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<正>王辉耀、张学军主编的《21世纪中国留学人员状况蓝皮书》一书,于2017年3月由华文出版社出版。全书计10篇约34万字。进入21世纪以来,新生代留学人员在快速形成,从数量规模到年龄构成,从留学方式到学科、职业选择,从留学理念到价值观念等都发生着深刻变化。2015年,中国留学人员联谊会委托零点研  相似文献   

在《季羡林留德回忆录》中,作者写道:"如果一个人能出国一趟,当时称之为‘镀金’,一回国便身价百倍。"那是20世纪30年代的真实国情。但现在,这样的日子恐怕一去不复返了。近期由中国与全球化研究中心发布的《中国留学发展报告(2013)》指出,2012年中国海外留学人数达到了创纪录的近114万,同时,留学归国人数也同比增长了46%,被称为"史上最大回国潮"。留学出国和归国人数双双"井喷",令人思考。前者说  相似文献   

本文在对中国留学生地位与作用进行简要回顾的基础上 ,结合对优秀归国留学人员进行的统计、分析 ,对改革开放以来的归国留学人员在中国未来政治生活中将扮演的角色、留学人员回国和居留海外所发挥的不同作用 ,以及留学人员的作用将随着中国现代化的发展而渐趋缩小的趋势等问题进行了论述和探讨 ,以期对改革开放以来中国大陆留学人员的地位和作用有一定的认识。  相似文献   

根据相关法律规定,留学中介机构必须向教育部门申请资质证书,并在资质证书有效期和经营许可范围内合法经营。我们提醒广大消费者,出国留学前要注意以下几点:1.查验教育部门颁发的“自费出国留学中介机构资格认定书”和当地工商管理部门颁发的允许其开展自费出国留学中介业务的“营业执照”。2.了解拟留学院校的资质情况。如果条件允许,最好查看驻外使馆对该院校的认证文件,了解中介服务机构是否与该院校签署了合作意向书或协议书。  相似文献   

曾经的帝制骨干, 转变为爱国勇士 杨度,字皙子,1874年生于湖南湘潭,从懂事时即人私塾学习,聪明伶俐,学习优秀。1902年杨度自费去日本留学,为了筹办《游学译编》获得经费支持而回国。次年获朝廷保送再度赴日留学,专攻各国宪法与政体学。1907年奉清政府特召回国,替代清末出国考查宪政的五大臣撰写两篇奏文——《中国宪政大纲应吸收东西方各国之所长》和《实施宪政程序》,并因此当上清末宪政编查馆的提调官,四品顶戴花翎。1908年,慈禧和光绪先后去世,杨度随即丢官。  相似文献   

1902年,12岁的陈寅恪以自费生的身份留学日本。4年后,陈寅恪因脚气病发作回国。1909年,陈寅恪从复旦公学毕业,带着复旦公学文凭(这是他生平唯一的一张文凭)再次登上了游学的轮船。此后,陈寅恪辗转游学13年,先后到德国柏林大学、瑞士苏黎世大学、法国巴黎高等政治学校就读。"一战"爆发后,陈寅恪于1914年回国。4年后,1918年7月,陈寅恪得到江西省教育司公费资助,再度出国游学,先在美国哈佛大学学习梵文、巴利  相似文献   

现在这已经是个不争的事实了,就是出国的人比留在国内的人土。为了表达对我这个“海龟”的慰问,每次回国,国内的朋友都带我去“开荤”,领略奢侈生活。以此证明国内可以过得多么爽,而我们留学在外,是多么得不偿失的一件事。  相似文献   

王德禄  程宏 《百年潮》2014,(9):4-11
正1950年9月,"威尔逊总统"号邮轮在美国旧金山起程,载着至少130位中国留学人员回国,这是20世纪50年代初留美回国潮中同船回国的人数最多的一次航程。但当年二战结束不久,冷战初起,铁幕低垂,美国当局在这次航程中首次追截拦阻了3位中国留学人员,将他们羁押在日本达两个多月,引发中国政府的抗议和国际关注。对于这段历史,多有零碎报道,本文依据当事人的口述和回忆文章,试着将这段历史残片拼接还原成一幅尽量完整、接近历史原貌的图画。  相似文献   

正民国初年,我还在贵阳的小学读书,就从母亲那里知道我在北京的舅舅姚华,前清中过举,赐同进士,被派往日本留学,以优等成绩回国后,对做官不感兴趣,却把大量的时间和精力用在研究诗文、曲词和书法、绘画上。舅舅写过许多书,画过数不清的画,他在北京住的寓所——莲花寺,有10多间屋子,全都是堆满书和画,有什  相似文献   

新版《九十春秋———敦煌五十年》是常书鸿先生的自传体著作。作者以亲切质朴的笔触,记述了他学习绘画、留学法国、任职敦煌艺术研究所的人生历程;特别是他为保护、研究、弘扬敦煌艺术而经历的坎坷和百折不挠的精神感人至深。全书共八章,本期选载的第二、三章主要写常书鸿留学法国和回国后从事艺术教育的情况。  相似文献   

文章在对部分海归”学院派”深入访谈和个案分析的基础上,运用布迪厄“文化资本理论”、“习性”和“场域”的分析工具,解析了海归“学院派”归国后的不同心态和不同适应策略的选择。得出结论,“文化资本”本身并不足以成为个体适应策略选择的决定因素,“习性”和“场域”概念也是影响个体适应策略选择的因素之一;深层文化认同的非同一性、生活表象与意识深层的非和谐性等复杂的文化意识构成他们独特的行为表象。这些行为表象是其长期海外生活学习所形成的个人“习性”的体现。透过这些表象了解他们的“习性”及其产生的原因,是深入了解他们归国后所选择适应策略的基础。  相似文献   

杨钊 《史学理论研究》2020,(2):113-124,159,160
民国时期留美西洋史学者是中国的留美生中一个非常特殊的群体,国内史学界对他们的留学生涯,特别是博士论文关注较少。这批学者在博士论文的选题上颇具特色,具有强烈的现实关怀、关注国内重大的史学争论、主要侧重欧洲国家的历史。几篇博士论文运用了大量的一手史料,在研究视角上也很有新意,所以得到了导师和美国史学界的认可。几位学者在回国后形成了自己独特的治学风格,并通过授课和学术组织工作,为中国的世界史学科奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

When the U.S. Supreme Court Justices took their seats at the beginning of the 2009 Term, the Bench looked different. Gone from the Bench, after nineteen years, was David H. Souter. He returned to his home in New Hampshire, a state he likes enormously. Justice Souter will be missed by his former colleagues and by advocates before the Court, by legal scholars nationwide and by all who follow the Court's work and activities.  相似文献   

Despite the vast literature on East Asian international students in higher education during the current era of globalization, few studies examine how the international migration of doctorate holders is gendered. The migration and career choices of Korean women who hold doctorates from American universities, we argue, are shaped by geographical imaginations based on the political connections between South Korea and the US and their personal experiences from their home and host countries. The notion of the US as an ally of South Korea and the hegemony of US higher education in Korean academia have led Korean women to pursue doctorates in the United States. Yet, the Korean women who participated in this study revealed that earning a doctorate from a world-class university did not necessarily bring them greater mobility. Whether the interviewees returned to Korea or not, they found themselves situated within the hierarchy of gendered power relations and excluded from everyday practices such as decision-making both at home and at work. Consequently, they attempted to build a sense of belonging at various geographic scales. This study found that Korean women scholars’ migration and career choices were the multi-layered outcome of gendered power relations within the family, political connections between the two countries, and cultural values of their home and host countries.  相似文献   

Since the late 1990s, migration of single women from the rural north to the urban south in Ghana has been making up a growing share of migrant streams. While the livelihood strategies of these migrant women in their southern destinations have been recently examined, the experience of reintegration for those who return to their place of origin has rarely been studied. Drawing on qualitative research with migrant women, returned migrant women (RMW) and their family members, this study examines everyday reintegration experiences of RMW within their households in a rural Dagomba community in Northern Region, Ghana. We conceptualise the household as an arena of everyday life wherein RMW exercise agency to learn to generate livelihoods that support their own as well as household members’ joint well-being. We combine this conceptualisation of household with feminist scholars’ recognition of gender as situated process. Our conceptualisation makes it possible to illuminate gender dynamics around the everyday repetitive decision-making acts that constitute livelihood generation as performed by RMW within specific intra-household dynamics in the context of reintegration in the situated community. Through the examination of the diverse and contradictory ways in which RMW exercise agency in making decisions about livelihood strategies within their households in the studied community, we show how the everyday repetitive acts of RMW contribute to micro-transformations of a situated gender ideology.  相似文献   

Public policy scholars and public Law scholars often study the same substantive issues and have similar theoretical interests Yet students of the public policy process rarely consider the courts as policymakers in the same manner as do their public law counterpart We seek to explain this difference in approaches between the two Subfield on the question of the courts as policymakers, and we ask. how models of the public policy process should incorporate the judiciary.  相似文献   

杨龙 《史学集刊》2012,(4):23-31
在中国中古门阀政治的背景下,士人之间的社会交往对于维护和提升其政治地位具有重要作用。北魏前期的汉族士人虽然在政治上受到较大的限制,但他们仍然试图在现有政治状况之下,通过社会交往建立社会网络,从而形成相互间的身份认同并获得有效的政治资源。乡里社会是汉族士人展开社会交往的基础,他们也十分重视。随着仕宦于平城的汉族士人逐渐增多,平城就成了北魏前期汉族士人社会交往的中心。以崔浩为中心的社交网络和青齐地区的汉族士人的交往成了这一时期较为明显的两种社会交往形态。当然,汉族士人之间的社会交往往往受到政治的牵连。  相似文献   

目前学界对于美国汉学史的研究,多侧重于美国汉学概况、研究范式转变和著名中国学家及其著述的研究,而缺少从华裔汉学者对美国汉学之影响这一角度研究的论著。论文就赴美华裔汉学者对美国汉学的影响这一论题作了总体性探析。结果表明,20世纪40年代,一批从事中国文史研究的华裔学者赴美潜心于中国文史研究。他们在美所从事的文史研究是美国汉学发展的重要组成部分,对美国汉学产生了重要影响。他们对美国汉学的基础性贡献和推进作用具体表现在:协力培育美国汉学的基础、矫正美国汉学发展中的流弊、开拓美国汉学研究的新领域。  相似文献   

This paper is a response to Guotong Li’s article in which she argues that Li Zhi (1527–1602), He Qiaoyuan (1557–1633), and Li Guangjin (1549–1623) constituted a fellowship exemplified by their openness toward Islam and endorsement of maritime trade. Adopting a socio-intellectual approach, this paper rebukes the claim that the three scholars can be considered a fellowship. It demonstrates that their varying attitudes toward Buddhism and Islam should be considered in relation to their disparate intellectual dispositions. The paper also calls for a more prudent usage of the term “fellowship,” and examines the Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism revival in the mid-Ming, increasingly the dominant intellectual current in Quanzhou. Through an exploration of how Quanzhou Cheng-Zhu scholars participated in overseas trade as well as their literary commemoration of merchants, the paper supplements Guotong Li’s study of the city’s maritime trade with evidence broader than these three scholars and their Muslim connections. Together, it subscribes to the age-old Confusion tenet of “harmony with diversified views” (he er butong), thereby presenting a nuanced picture of Quanzhou.  相似文献   

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