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Traditionally, the Tibetansrefrain from eating fish, andfishing naturally did not pre-viously exist in the region asa business. Unlike people inother parts of Tibet, however, people inLhasa have handled fish as a business andwith success. And these "fishermen" areall authentic Tibetans."Fish are foam in water and everyonecan eat it, and so do I as a lama," they say."Even the emperor is not able to tastefish caught in spring, but fish caught insummer and autumn is shunned even bybeggars," the…  相似文献   

This article focuses on two aspects related to fish and fishing. It first discusses the social context for the consumption of preserved and fresh fish, showing that generally consumption of certain types of fresh fish conferred status, whereas consumption of preserved fish, being more affordable, was attested across social strata. The article then moves on to examine the organisation of the ‘fishing industry’, specifically the relationship between fish-salting establishments and the fishermen who provided the fish. Although we have many literary, documentary, and archaeological sources for fish preservation and fishing techniques in classical antiquity, the fishermen engaged in large-scale fishing remain rather elusive.  相似文献   

Socio‐cultural and ecological literature about Australian Indigenous groups reveal that fishing is a vital part of everyday life for many groups who have customary and recreational fresh and salt‐water affiliations. This vitality exists and has meaning for families and communities in the Kimberley's Fitzroy Valley region of Northern Aboriginal Australia. Less well known, however, is the central part that fishing plays in jaminyjarti, a ritual that relies on close kin regularly catching, cooking and sharing fish for bereaved family members during the ‘sorry business’ time that emerges after the death of a loved one. What becomes evident is that while fishing is undoubtedly intertwined in the everydayness and sociality of life, it is also central to comforting the bereaved during and after the grieving process that accompanies death.  相似文献   


We describe six cervid bones — a distal humerus, three distal tibiae, and two astragali — from two Roman sites, São Pedro Fronteira and Torre de Palma, in the Alentejo of Portugal. They are identified on morphological and osteometric grounds as fallow deer, Dama dama. They represent the earliest Holocene evidence for this species in Portugal, and it is suggested that, like the camel, the Romans were responsible for its spread within their Empire. While remains of this animal have not so far been reported in any Moslem period assemblages, there is documentary evidence for the existence of fallow deer in Portugal in the 12th and 13th centuries AD, although the possibility that fallow deer disappeared with the end of Roman rule should be considered.  相似文献   

Fishing was an important economic activity in the Lake of Galilee during the Roman period. This study proposes a comparative analysis involving archaeological remains, classic literature, ancient art and modern ethnographical accounts regarding fishing in the Kinneret to produce an historical reconstruction of the ancient commercial fishing methods. Furthermore, it aims to individuate the most important fishing areas, the fishing seasons, and to the roll of cities and towns around the Kinneret within the fishing industry.  相似文献   

<正>呼伦贝尔的呼伦湖,又名达赉湖,意思是"海一样的湖",面积2339平方公里,有两个香港那么大。有人说冬天的呼伦湖是中国最大的一块冰,这个比喻很形象。呼伦湖从每年的11月开始冰冻,一直到翌年的5月才开始融化,厚度将近一米,在这块2000多平方公里的大冰之上,又演绎了怎样的冬之故事呢?  相似文献   


Evidence from fish remains recovered from two sites in the Northern Isles of Scotland is compared to modern data on fish ecology and ethnographic evidence to assess seasonality in terms of resource availability and its implications for economic activities.  相似文献   

The bountiful marine resources of the northern Chilean coast offset the extreme aridity of the Atacama Desert in pre-Columbian times, underwriting permanent human occupation, and providing the basis for a long tradition of marine subsistence. We analyzed fish otoliths (n = 549) recovered from the sites of Camarones Punta Norte (occupied ca. 7,000–5,000 years ago) and Caleta Vitor (occupied ca. 9,500–300 years ago) to investigate species distribution and changes over time. We also estimated the size of the fish based on relationships between otolith weight and fish total length (TL) obtained from modern samples of the predominant species, Sciaena deliciosa. The estimated size range of S. deliciosa from Caleta Vitor included fish that were significantly larger than those from Camarones Punta Norte, with the maximum TL (970 mm) almost double the modern maximum length documented. The fluctuating abundance of fish species and other marine taxa from Camarones Punta Norte indicates intense but sporadic use of the site over the span of occupation. In contrast, human occupation of the Caleta Vitor estuary is more continuous. Comparisons of the fish assemblages with a nearby contemporaneous site, Quebrada de los Burros in southern Peru, suggest that fishing technologies were similar along this section of the Pacific coast.  相似文献   

<正>西湖是人间天堂,也是鸟类乐园。每年冬天,大批鸬鹚从北方飞来越冬,西湖成为游人观赏鸬鹚、鸟人拍摄鸬鹚的好去处。我跻身在这人群中,欣赏、拍摄并渐渐研究起来。当我每拍一种鸟并探寻它的历史背景时,激动的心久久不能平静,以至于有"百种鸟有百种故事"的赞叹。  相似文献   

<正>其实,喜欢那海,湛蓝、苍茫、温柔、凶猛,又诱惑。;每鱼个头比较大,品种也多,咬钩很迅猛,杆子弯了时,你的心,会有—种莫名的悸动。除了初恋,找不出哪种感觉能与它媲美。海钓作为高雅的休闲活动,与高尔夫、骑马、网球被列入四大贵族运动,被称作"海上高尔夫"。听上去是件极其优雅的事情,实则却非常刺激。价格不菲的成套钓具,澎湃的大海或者嶙峋的礁石,毒辣的太阳或者大浪卷起千堆雪,哪一项都生动有趣。但  相似文献   

Recreational fishing, otherwise known as angling, is both a significant resource use and a leisure activity in Australia. It has not received much scientific or policy attention, having been perceived as unimportant relative to commercial fishing and characterised by poor social, biological and economic data. Attention is increasing, however, as the ecological, economic and social significance of the activity is realised. The article briefly reviews recreational fishing and discusses the reasons why the activity has traditionally been ignored by policy-makers and researchers. Current policy issues are identified, and a generalised framework suggested for policy and research.  相似文献   

李宝垒  张安生 《收藏家》2011,(10):73-75
山东省新泰市博物馆收藏有一件明代鱼龙变化花插(图1),造型上充分体现了鲤鱼跳龙门,鱼龙变化的瞬间故事。该花插玉质圆润,造型优美。早在宋代,大经学家陆佃在他的名物训诂书《埤雅·释鱼》中言道,“浴说鱼跃龙门,过而为龙,唯鲤或然”。  相似文献   

Fish Symbolism     
S. H. Hooke 《Folklore》2013,124(3):535-538

淮河流域的原始经济是淮河流域史前文化形成和发展的基础,采集与渔猎经济是淮河流域史前重要经济形态,本文主要依据考古发现的资料,对淮河流域新石器时代的采集与渔猎经济进行深入考察和分析,以求有助于我们更客观更全面的认识整个淮河流域史前采集和渔猎经济。  相似文献   

The relationships between traditional Aboriginal land owners and other Park users in Kakadu National Park in the Northern Territory are characterised by competing agendas and competing ideas about appropriate ways of relating to the environment. Similarly, the management of recreational fishing in the Park is permeated by the tensions and opposition of contested ideas and perspectives from non‐Aboriginal fishers and Aboriginal traditional owners. The local know‐ledge and rights of ‘Territorians’[non‐Aboriginal Northern Territory residents] are continually pitted against the local knowledge and rights of Aboriginal traditional owners. Under these circumstances, debates between non‐Aboriginal fishers and Aboriginal traditional owners are overwhelmingly dominated by the unequal power relationships created through an alliance between science and the State. The complex and multi‐dimensional nature of Aboriginal traditional owners’ concerns for country renders these concerns invisible or incomprehensible to government, science and non‐Aboriginal fishers who are each guided by very different epistemic commitments. It is a state of affairs that leaves the situated knowledge of Aboriginal traditional owners with a limited authority in the non‐Aboriginal domain and detracts from their ability to manage and care for their homelands.

The coastal waters of Belize, in Central America, are well stocked with fish, but since early colonial limes the commercial development of marine resources, beginning with the exploitation of turtles in the 17th century, has depended more on foreign markets than domestic markets for fish. Today the bulk of the most popular fish (spiny lobster, conch and snappers) is collected by five fisherman cooperative societies for export to the United States, leaving some preferred specimens in short supply in the domestic market. Where marine resources are utilized for domestic consumption, the demand for fish is highly selective. Most species have a low consumer demand. This imbalance in the demand for fish is exacerbated by government supported price controls on different species that favor the purchase of the most popular fish. The degree to which fish are consumed in the Belizean households is culturally determined. Based on a survey, Black Caribs have the highest consumption of fish followed by Creoles and Spanish-speaking mestizos. Basic research on fish consumption habits is an important fisst step in developing marketing strategies to encourage people to eat more fish and to accept those species that are currently rejected.  相似文献   

Two survey and research projects by SCAPE, NAS, the North of Scotland Archaeological Society, Findhorn Heritage, and volunteers at Loch Fleet, East Sutherland and Findhorn Bay, Moray, have documented two early 20th‐century boat graveyards. These encompass the remains of the local herring fleets that were largely composed of the mighty Zulu herring drifters, once ubiquitous but now very rare in the archaeological record. Survey and research have shown how these sites tell the story of the decline of the local fisheries, illustrate the development of the national industry, and give insight into the responses of these fishing communities in this changing world.  相似文献   

管驿前村是鄱阳湖畔的一个渔村,位于江西省波阳县鄱阳镇西郊。自从我的《鄱阳湖渔业风俗研究》1996年获国家教委批准立项以来,管驿前村就是我的田野作业基地之一。2001年春节前夕,我再度来到管驿前村,试图从这个渔村入手,对经济变革时期的渔业习俗作较为全面的调查。  相似文献   


This article explores latitudinal and chronological variations in the exploitation of marine fish by the hunter-gatherers who occupied the Atlantic coast of continental Patagonia, Argentina, since the mid-Holocene. Results indicate a spatial gradient in the importance of fish. A significant reduction in the frequency of fish remains in the archaeological sites occurs at higher latitudes. The chronological trends identified also suggest differences between the assemblages of the northern and southern coasts of this long littoral area. The results obtained are further discussed in relation to identified environmental and cultural variation.  相似文献   

王培敏 《东南文化》2003,(11):61-62
从远古的端庄到明清的鲜活,玉鱼形饰件渐趋灵动,由此可窥中国美的历程之一斑。  相似文献   

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