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《The Canadian geographer》1982,26(2):177-186
Book reviewed in this article:
Canadian Urban Growth Trends: Implications for a National Settlement Policy , by I ra M. R obinson
Rational Landscapes and Humanistic Geography , by E dward R elph
Geography and the Environment: Systems Analytic Methods , by A. G. W ilson
T.C. M eredith , McGill University
Alluvial Fans: An Attempt at an Empirical Approach , by A.H. R achocki
J ohn S haw , University of Alberta
Historical Plant Geography: An Introduction , by Philip Stott, Allen and Unwin, Winchester
Biogeography: An Ecological and Evolutionary Approach (3rd Edition), by C. Barry Cox and Peter D. Moore
O.W. A rchibold , University of Saskatchewan  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1982,26(3):283-292
Book reviewed in this article:
Australian Agriculture: Resource Development and Spatial Organization (Geography of World Agriculture, Vol. 9), by P eter S cott
Canadian Agriculture (Geography of World Agriculture, Vol. 10), by M.J. T roughton
Rural Settlement in an Urban World , by M ichael B unce
Kanada einfach. Die Bauern verlassen die Schweiz , by W erner C atrina
Politics, Geography and Behaviour , by R ichard M uir and R onan P addison
Political Studies from Spatial Perspectives: Anglo-American Essays on Political Geography , edited by A lan D. B urnett and P eter J. T aylor
Spatial Analysis, Industry and the Industrial Environment: Volume 2 - International Industrial Systems , edited by F.E.I. H amilton and G.J.R. L inge
Handbook of Snow: Principles, Processes, Management and Use , edited by D.M. G ray and D.H. M ale  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1983,27(3):295-304
Book reviewed in this article:
Recreational Land Use: Perspectives on Its Evolution in Canada , edited by G eoffrey W all and J ohn S. M arsh
Tourism: Economic, Physical and Social Impacts , by A lister M athieson and G eoffrey W all
The Rural Real Estate Market: Geographic Patterns of Structure and Change in an Urban Fringe Environment , by C hris B ryant
Environmental Aesthetics: Essays in Interpretation , edited by B arry S adler and A llen C arlson
Historical Understanding in Geography: An Idealist Approach , by L eonard G uelke
Period and Place: Research Methods in Historical Geography , edited by A lan R.H. B aker and M ark B illinge  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1975,19(3):251-264
Book reviewed in this article:
Principes de Géographie sociale , by P aul C laval , Editions M.Th. Génin
Urban Canada , by J ames and R obert S immons , 2nd edition
Urban Futures for Central Canada: Perspectives on Forecasting Urban Growth and Form , edited by L arry S. B ourne , R oss D. M ac K innon , J ay S iegel , and J ames W. S immons
Conservation by the People: The History of the Conservation Movement in Ontario to 1970 , by A.H. RICHARDSON
Physical Geography: The Canadian Context , by A llan F alconer , B arry D. F ahey , and R ussell D. T hompson
Modifying the Weather , by W. R. D. S ewell , et al.
Climate Canada , by F. K enneth H are and M orley K. T homas
The Geography of Puerto Rico by rafael P ico  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
History of Cartography , by L eo B agrow , edited by R. A. S kelton
Man, Mind, and Land , by W alter F irey
Problems in Palaeoclimatology , edited by A. E. M. N airn
Northern Ireland from the Air , edited by R. C ommon with contributions by E. E. E vans , R. C ommon , R. E. G lasscock , N. C. M itchel , and N. S tephens
Environment and Archeology: An Introduction to Pleistocene Geography , by K arl W. B utzer
Australia in the 1960's , by L. S t . C lare G rondona
Japan: A Geography , by G lenn T. T rewartha
Exploration of Alaska, 1865–1900 , by M organ B. S herwood
Regional Geomorphology of the United States , by W illiam D. T hornbury
Readings in Resource Management and Conservation , edited by I an B urton and R obert W. K ates
Geografia General de Mexico , 4 vols, 2e éd., by J orge L. T amayo
Atlas Geografico General de Mexico , 2e éd., by J orge L. T amayo
The Vinland Map and the Tartar Relation , by R. A. S kelton , T homas E. M arston , and G eorge D. P ainter , with a foreword by A lexander O. V ietor  相似文献   

《Geographical Research》1985,23(1):177-189
Book reviewed in this article: Young, R.W. & Nanson, G.C. eds. Aspects of Australian Sandstone Landscapes. Australian and New Zealand Geomorphology Group Special Publication No. 1. S. Nieuwolt Tropical Climatology–An Introduction to the Climates of the Low Latitudes R.J. Mitchell Earth Structures Engineering Vink, A.P.A. Landscape Ecology and Land Use, (edited by D.A. Davidson) Badcock, B. Unfairly Structured Cities Costin, A.M., Greenway, M.A. and Wright L.G. Harvesting Water From Land Freeman, T.G. and Benyon, P.R. (eds) Pastoral and Social Problems in a Semi-arid Environment: A Simulation Model Faniran A. and Jeje, L.K. Humid Tropical Ceomorphology: A Study of the Geomorphological Processes and Landforms in Warm Humid Climates Kissling, C.C., Taylor, M.J., Thrift, N.J. and Adrian, C. (eds) Regional Impacts of Resource Developments Harvey, D. Limits to Capital  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1975,19(4):354-363
Book reviewed in this article:
Antarctic Adventure: Scott's Northern Party , by R aymond E. P riestly
Agricultural Geography , by J ohn R. T arrant
Society and Environment in New Zealand , edited by R.J. J ohnston
Land and Leisure: Concepts and Methods in Outdoor Recreation , edited by D avid W. F ischer , J ohn E. L ewis , and G eorge B. P riddle
Community Response to Coastal Erosion , by J ames K. M itchell
Review of Urban Climatology, 1968–1973 , by T.R. O ke  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1978,22(2):164-174
Book reviewed in this article:
Managing Canada's Renewable Resources , edited by R alph R. K rueger and B ruce M itchell
Canada's Natural Environment: Essays in Applied Geography , by G.R. M c B oyle and E. S ommerville
Muskeg and the Northern Environment in Canada , edited by N.W. R adforth and CO. B rawner
Natural Resource Revenues: A Test of Federalism , edited by A nthony S cott
The Practical Application of Economic Incentives to the Control of Pollution: The Case of British Columbia , edited by J ames B. S tephenson
Public Land Ownership: Frameworks for Evaluation , edited by D alton K ehoe et al., D.C. Heath  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Human Spatial Behaviour: A Social Geography , by J.A. J akle , S. B runn , and C.C. R oseman
Environment and Behavior: Planning and Everyday Urban Life , by J. D ouglas P orteous
La Geographie politique , par A ndré -L ouis S anguin , Collection SUP - le Géographe, n°24
The Urban Question: A Marxist Approach , by M anuel C astells , Edward Arnold, London
Metropolitan Impacts on Rural America , by R ichard L amb , University of Chicago, Department of Geography Research Paper No. 162, Chicago
The Dispersed City: The Case of Piedmont, North Carolina , by C harles R. H ayes , University of Chicago, Department of Geography, Research Paper No. 173, Chicago
The Transportation Impact of the Canadian Mining Industry , by I ain W allace , Centre for Resource Studies, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario
Regional Socio-economic Impact of a National Park: Before and after Kejimkujik , by M ichael F oster and A ndrew S. H arvey , Institute of Public Affairs, Dalhousie University, Halifax
Water Re-use and the Cities , edited by R oger E. K asperson and J eanne X. K asperson , University Press of New England, Hanover, n.h.
A Plant Geography of Alberta , by M argaret E.A. N orth , University of Alberta, Department of Geography, Studies in Geography, Monograph 2, Edmonton
Pattern of the Soil Cover (Struktura pochvennogo pokrova), by V.M. F ridland
Soils of Canada , by J.S. C layton , W.A. E hrlich , D.B. C ann , J.H. D ay , and I.B. M arshall , A Co-operative Project of the Canadian Soil Survey Committee and the Soil Research Institute, Ottawa, Ontario; Research Branch, Canada Department of Agriculture, 1977; Volume 1, Soil Report  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1978,22(4):370-371
Western Canada since 1870: A Select Bibliography and Guide , by A lan F.J. A rtibise
Canadian Local Histories to 1950: A Bibliography. Ontario and the Canadian North, by W illiam F.E. M orley
Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies, Vol. I, edited by T.W. F reeman , M arquerita O ughton , and P hilippe P inchemel
Bibliography on Canadian Land Market Mechanisms and Land Systems Information, by R osalind L ambert and L aval L avallée
Canadian Bibliography of Urban and Regional Information System Activity, by K athleen L auder and L aval L avallée
Locational Analysis and Economic Geography, by P eter O. M uller
An Annotated Bibliography of Canadian Air Pollution Literature: Supplement, compiled by L eslie T. F oster and C hristopher J. S parrow
A Directory of Climate and Related Courses and Persons Interested in Climatology in Alberta, compiled by J ohn M. P owell
The Changing Fortunes of Marginal Regions, edited by P.G. S adler and G.A. M ac K ay
Theory and Practice in Regional Science, edited by I. M asser , Pion Ltd.
Space, Location and Regional Development, edited by M. C hatterji , Pion Ltd.
L'Avenir de I'Histoire et de la Geographie, sous la direction de L udger B eauregard
Population at Microscale, edited by L esek A. K osinski and J ohn W. W ebb
Information Technology and Urban Governance, edited by B arry S. W ellar  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1979,23(2):180-193
Book reviewed in this article:
The Warm Desert Environment , by A ndrew G oudie and J ohn W ilkinson
Fundamentals of Geomorphology , by R.J. R ice
Social Areas in Cities. Volume 1, Spatial Processes and Form , edited by D.T. H erbert and R.J. J ohnston
Social Areas in Cities , Volume 2, Spatial Perspectives on Problems and Policies , edited by D.T. H erbert and R.J. J ohnston
Urban Health in America , by A masa B. F ord
Demographic Developments in Eastern Europe , edited by L eszek A. K osinski
Spatial Population Analysis , by P.H. R ees and A.G. W ilson , Macmillan, Toronto  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1977,21(3):283-296
Book reviewed in this article:
Whaling and Eskimos: Hudson Bay 1860-1915 , by W. G illies R oss
Winnipeg: A Social History of Urban Growth, 1874-1915 , by A lan F. A rtibise
The History of Canadian Business, 1867-1914 , by T om N aylor
Introduction to Marine Geology and Ceomorphology , by C uchlaine A.M. K ing
Introduction to Physical and Biological Oceanography , by C uchlaine A. M. K ing
The Geography of Soils: Formation, Distribution, and Management , by D onald S teila
Urban Modelling: Algorithms, Calibrations, Predictions , by M ichael B atty
Spatial Choice and Spatial Behavior , edited by R eginald G. G ollege and G erard R ushton
Maps in Minds: Reflections on Cognitive Mapping , by R oger M. D owns and D avid S tea
Marketing Geography: With Special Reference to Retailing , by Ross L. D avies  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1974,18(2):168-180
Book reviewed in this article:
The Best Poor Man's Country; a Geographical Study of Early Southeastern Pennsylvania, by J ames T. L emon
Canada: A Geographical Perspective, by L ouis -E dmond H amelin , translated by M. C. S torrie , and C. I. J ackson
The Cultural Geography of the United States, by W ilbur Z elinsky
The Mound Builders, Agricultural Practices, Environment and Society in the Central Highlands of New Guinea by E ric W addell
Geography of Transportation, by E. J. T aaffe and H. L. G authier
Freight Flows and Spatial Aspects of the British Economy, by M. C hisholm and P. O'S ullivan
Glacial and Fluvioglacial Landforms, by R. J. P rice
Weather Forecasting for Agriculture and Industry, edited by J. A. Taylor
Air Pollution and Lichens, edited by B. W. F erry , M. S. B addeley , and D. L. H awksworth  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Man and His Urban Environment: A Sociological Approach , by William H. Michelson.
Victorian Toronto, 1850 to 1900: Pattern and Process of Growth , by Peter G. Goheen.
Cities and Immigrants: A Geography of Change in Nineteenth Century America , by David Ward.
Internal Structure of the City: Readings in Space and Environment , by Larry S. Bourne (ed.).
Housing: The Social and Economic Elements , by Wallace F. Smith.
Urban Analysis: Readings in Housing and Urban Development , by Alfred N. Page and Warren R. Seyfried (eds.).
The Demand For Travel: Theory and Measurement , by Richard Quandt (ed.).
Pollution, Property, and Prices , by J. H. Dales.
The Impact of Large Installations on Nearby Areas , by Gerald Breese, Russell J. Klingenmeier, Jr., Harold P. Cahill, Jr., James Whelan, Archer E. Church, Jr. and Dorothy E. Whiteman.
Developing Patterns of Urbanization , by Peter Cowan (ed.).  相似文献   

E duard L ohse : The New Testament Environment, trans. John E. Steely.
H enry A nsgar K elly : The Matrimonial Trials of Henry VIII.
R. C. R ichardson : Puritanism in North-West England: A Regional Study of the Diocese of Chester to 1642.
B. W orden : The Rump Parliament, 1648-1653.
W illiam K. M edlin and C hristos G. P atrinelis : Renaissance Influences and Religious Reforms in Russia.
W. R. W ard : Religion and Society in England
J ohn F. C leverley : The First Generation: School and Society in Early Australia.
W illiam G ribbin : The Churches Militant: the War of 1812 and American Religion.
D avid E dwin H arrell J r : White Sects and Black Men in the Recent South.
G eorgia H arkness and C harles F. K raft
F. C. T urner : Catholicism and Political Development in Latin America.  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1972,16(4):386-415
Book reviewed in this article:
Beaches and Coasts (2nd ed), by C uchlaine A. M. K ing , M acmillan
Introduction to Geomorphology, by A listair F. P itty , Methuen and Co., London
Political Geography, by J. R. V. P rescott , M ethuen & Co Ltd, Toronto
Politics and Geographic Relationships (2nd ed.), edited by W. A. D ouglas J ackson and M arwyn S. S amuels
Migration and Regional Development in the United States, 1950–1960, by P aul J. S chwind
China, by Y i -F u T uan
The Changing Face of the Great Hungarian Plain, edited by B éla S árfalvi
Vénézuéla. Travailleurs et villes du pétrole, par Bernard Marchand, Travaux et Mémoires de l'lnstitut des Hautes Etudes de l'Amérique Latine
L'Amérique Latine, économies et sociétés, par D.-C. Lambert et J.-M. M artin , A rmand C olin
The Soviet Far East, by E. S tuart K irby , M acmillan
Design for Development in Ontario: The Initiation of a Regional Planning Program, by R ichard S. T homan
Combinatorial Programming, Spatial Analysis and Planning, by A llen J. S cott , M ethuen and C o. , Toronto
Experiments in Recreation Research, by T homas L. B urton , with a part by A. J. V eal , M ethuen
AMBIO, A Journal of the Human Environment – Research and Management, edited by ERIC Dyring  相似文献   

《Geographical Research》1990,28(2):240-259
Book reviewed in this article: P. Hall,: Cities of Tomorrow. An Intellectual History of Urban Planning and Design in the Twentieth Century John R. Short: the Humane City: Cities as if People Matter J., Wolch M. Dear (editors) The Power of Geography: How Territory Shapes Social Life Benjamin Higgins Krzysztof Zagorski (editors): Australian Regional Developments–Readings in Regional Experiences, Policies and Prospects Ken snort Cutteridge, Haskins Davies Newcastle. A. L. Mabogunje: The Development Process. A Spatial Perspective L.H. Day D.T. Rowland (editors): How many more Australians? The Resource and Environmental Conflicts C.E. Thorn: Introduction to Theoretical Geomorphology W.J. Maunder,: The Human Impact of Climate Uncertainty Andover A. A. Myers P. S. Giller (editors): Analytical Biogeography. An Integrated Approach to the Study of Animal and Plant Distributions  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1973,17(3):294-312
Book reviewed in this article:
Urban Systems Development in Central Canada: Selected Papers, edited by L. S. B ourne and R. D. M ac K innon
A Citizen's Guide to City Politics, by J ames L orimer
Zambia in Maps, edited by D. H ywel D avies
China's Changing Map, by T heodore S habad
The Barn: A Vanishing Landmark in North America, by E ric A rthur and D udley W itney
Environment and Land Use in Africa, edited by M. F. T homas and G. W. W hittington
The Hazardousness of a Place, by K enneth H ewitt and I an B urton
Introduction to Geomorphology, by A listair F. P itty
Hillslope Form and Process, by M. A. C arson and M. J. K irkby
Slopes, by A. Y oung
The Mechanics of Erosion, by M. A. C arson
Soil Geography, by J ames G. C ruickshank
Sozialgeographie. Eine disziplingeschichtliche Untersuchung zur Entwicklung der Anthropogeographie. Mit einer Bibliographie, by E ckhard T homale
The Atmospheric Environment: A Study of Comfort and Performance, by A ndris A uliciems  相似文献   

《The Canadian geographer》1979,23(4):384-391
Book reviewed in this article:
Political, Electoral and Spatial Systems: An Essay in Political Geography , by R.J. J ohnston , Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1979
Location and Public Problems: A Political Geography of the Contemporary World , by K evin R. Cox, Maaroufa Press, Chicago
Changing Canadian Cities: The Next 25 Years , by L eonard O. G ertler and R onald W. C rowley , M cclelland and Stewart, Toronto
The Manipulated City: Perspectives on Spatial Structure and Social Issues in Urban America , by S tephen G ale and E.G. M oore
I Came to the City , by M ichael E. E liot H urst , Houghton Mifflin, Boston
The Canadian Alternative. Survival, Expeditions and Urban Change , by W. B unge and R. B ordessa , Department of Geography, Geographical Monographs, York University, Toronto  相似文献   

《Geographical Research》1978,16(1):88-96

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