概念和方法在解释中国的单位制度和户口制度、阶级斗争和空间非均衡发展、分税制和城市规划及加强中国地理学的理论化和学术贡献上具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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