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日本政府针对纺织产业衰退采取了相互结合的短期和长期政策。政策地实施维护了日本社会秩序和政治局面的稳定,实现了产业结构合理化和高级化,且在规模缩减的情况下,纺织产业重新焕发出活力。日本政府促进纺织产业转型的经验给我国提供了重要启示。  相似文献   

一般说来,地域开发政策是指日本政府对国内某些拥有开发潜力的相对落后的地区进行较大量的行政投资、组织基础设施建设、制定工业剌激计划、改善私人企业经营条件,并由此引导私人企业进行投资经营的经济政策。作为一种经济政策,它实际上是所谓区域经济政策的组成部分,大致相当于其中的区域发展政策,并兼及区域调整政策的某些方面。第二次世界大战结束以来,日本政府将地域开发政策与其它经济政策相互配合使用,为日本经济的快速增长创造了条件。因而研究日本地域开发的形成与发展过程及其基本特征对于理解日本经济发展具有重要的意义,并对我国…  相似文献   

自泡沫经济崩溃后产生不良债权以来,日本金融机构的不良债权就一直是持续增加的趋势,这在90年代后期尤为明显,巨额的不良债权对金融机构和日本经济都产生了极为严重的影响,为此,日本政府通过制订有关金融法规推进金融改革,实和金融稳定和政策和金融缓和政策,加强金融监督和金融检查等有关措施,千方百计地解决不良债权问题,日本政府解决不良债权的政策措施并未能阻止不良债权的继续增加,其处理不良债权的计划一再的落空,今后也不会一帆风顺,尽管如此,有关政策措施确实是起到了一定的作用,有值得学习和借鉴之处。  相似文献   

战后,日本政府推行的内外有别、军民不同、官兵迥异即根据对侵略战争的态度和“贡献”大小予以差别对待的战争补偿政策,明显具有战争犯罪的主观故意和客观影响,不容忽视。日本政府内外有别的战争赔偿政策的成因,主要有以下四个方面:1.“自卫战争史观”、“解放战争史观”、“靖国史观”等,是这一战争赔偿政策形成的思想根源;2.日本政要的右派构成和日本政权的保守性质,是这一战争赔偿政策形成的政治基础;3.部分日本国民持错误的战争史观,是这一战争赔偿政策形成的社会土壤;4.战后宽松的国际地缘政治环境,是这一战争赔偿政策形成的外部条件。  相似文献   

何天义 《民国档案》1998,(1):97-101
第二次世界大战期间,日本曾强掳中国、朝鲜和美国等同盟国的战俘和人民到日本做苦役。其中强掳中国战俘劳工达4万人。因为种种原因,这一问题在当时没有进行认真追究。在二战胜利51周年后,仍然是一个战后遗留问题。当受害的战俘劳工通过不同途径向日本方面交涉时,日本政府和企业却相互推诿,不肯承担责任。那么到底谁应该承担这个责任呢?本文想通过日本强掳中国战俘劳工的具体事实,简要分析一下日本政府、军队、企业及日伪劳工组织的具体责任,以促使此历史遗留问题的解决。  相似文献   

20世纪30年代以后,随着日本对外侵略战争的不断扩大,近代日本开始进入战时体制,为了保证粮食供应和确保农村的稳定,军部控制下的日本政府开始实施打击寄生地主、扶植自耕农和保护佃农的战时土地政策。随着战争的不断深入,日本政府不得不对土地和粮食推行严格的统制政策,进一步使战时的土地制度走向极端,同时消弭了农村的寄生地主制。日本战时的各项土地制度是决战体制下的非常手段,在一定程度上支持了法西斯战争。  相似文献   

战后日本农业保护政策与农业发展的启示张玉棉战后日本农业取得了长足进展,这与日本政府采取的一系列农业保护政策是分不开的,但是日本农业保护政策也不是十全十美的,它既有促进农业发展的积极一面,又有阻碍农业发展的消极一面。我们应认真总结日本的经验和教训,以资...  相似文献   

从满铁看日本在华经济活动的本质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
满铁”是日本“大陆政策”的产物,在日本 侵华战争中发挥着重要作用,名为经济实体,实质是日本政府在中国东北的国家机关,在进 行经济侵略的同时,还为侵华日军提供军事生产,运送军队和军用物资,是日本侵略战争的 生命线。  相似文献   

为缓和留日学生与日本政府之间的矛盾,以培养留日学生的"中日亲善"感情,日本政府顺应国际上列强退还庚款以资助中外文化教育交流的趋势,于1923年3月在第46届国会上通过了《对华文化事业特别会计法案》,并以此为基础,经与中方协商建立了一般补给生制度,正式开启了庚款补给中国留日学生工作。此后,日本政府为垄断庚款补给中国留日学生的大权,独自推出了特选留学生制度和选拔留学生制度,并在九一八事变后将一般补给生制度置于可有可无的地位。日本发动全面侵华战争后,由于中国停付庚款和对华文化事业经费的扩张,日本政府的庚款补给中国留日学生政策也是几经变化,并随着日本的战败投降而彻底终结。  相似文献   

日本新能源产业的发展模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从能源安全、经济发展和生态环境考虑,日本制定了详细而切实可行的新能源产业扶持政策,在官、产、学一体化积极推动下,新能源产业取得了巨大发展,为日本经济的可持续发展奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

赵治中 《攀登》2011,30(4):93-95
技术创新生态化强调的是在促进经济增长的同时,又不破坏生态环境,它对企业的进一步发展和地区经济可持续发展有着重要作用。本文依据技术创新生态化理论,分析了青海资源型企业技术创新生态化的必要性,结合青海资源型企业的实际,提出了青海资源型企业技术创新生态化的建议。  相似文献   


Edward Snowden’s revelations laid bare an unprecedented scale of state influence on communications technology. But government elites have frequently shaped technological development through their beliefs about potentially nefarious uses of communications. This article argues that beliefs about how other states or groups might use a technology can shape innovation. In particular, German visions about the British use of cables spurred German investment in developing wireless telegraphy. Germans imagined that the British were using cable technology to damage Germany’s reputation, spy on Germany and ‘poison’ neutral countries against the Central Powers. The German government and military at first created a colonial wireless network to bypass British cables. In World War I, however, they sought to establish a world wireless network. In the end, innovation was significantly shaped by how Germans imagined their enemies’ uses of communications technology.  相似文献   

2005年以来,国际原油价格剧烈震荡,除实体经济层面的供求因素外,能源作为金融商品的虚拟经济属性被放大,预期、投机、突发事件、汇率波动因素等都可能成为引燃油价波动的导火索。新的油价变动特点,使日本更加难以保持经济的内外均衡。从内部看,企业、行业间的收入分配效应分散了油价上涨的通货膨胀效果,具有技术垄断优势、善于利用金融工具避险及有效采取能源分散化和节能措施的企业与行业受油价波动的冲击更小。从外部看,进口成本增加和出口成本转嫁不完全引起了日本贸易条件恶化;石油美元通过贸易渠道和资本渠道的回流,对日本的国际收支产生一定影响;日元升值因素一定程度上缓和了高油价的冲击。日本政府、企业、居民的不懈努力创造了日本经济超低能耗的奇迹,这个奇迹将日本抵御油价波动的能力变成现实。.  相似文献   


This article explores the complex and changing relationship between technological development, intellectual property, and national security in late Victorian and Edwardian Britain. Its specific case study concerns an important invention developed by a naval officer. Technological innovations not only were vital to British security but also embodied commercially valuable intellectual property. The state’s interest in acquiring control of the intellectual property to maintain Britain’s naval supremacy was not automatically aligned with the interests of inventors. The alignment was especially fraught in the case of service inventors—that is, inventors in government service, rather than in the private sector. Service inventors, who played a crucial role in maintaining Britain’s naval-technological edge, were governed by special regulations, and they invariably utilized state resources for their inventive work. Exploring these issues sheds important light on the attitude of the British state toward innovation and technological development from the 1850s through the 1920s.  相似文献   

In the 1950s and 1960s, the modern Japanese state employed overseas cultural promotion as a way to maximise its interests and image not only in international contexts but also at home. By juxtaposing the Takarazuka Revue’s performances in the United States and Japan during the postwar period, this paper argues that the overseas promotion of this Japanese theatre troupe both depended upon and reinforced the Japanese populace’s nationalistic pride in its culture. The paper also addresses the ways in which the Japanese government used Takarazuka’s theatrical presentations as a means of pursuing its domestic and diplomatic agendas: improving Japan’s international position by proposing shared aspects of popular culture with the US and increasing its sense of nationalism by propagating cultural pride. In doing so, the paper explicates the ways in which Japanese popular cultural considerations interfaced with political concerns in the shaping of postwar Japan’s national identity.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the roles of institutions in facilitating or impeding the creation of new technological pathways in different countries. It is argued that the successful invention, innovation and diffusion of new technologies require the co-evolution of relevant institutions. It is argued that informal institutions, through their impact on people’s beliefs, perceptions and consequential behaviour, crucially influence whether formal institutions co-evolve with technological development and changing circumstances. At the same time, the rigidity of the pre-existing formal institutional arrangements impacts on whether agents can stimulate their co-evolution with the introduction of new technologies. These arguments are explored by comparing the creation of new wind power technologies in Britain and Germany since the 1970s.  相似文献   

Many executives in industry as well as decision makers in politics, see technology transfer and innovation as a linear and rather technical process. The authors emphasize the strong social linkage of these technological processes, as well as their implementation in networks on a regional level. Following the well‐known ‘chain linked model of innovation’ (Kline/Rosenberg) and recent efforts in network theory, they recommend a broader understanding of the processes and changes involved in innovation. Finally they give two examples of regionally successful arrangements for government‐industry cooperation, hence enhancing the benefits of modernization policies.  相似文献   

A Referendum Law took effect in Japan in May 2010. Since a referendum is a prerequisite to any change to the Japanese ‘Peace Constitution’, this is an event with potentially far-reaching consequences. By gauging the Democratic Party of Japan's views on the issue of revision of the constitution—particularly revision of the famous Article 9, with remains a foundation of Japanese security policy—and by extrapolating on the findings, this article aims to further the understanding of the new government's security policy more generally. After finding that the probability that the Japanese government will capitalise on the coming into force of the Referendum Law to reopen the constitutional debate is currently low, the article advances a number of hypotheses as to why this is the case, and discusses scenarios under which the status quo could change. Finally, it draws out the implications (a) of the preceding analysis for DPJ security policy, and (b) of DPJ security policy for the interpretation of the constitution where Article 9 is concerned.  相似文献   

Publicly-funded cultural institutions such as theatre companies, symphony orchestras, museums, libraries and so on are increasingly engaging with new technologies as a means of improving their operational efficiency and extending the range of ways in which they pursue their cultural missions. For example, opera companies are broadcasting performances by satellite to cinemas, and art museums are using the Internet to show virtual exhibitions. These developments have implications for funding authorities who need to update their policy approaches to encompass a range of new technological phenomena. This paper provides a framework for assessing technological innovation in cultural institutions, and discusses the ramifications of such a framework for cultural policy. The paper is illustrated using the results of a recent research project that evaluated the UK National Theatre’s NT Live experiment and the Tate Gallery’s use of a web-based exhibition as strategies to expand their audience reach.  相似文献   

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