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Book reviews     
Carolingian Renewal: Sources and Heritage. By D. A. Bullough.
The Rise of Magic in Early Medieval Europe . By Valerie I. J. Flint.
Dark Age Naval Power . By John Haywood.
Goths and Romans 332–489. By P. J. Heather.
The Goths in the Fourth Century . By Peter Heather and John Matthews
The External School in Carolingian Society . By M. M. Hildebrandt.
Handbook for William: A Carolingian Woman's Counsel for her Son , by Dhuoda.
Wulfstan of Winchester: The Life of St æthelwold . Edited by Michael Lapidge and Michael Winterbottom.
The End of Ancient Christianity. By Robert Markus.
Christianity and the Rhetoric of Empire: The Development of Christian Discourse . By Averil Cameron. Berkeley
The Annals of St-Bertin (Ninth-century Histories, volume I). Translated and annotated by Janet L. Nelson
Ireland and Northern France AD 600–810. Edited by Jean-Michel Picard
The Making of England: Anglo-Saxon Art and Culture AD 600–900. Edited by L. Webster and J. Backhouse  相似文献   

Short Notices     
《Early Medieval Europe》1993,2(2):184-188
The Transformation of the Year One Thousand: The Village of Lournand from Antiquity to Feudalism . By Guy Bois, translated by Jean Birrell.
The Origins of Somerset . By Michael Costen.
Wessex to AD 1000 . By Barry Cunliffe.
Living in the Tenth Century: Mentalities and Social Orders . By Heinrich Fichtenau.
Anglo-Saxon Studies in Archaeology and History, 5. Edited by William Filmer-Sankey and Sonia Chadwick Hawkes, James Campbell and David Brown
Images of Sanctity in Eddius Stephanus'Life of Bishop Wilfrid, An Early English Saint's Life . By William Trent Foley.
Legitimation und Funktion des Herrschers: Vom Ägyptischen Pharao zum neuzeitlichen Diktator . Edited by Rolf Gundlach and Hermann Weber.
The High Crosses of Ireland : An Iconographical and Photographic Survey. By Peter Harbison.
England in the Eleventh Century: Proceedings of the 1990 Harlaxton Symposium . Edited by Carola Hicks.
The Medieval Church: A Brief History . By Joseph H. Lynch.
Maritime Celts, Frisians and Saxons: Papers presented to a Conference at Oxford in November 1988 . Edited by Sean MGrail.
Rechtsarchäologie Europas . By Witold Maisel. Translated by Ruth Poninska-Maisel.
From Roman Basilica to Medieval Market: Archaeology in Action in the City of London . Edited by Gustav Milne.
English Heritage Book of Roman York . By Patrick Ottaway.
The Church in Western Europe from the Tenth to the Early Twelfth Century. By Gerd Tellenbach, translated by Timothy Reuter.
The Vikings . By Else Roesdahl, translated by Susan M. Margeson and Kirsten Williams.
The Early Germans . By Malcolm Todd.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《Early Medieval Europe》1996,5(1):83-121
Armagh and the Royal Centres in Early Medieval Ireland: Monuments, Cosmology and the Past. By N. B. Aitchison. Cadbury Castle, Somerset: The Early Medieval Archaeology By Leslie Alcock, with S. J. Stevenson and C. R. Musson. The Medieval Landscape of Wessex . Edited by Michael Aston and Carenza Lewis. Biblical Commentaries from the Canterbury School of Theodore and Hadrian . By Bernhard Bischoff and Michael Lapidge. The English nobility under Edward the Confessor . By Peter A. Clarke. The Old English Lives of St Margaret . By Mary Clayton and Hugh Magennis. The Martyrs of Cordoba: Community and Family Conflict in an Age of Mass Conversion . By Jessica A. Coope. Scotland in Dark Age Europe . Edited by Barbara E. Crawford. The politics of dreaming in the Carolingian Empire . By Paul Edward Dutton. The Early Medieval Bible . Edited by Richard Gameson. The Viking-Age Gold and Silver of Scotland AD 850–1100 . By James Graham-Campbell. Medieval Listening and Reading: The Primary Reception of German Literature , 800–1300. By D. H. Green. Sidonius Apollinarus and the Fall of Rome , AD 407–485. By Jill Harries. Karl Martell in seiner Zeit . Beihefte der Francia, Band 37. Edited by J. Jarnut, U. Nonn and M. Richter. Manor, Vill and Hundred: The Development of Rural Institutions in Early Medieval Hampshire . By Eric Klingelhofer. Wisdom, Authority and Grammar in the Seventh century. Decoding Virgi-lius Maro Grammaticus . By Vivien Law. Medieval Boat and Ship Timbers from Dublin. Medieval Dublin Excavations 1962–81. Series B, Volume 3. By Sean MGrail. Carolingian Culture: Emulation and Innovation . Edited by Rosamond MKitterick. Consorting with Saints: Prayer for the Dead in Early Medieval France . By Megan MLaughlin. Early Irish Contract Law . By Neil MLeod. Theodoric in Italy . By John Moorhead. Ausgewählte Probleme europäischer Landnahmen des Früh-und Hochmit-telalters. Methodische Grundlagendiskussion im Grenzbereich zwischen Archäologie und Geschichte. The Book of Kells: Proceedings of a Conference at Trinity College, Dublin, 6–9 September 1992 . Edited by Felicity O'Mahony. The Poetic Art of Aldhelm . By Andy Orchard. Politik und Heiligenverehrung im Hochmittelalter . Edited by Jürgen Peter-sohn Marriage in the Western Church: The Christianisation of Marriage during the Patristic and Early Medieval Periods . By P. L. Reynolds. The Formation of the Medieval West: Studies in the Oral Culture of the Barbarians . By Michael Richter. Jews, Visigoths and Muslims in Medieval Spain: Cooperation and Conflict . Medieval Iberian Peninsula Texts and Studies 10. By Norman Roth. The Reign of Cnut, King of England, Denmark and Norway . Edited by Alexander R. Rumble. The Earliest Irish and English Bookarts: Visual and Poetic forms before A. D. 1000. By Robert D. Stevick. Saints and their Miracles in Late Antique Gaul. By Raymond Van Dam.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《Early Medieval Europe》1995,4(1):105-122
Amicitiae und Pacta. Bündnis, Einung, Politik und Gebetsgedenken im beginnenden 10. Jahrhundert . By Gerd Althoff. Women's Lives in Medieval Europe: A Sourcebook. Edited by Emilie Amt. Armies and Politics in the Early Medieval West. By Bernard S. Bachrach. The Variae of Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus Senator . Translated with notes and introduction by S. J. Barnish The Lives of the Eighth-Century Popes (Liber Pontificalis) . Translated with an introduction and commentary by Raymond Davis Victor of Vita: History of the Vandal Persecution . Translated with notes and introduction by John Moorhead The Last Christology of the West. Adoptionism in Spain and Gaul 785–820. By John C. Cavadini. Three South Etrurian Churches: Santa Cornelia, Santa Rurina and San Liberato (Archaeological Monographs of the British School at Rome 4). Edited by Neil Christie. San Vincenzo al Volturno 1: The 1980–86 Excavations Part 1 (Archaeological Monographs of the British School at Rome 7). Edited by Richard Hodges. Law, Culture and Regionalism in Early Medieval Spain . By Roger Collins Early Anglo-Saxon Shields . By Tania Dickinson and Heinrich Harke. Saint Patrick, A. D. 493–1993. By David N. Dumville Otto III. Romanus Saxonicus et Italicus. Kaiserliche Rompolitik und sach-sische Historiographie . By Knut Görich. The Early State and The Towns: Forms of Integration in Lombard Italy AD 568–774. By Dick Harrison. Norse and Later Settlement and Subsistence in the North Atlantic. Edited by Christopher D. Morris and D. James Rackham. The Viking Age in Caithness, Orkney and the North Atlantic . Edited by Colleen E. Batey, Judith Jesch and Christopher D. Morris. An Anglo-Saxon Watermill at Tamworth. Excavations in the Bolebridge Street area of Tamworth, Staffordshire, in 1971 and 1978. By Philip Rahtz and Robert Meeson. Éducation et culture dans l'occident médiéval . By Pierre Riche. Tintagel, Arthur and Archaeology . By Charles Thomas The Caliphate in the West . By David J. Wasserstein Talking Animals: Medieval Latin Beast Poetry 750–1150 . By Jan M. Ziolkowski.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《Early Medieval Europe》1996,5(2):215-250
The Anatomy of a Little War. A Diplomatic and Military History of the Gundovald Affair (568–586) . By Bernard S. Bachrach. Intinerant Kingship and Roual Monastesries in Early Medieval Germany c. 936–1075. (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought). By John W. Bernhardt. Abü Ma‘?’ar, the Abbreviation of the Introduction to Astrology, Together with the Medieval Latin Translation of Adelard of Bath . Edited and translated by Ch. Burnett, K. Yamamoto and M. Yano. Interactions of Thought and Language in Old English Poetry . By Peter Clemoes. The Chronicle of Marcellinus, Translation and Commentary . By Brain Croke. Anglo-Saxon Church Councils c. 650-c. 850. By Catherine Cubitt. English Carolin Script and Monastic History: Studies in Benedictinism, A. D. 950–1030 . By David N. Dumville. Studien zum Polyptychon von Saint-German-des-Prés . By Konrad Elmhäuser and Andreas Hedwig. Das Polyptychon von Saint-German-des-Prés: Studienausgabe . By Konrad Elmhäuser and Andreas Hedwig. Viking Age Ringed Pins from Dublin . By Thomas Fanning. Settlement and Social Organization. The Merovingian Region of Metz . By Guy Halsall. Famille et pouvoir dans le monde franc (VIIIe-Xe siècle). Essai d'anthropologie sociale . By Régine Le Jan. Culture and Religion in Merovingian Gaul, AD 481–751 . By Yitzhak Hen. The English conquest: Gildas and Britain in the fifth century. N. J. Higman. Das römische Erbe und das Merowingerreich . By Reinhold Kaiser Die Entstehung des Deutschen Reiches . By Joachim Ehlers Königtum und Königsherrschaft im 10. und 11. Jahrhundert . By Egon Boshof Die Regularis Concordia und ihre altenglische Interlinearversion. Mit Einleitung und Kommentar , edited by Lucia Kornexl. Zur päpstlichen Urkundensprache im frühen Mittelalter: Die päpstlichen Privilegien 896- 1046 . By Hans-Henning Kortüm. Miracles and the Venerable Bede . By W. D. MCready. Both One and Many: Essay on Change and Variety in Late Norse Heathenism . By John MKinnell, Fiefs and Vassals. The Medieval Evidence Reinterpreted . S. Reynolds. Danish Medieval History: New Currents . Edited by Niels Skyum-Nielsen and Niels Lund. The Road to Judgment: From Custom to Court in Medieval Ireland and Wales . By Robin Chapman Stacey. Oswald: Northumbrian King to European Saint , Edited by Clare Stancliffe and Eric Cambridge. In the Foreground Beowulf . By Eric Gerald Stanley.  相似文献   

Short notices     
《Early Medieval Europe》1995,4(2):251-252
Bede and his World: The Jarrow Lectures . With a preface by Michael Lapidge. Communications and Power in Medieval Europe: the Carolingian and Ottonian Centuries and Communicatiions and Power in Medieval Europe: The Gregorian Revolution and Beyond. By Karl Leyser. English Heritage Book of Lindisfarne Holy Island . By Deirdre O'Sullivan and Robert Young. Excavations at Rhuddlan, Clwyd: 1969–73 Mesolithic to Medieval . By Henrietta Quinnell (formerly Miles) and Marion R. Blockley with Peter Berridge. Zur Kontinuität zwischen Antike und Mittelalter am Oberrhein . Edited by Franz Staab. Pre-Viking Lindsey . Edited by Alan Vince.  相似文献   

Book reviews     

Book reviews     
《Early Medieval Europe》1998,7(2):229-260
Mayles BayléArchitecture Normande au Moyen Age. Actes du Colloque de Cerisy-la-Salle (28 September–2 October 1994). Regards sur l'art de bâtir and Les étapes de la creation. Matthias Becher Rex, Dux und Gens. Untersuchungen zur Entstehung des sächsischen Herzogtums im 9. und 10. Jahrhundert . Edited by John J. Contreni and Pádraig P. Ó Néill. Glossae Divinae Historiae. The Biblical Glosses of John Scottus Eriugena. Christian Coppens, Albert Derolez and Hubert Heymans Codex Eyckensis. An Insular Gospel Book from the Abbey of Aldeneik. A Facsimile with an Introduction. Stephanie CouéHagiographie im Kontext. Schreibanlaß und Funktion von Bischofsviten aus dem 11. und vom Anfang des 12. Jahrhunderts. Alice L. Harting-Corrêa Walahfrid Strabo, ‘Libellus de Exordiis et Incrementis Quarandum in Observationibus Ecclesiasticis Rerum.’ A Translation and Liturgical Commentary.. Rijcklof Hofman The Sankt Gall Priscian Commentary. Part 1. Vol. 1. Introduction; Books 1-5. Vol. 2. Translation and Commentary; Indices. Edited by Richard A. Jackson Ordines Coronationis Franciae, Texts and Ordines for the Coronation of Frankish and French Kings and Queens in the Middle Ages. Vol. I.. Jenny Jochens Old Norse Images of Women.. Mayke de Jong In Samuel’s Image: Child Oblation in the Early Medieval West.. Felice Lifshitz The Norman Conquest of Pious Neustria. Historiographic Discourse and Saintly Relics 684–1090.. Edited by R. McKitterick The New Cambridge Medieval History, Volume II, c.700–c.900. Edited by Rosamond McKitterick and Roland Quinault Edward Gibbon and Empire. Inge B. Milfull The Hymns of the Anglo-Saxon Church. A Study and Edition of the ‘Durham Hymnal.’ DáibhíÓ Cróinín Early Medieval Ireland 400–1200. Carol Braun Pasternack The Textuality of Old English Poetry. Edited by Erich Poppe and Bianca Ross The Legend of Mary of Egypt in Medieval Insular Hagiography. Susan A. Rabe Faith, Art, and Politics at Saint-Riquier. The Symbolic Vision of Angilbert. Pierre RichéDictionnaire des Francs. Les carolingiens. Jonathan Riley-Smith The First Crusaders, 1095–1131. Edited by Jane Roberts and Janet Nelson, with Malcolm Godden Alfred the Wise. Studies in Honour of Janet Bately.. Pauline Stafford Queen Emma and Queen Edith: Queenship and Women’s Power in Eleventh Century England. Kees Veelenturf Dia Brátha. Eschatological Theophanies and Irish High Crosses.  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》2003,22(3):315-337
Book reviewed in this article:
The Late Medieval Scottish Parliament. Politics and the Three Estates 1424–1488 . By Roland Tanner
Early Tudor Gwent 1485–1547 . By W. R. B. Robinson
Politics, Religion and Popularity in Early Stuart Britain. Essays in Honour of Conrad Russell . Edited by Thomas Cogswell, Richard Cust and Peter Lake
The Stuart Kingdoms in the Seventeenth Century. Awkward Neighbours . Edited by Allan I. Macinnes and Jane Ohlmeyer
The Crown's Servants . By Gerald Aylmer
Revolution by Degrees. James Tyrrell and Whig Political Thought in the Late Seventeenth Century . By Julia Rudolph
Walpole in Power . By Jeremy Black
W. B. Ferrand. The Working Man's Friend, 1809–1889 . By John Ward (edited and with an introduction by Norman Gash)
George Herbert Penis 1866–1920. The Life and Times of a Radical . By Robert Gomme
SNP. The History of the Scottish National Party . By Peter Lynch
From Votes to Seats. The Operation of the U.K. Electoral System since 1945 . By Ron Johnston, Charles Pattie, Danny Darling and David Rossiter
The Labour Party. Continuity and Change in the Making of 'New' Labour . By Steven Fielding
Labour's Second Landslide. The British General Election of 2001 . Edited by Andrew P. Geddes and Jonathan Tonge  相似文献   

Book reviews     

Book reviews     
《Early Medieval Europe》2006,14(3):325-352
Books reviewed: La première Normandie (Xe–XIe siècles). By Pierre Bauduin. Caen: Presses universitaires de Caen. 2004. 462 pp. EUR 30.00. ISBN 2 84133 145 8. Das monastische Experiment: die Rolle der Keuschheit bei der Entstehung des westlichen Klosterwesens. By Albrecht Diem. Vita Regularis 24. Münster: LIT Verlag. 2005. x + 465 pp. EUR 39.90. ISBN 3 8258 8556 9. Viking Rus: Studies on the Presence of Scandinavians in Eastern Europe. By W?adys?aw Duczko. Leiden and Boston: Brill. 2004. xii + 290 pp. + 78 ill. (including maps). $184.00. ISBN 90 04 13874 9. Charlemagne's Mustache and Other Cultural Clusters of a Dark Age. By Paul Edward Dutton. The New Middle Ages. New York and Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan. 2005. xvi + 279 pp. + 34 b/w ill. £40. ISBN 1 4039 6223 5. Politics and History in the Tenth Century. The Work and World of Richer of Reims. By Jason Glenn. Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought, 4th series 60. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2004. xviii + 330 pp. + 10 plates. £50. ISBN 0 521 83487 2. The Annals of Flodoard of Reims 919–966. Edited and translated by Steven Fanning and Bernard S. Bachrach. Readings in Medieval Civilizations and Cultures 9. Peterborough, Ontario: Broadview Press. [2004]. xxxvi + 120 pp. £8.99. ISBN 1 55111 650 2. Liber Eliensis: The History of the Isle of Ely from the Seventh Century to the Twelfth. Translated by Janet Fairweather. Woodbridge: The Boydell Press. 2005. xliv + 575 pp. £30. ISBN 1 84383 015 9. La géographie du pouvoir dans l’Espagne Visigothique. By Céline Martin. La collection Temps, Espace et Société«Histoire et Civilisations». Lille: Press Universitaires du Septentrion. 2003. 408 pp. EUR 23.50. ISBN 2 85939 815 5. King Harold II and the Bayeux Tapestry. Edited by Gale R. Owen‐Crocker. Woodbridge: Boydell Press. 2005. xii + 202 pp. £45 (hardback). ISBN 1 84383 124 4. Die Inszenierung religiöser Konfrontationen. Theorie und Praxis der Missionspredigt im frühen Mittelalter. By Lutz E. von Padberg. Monographien zur Geschichte des Mittelalters 51. Stuttgart: Anton Hiersemann. 2003. xii + 528 pp. EUR 184. ISBN 3 7772 0324 6. Power and Conversion. A Comparative Study of Christianization in Scandinavia. By Alexandra Sanmark. Uppsala: Occasional Papers in Archaeology, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Uppsala University. 2004. 322 pp. ISBN 91 506 1739 7. Barbarians, Marauders and Infidels: The Ways of Medieval Warfare. By Antonio Santosuosso. Boulder, Colorado, and Cumnor Hill, Oxford: Westview. 2004. xiv + 344 pp. ISBN 0 8133 9153. Herrschaft und Repräsentation: Studien zur Hofkultur König Alfreds des Groβen. By Anton Scharer. Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung, Ergänzungsband 36. Vienna and Munich: R. Oldenbourg Verlag. 2000. 151 pp. DM 66 paperback. ISBN 3 7029 0445 X. Ancient Germanic Warriors: Warrior Styles from Trajan's Column to Icelandic Sagas. By Michael P. Speidel. London and New York: Routledge. 2004. xiv + 313 pp. ISBN 0 415 31199 3. Charlemagne: Empire and Society. Edited by J. Story. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 2005. xx + 330 pp. £16.99 (paperback). ISBN 0 7190 7089 9. The Evolution of Norman Identity, 911–1154. By Nick Webber. Woodbridge: The Boydell Press. 2005. xi + 195 pp. £45. ISBN 1 84383 119 8.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《Early Medieval Europe》1993,2(2):163-183
Geschichte der iberischen Halbinsel im Mittelalter, 711–1480. By Ludwig Vones.
The Age of Sutton Hoo : the Seventh Century in North-Western Europe. Edited by M. O. H. Carver.
The Image of Aristocracy in Britain , 1000–1300. By David Crouch
Vie chrétienne et culture dans I'Espagne du VIle au Xe siècles . By Manuel C. Díaz y Díaz.
Wessex and England from Alfred to Edgar: Six Essays on Political, Cultural and Ecclesiastical Revival . By David N. Dumville.
Doppelklöster und andere Formen der Symbiose männlicher und weiblicher Religiosen im Mittelalter . Berliner Historische Studien 18. Ordensstudien 8. Edited by K. Elm and M. Parisse.
Die abendländische Freiheit vom 10. zum 14. Jahrhundert. Der Wirkungszu-sammenhang von Idee und Wirklichkeit im europäischen Vergieich , Vorträge und Forschungen des Konstanzer Arbeitskreis für mittelalterliche Geschichte 39. Edited by Johannes Fried.
The West Midlands in the Early Middle Ages . By Margaret Gelling.
Venantius Fortunatus: A Latin Poet in Merovingian Gaul . By Judith W. George.
The Kingdom of Northumbria AD 350–1100 . By N. J. Higham.
Rome, Britain and the Anglo-Saxons . By Nicholas Higham.
Anglo-Saxon Women and the Church, sharing a common fate . By Stephanie Hollis
Re-Envisioning Past Musical Cultures: Ethnomusicology in the Study of Gregorian Chant . By Peter Jeffery.
Ottonian Book Illumination: an Historical Study . By Henry Mayr-Harting.
The Heliand: The Saxon Gospel . By G. Ronald Murphy.
The English Church and the Continent in the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries: Cultural, Spiritual, and Artistic Exchanges . By Veronica Ortenberg.
St Dunstan. His Life, Times and Cult . Edited by N. Ramsay, M. Sparks, and T. Tatton-Brown.
The City in Late Antiquity . Edited by John Rich
Province and Empire. Brittany and the Carolingians . By Julia M. H. Smith.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
《Early Medieval Europe》1999,8(1):147-172

Book Reviews     
Book reviews in this article: Days of Gold: The California Gold Rush and the American Nation. By Malcolm J. Rohrbough. Divided Memory: The Nazi Past in the Two Germanies. By Jeffrey Herf. China: Understanding Its Past. By Eileen H. Tamura, Linda K. Menton, Noren W. Lush, Francis K. C. Tsui, and Warren Cohen. The Oxford History of the British Empire in Five Volumes : The Origins of Empire: British Overseas Enterprise to the Close of the Seventeenth Century. Edited by Nicholas Canny. The Eighteenth Century. Edited by P. J. Marshall. The Nineteenth Century Edited by Andrew Porter. The Twentieth Century Edited by Judith M. Brown and William Roger Louis. Historiography Edited by Robin W. Winks. Africa and the Middle East : The Dispersion of Egyptian Jewry: Culture, Politics, and the Formation of a Modern Diaspora. By Joel Beinin. El Dorado in West Africa: The Gold‐Mining Frontier, African Labor, and Colonial Capitalism in the Gold Coast, 1875–1900. By Raymond E. Dumett. Namibia under South African Rule: Mobility & Containment, 1915–1946. Edited by Patricia Hayes, Jeremy Silvester, Marion Wallace, and Wolfram Hartmann. Weathered By Miracles. By Thomas A. Idinopulos. War by Revolution: Germany and Great Britain in the Middle East in the Era of World War I. By Donald M. McKale. Slavery arid Abolition in the Ottoman Middle East. By Ehud R. Toledano. The Americas : Argentina, the United States, and the Anti‐Communist Crusade in Central America, 1977–1984. By Ariel Armony. The Scar That Binds: American Culture and the Vietnam War. By Keith Beattie. The Iroquois in the War of 1812. By Carl Benn. Decade of Transition: Eisenhower, Kennedy, and the Origins of the American‐Israeli Alliance. By Abraham Ben‐Zvi. Oscar Wilde's America: Counterculture in the Gilded Age. By Mary Warner Blanchard. The Shape of the River: Long‐Term Consequences of Considering Race in College and University Admissions. By William G. Bowen and Derek Bok. Peronism arid Argentina. Edited by James P. Brennan. Dorothea Dix: New England Reformer. By Thomas J. Brown. Gotham: A History of New York City to 1898. By Edwin Burrows and Mike Wallace. The Dying of the Light: The Disengagement of Colleges and Universities from their Christian Churches. By James Tunstead Burtchaell. The Roosevelt Women. By Betty Boyd Caroli. Contact Points: American Frontiers from the Mohawk Valley to the Mississippi, 1750–1830. Edited, with an introduction, by Andrew R. L. Cayton and Fredrika J. Teute. Acheson: The Secretary of State Who Created the Modern World. By James Chace. Destroying the Village: Eisenhower and Thermonuclear War. By Campbell Craig. The Crisis of the Standing Order: Clerical Intellectuals and Cultural Authority in Massachusetts, 1780–1833. By Peter S. Field. Posada's Broadsheets: Mexican Popular Imagery, 1890–1930. By Patrick Frank. Lee and His Generals in War and Memory. By Gary W. Gallagher. Shifting the Blame: Literature, Law, and the Theory of Accidents in Nineteenth‐Century America. By Nan Goodman. Of One Blood: Abolitionism and the Origins of Racial Equality. By Paul Goodman. Cause for Alarm: The Volunteer Fire Department in the Nineteenth‐Century City. By Amy S. Greenberg. The Upset that Wasn't: Harry S. Truman and the Crucial Election of 1948. By Harold I. Gullan. Confederate Tide Rising: Robert E. Lee and the Making of Southern Strategy, 1861–1862. By Joseph L. Harsh. The Rood to Appomattox. By Robert Hendrickson A Cross of Iron: Harry S. Truman and the Origins of the National Security State, 1945–1954. By Michael J. Hogan. Pretense of Glory: The Life of General Nathaniel P. Banks. By James G. Hollandsworth Jr. Copper for America: The United States Copper Industry from Colonial Times to the 1990s. By Charles K. Hyde. Contested Cornmunities, Class, Gender, and Politics in Chile's EI Teniente Copper Mine, 1904–19.51. By Thomas Miller Klubock. The First Impeachment: The Constitution's Framers and the Case of Senator William Blount. By Buckner F. Melton Jr. The Lustre of Our Country: The American Experience of Religious Freedom. By John T. Noonan Jr. Hope in a Jar: The Making of America's Beauty Culture. By Kathy Peiss. Faces along the Bar: Lore and Order in the Workingman's Saloon, 1870–1920. By Madelon Powers. George B. McClellan and Civil War History: In the Shadow of Grant and Sherman. By Thomas J. Rowland. Race arid Politics: Asian Americans, Latinos, and Whites in a Los Angela Suburb. By Leland T. Saito. The Insistence of the Indian: Race and Nationalism in Nineteenth‐Century American Culture. By Susan Scheckel. The Reconstruction Presidents. By Brooks D. Simpson. Asia and the Pacific: “Gone Native” in Polynesia: Captivity Narratives and Experiences from the South Pacific. By I. C. Campbell. In the Service of the Emperor: Essays on the Imperial Japanese Army. By Edward J. Drea. Port Cities and Intruders: The Swahili Coast, India, and Portugal in the Early Modern Era. By Michael N. Pearson. Mercantilism in a Japanese Domain: The Merchant Origins of Economic Nationalism in 18th‐Century Tosa. By Luke S. Roberts. Europe: War and Faith: The Religious Imagination in France, 1914–1930. By Annette Becker. Translated from French by Helen McPhail. Leonardo Da Vinci: Origins of a Genius. By David Alan Brown. Mercenary Companies and the Decline of Siena. By William Caferro. My German Question: Growing Up in Nazi Berlin By Peter Gay. From Polrziano to Machiavelli: Florentine Humanism in the High Renaissance. By Peter Godman. Violence and Society in the Early Medieval West. Edited by Guy Halsall. Making Saints: Religion arid the Public Image of the British Army, 1809–1885. By Kenneth E. Hendrickson III. Russia in the Age of Peter the Great. By Lindsey Hughes. Word Crimes: Blasphemy, Culture and Literature in Nineteenth‐Century England. By Joss Marsh. Freud arid the Bolsheviks: Psychoanalysis in Imperial Russia and the Soviet Uniori. By Martin Mdler. Bordering Russia: Theory and Prospects for Europe's Baltic Rim. Edited by Hans Mouritzen. Austria: Out of the Shadow of the Past. By Anton Pelinka. Herodotus. By James Romm. In a Cold Crater: Cultural and Intellectual Life in Berlin, 1945–1948. By Wolfgang Schivelbusch. Ghosts iri the Middle Ages: The Living and the Dead in Medieval Society. By Jean‐Claude Schmitt. Translated by Teresa Lavender Fagan. Revolutionary Demands: A Content Analysis of the Cahiers De Doliances of 1789. By Gilbert Shapiro and John Markoff, with contributions by Timothy Tackett and Philip Dawson. Foreword by Charles Tilly. White, Mutiny: British Military Culture in India. By Peter Stanley. The Invention of the Crusades. By Christopher Tyerman. Autopsy for an Empire: The Seven Leaders Who Built the Soviet Regime. By Dmitri Volkogonov. Edited and translated by Harold Shukman. Kaiser and Fuhrer: A Comparative Study of Personality and Politics. By Robert G. L. Waite. General, Comparative, Historiographical: The Columbia History of the 20th Century. Edited by Richard W. Bulliet. The History of Diplomatic Immunity. By Linda S. Frey and Marsha L. Frey. Atlantic Crossings: Social Politics in a Progressive Age. By Daniel T. Rodgers. Darwin's Spectre: Evolutionary Biology in the Modern World. By Michael R. Rose.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Western Chou Civilization. By Cho-yun Hsu and Katheryn M. Linduff History/ Writing: The Theory and Practice of History in Antiquity and in Modern Times. By Albert Cook The Western Way of War: Infantry Battle in Classical Greece. By Victor Davis Hanson Sacred Biography: Saints and Their Biographies in the Middle Ages. By Thomas J. Heffeman Buddhism under the Tang, By Stanley Weinstein Medieval Germany 1056-1273. By Alfred Haverkamp. Translated by Helga Braun and Richard Mortimer Genoa's Response to Byzantium, 1155-1204: Commercial Expansionism and Factionalism in a Medieval City. By Gerald W. Day St. Francis ofAssisi and Nature: Tradition and Innovation in Western Christian Attitudes Toward the Environment. By Roger D. Sorrell Putting Asunder: A History of Divorce in Western Society. By Roderick Phillips A History of Private Life. Vol. 3, Passions of the Renaissance. Edited by Roger Chartier William Turner: Tudor Naturalist, Physician and Divine. By Whitney R. D. Jones Grace, Talent, and Merit: Poor Students, Clerical Careers, and Professional Ideology in Eighteenth-Century Germany. By Anthony J. La Vopa Charles Edward Stuart: A Tragedy in Many Acts. By Frank McLynn The Arkwrights: Spinners of Fortune. By R. S. Pitton The Army of the French Revolution: From Citizen-Soldiers to Instrument of Power. By Jean-Paul Bertaud Citizens: A Chronicle of the French Revolution. By Simon Schama Tsar Paul and the Question of Madness: An Essay in History and Psychology. By Hugh Ragsdale Napoleon and Hitler; A Comparative Biography. By Desmond Seward Suicide in Victorian and Edwardian England. By Olive Anderson Papers for the Millions: The New Journalism, in Britain, 1850s to 1914. Edited by Joel H. Wiener Macaulay. By Owen Dudley Edwards Fascism and the Mafia. By Christopher Duggan Daughters of the Canton Delta: Marriage Patterns and Economic Strategies in South China, 1860-1930. By Janice E. Stockard The Boulanger Affair Reconsidered: Royalism, Boulangism, and the Origins of the Radical Right in France. By William D. Irvine Women Clerks in Wilhelmine Germany: Issues of Class and Gender. By Carole Elizabeth Adams The Revolution of 1905, Russia in Disarray. By Abraham Ascher The Upheaval of War: Family, Work and Welfare in Europe, 1914-1918. Edited by Richard Wall and Jay Winter The Bolsheviks and the Red Army, 1918-1922. By Francesco Benvenuti. Translated by Christopher Woodall Communism and Collaboration: Simon Sabiani and Politics in Marseille, 1919-1944. By Paul Jankowski New Directions in American Indian History. Edited by Colin G. Calloway Indian Survival on the California Frontier. By Albert L. Hurtado Pursuits of Happiness: The Social Development of Early Modern British Colonies and the Formation of American Culture. By Jack P. Greene Worlds of Wonder, Days of Judgment: Popular Religious Belief in Early New Eneland. By David D Hall Colonial Chesapeake Society. Edited, with an introduction, by Lois Green Carr, Philip D. Morgan, and Jean B. Russo Brazil, The Forging of a Nation, 1789-1852. By Roderick J. Barman Origins of Southern Radicalism: The South Carolina Upcountry, 1800-1860. By Lacy K. Ford The Paddy Camps: The Irish of Lowell, 1821-61. By Brian C. Mitchell The Politics of Individualism: Parties and the American Character in the Jacksonian Era. By Lawrence Frederick Kohl Sports & Freedom: The Rise of Big-Time College Athletics. By Ronald A. Smith The American Civil War and the Origins of Modern Warfare: Ideas, Organization, and Field Command. By Edward Hagerman Winfield Scott Hancock: A Soldier's Life. By David M. Jordan The Rockefeller Century. By John Ensor Harr and Peter J. Johnson The Presidency of Rutherford B. Hayes. By Ari Hoogenboom America's First Black General: Benjamin O. Davis, Sr., 1880-1970. By Marvin E. Fletcher Workers’Health, Workers’Democracy. By Alan Derickson Drive to Hegemony: The United States in the Caribbean, 1898-1917. By David Healy George C. Marshall: Soldier-Statesman of the American Century. By Mark A. Stoler The World That FDR Built. By Edward Mortimer The American Conception of Neutrality After 1941. By Jurg Martin Gabriel The CIA and American Democracy. By Rhodri Jeffreys-Jones The American Age: United States Foreign Policy at Home and Abroad since 1950. By Walter LaFeber  相似文献   

《History and theory》2008,47(4):617-620
Book reviewed in this issue. Artifice and Design : Art and Technology in Human Experience . by Barry Allen . Between Mass Death and Individual Loss : The Place of the Dead in Twentieth ‐Century Germany . Edited by Alon Confino, Paul Betts, and Dirk Schumann. Reading Primary Sources : The Interpretation of Texts from Nineteenth‐and Twentieth ‐Century History . Edited by Miriam Dobson and Benjamin Ziemann. In the Light of Medieval Spain : Islam, the West, and the Relevance of the Past . Edited by Simon R. Doubleday and David Coleman. Diasporas . by Stéphane Dufoix . Was Ist Geschichte ? Aktuelle Entwicklungstendenzen von Geschichtsphilosophie und Geschichtswissenschaft . Edited by Wolfgang Eichhorn and Wolfgang Küttler. Past in the Making : Historical Revisionism in Central Europe after 1989. Edited by Michal Kope?ek. Time and History : The Variety of Cultures . Edited by Jörn Rüsen.  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》1992,11(1):157-177
Book reviewed in this article:
'Observations, Rules and Orders of the House of Commons': An Early Procedural Collection. Edited by W. R. McKay.
Clerks in the House of Commons 1363–1989: A Biographical List. By W. R. McKay.
English Politics in the Thirteenth Century. By Michael Prestwich.
The Governance of Late Medieval England, 1272–1461. By A. L. Brown.
Mary Tudor: A Life. By David Loades.
Elizabeth I. By Christopher Haigh.
The Writings of William Walwyn. Edited by Jack R. McMichael and Barbara Taft.
The Cavalier Parliament and the Reconstruction of the Old Regime, 1661–1667. By Paul Seaward.
Letters of George Lockhart of Carnwath, 1698–1732 . Edited by Daniel Szechi.
An Economic History of the English Poor Law, 1750. By George R. Boyer.
Government and Expertise: Specialists, Administrators and Professionals, 1860–1919. Edited by Roy MacLeod.
Katharine Atholl 1874–1960: Against the Tide . By S. J. Hetherington.
The Decline and Fall of the British Aristocracy. By David Cannadine.  相似文献   

Hope And Memory : Lessons From The Twentieth Century . By Tzvetan Todorov. Translated by David Bellos The Dictators : Hitler's Germany And Stalin's Russia . By Richard Overy Stalinism And Nazism : History And Memory Compared . Edited by Henry Rousso. Translated by Lucy B. Golsan, Thomas C. Hilde, and Peter S. Rogers Stalinism and Nazism : Dictatorships in Comparison . Edited by Ian Kershaw and Moshe Lewin Did Somebody Say Totalitarianism? Five Interventions in the (Mis )Use of A Notion . By Slavoj Zizek  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviews in this article: Human Nature in American Historical Thought. By Merle Curti. Sidney Hook and the Contemporary World: Essays on the Pragmatic Intelligence. Edited by Paul Kurtz with a preface. Nationalism and Socialism: Marxist and Labor Theories of Nationalism to 1917. By Horace B. Davis. The Origins of Socialism. By George Lichtheiru. Principles of Architcctwal History. By Paul Frankl. The Roman Empire and It s Neighbors. Edited by Fergus Millar. Death of the Roman Republic. From 146 B. C . to the Birth of the Roman Empire. By Stewart Perowne. Peter in Rome: The Literary, Liturgical and Archeological Evidence. By Daniel Wm. The Mcnaoirs of Philippe de Conrmyties. T'olume I (Books 1-5). Edited, with an introduction by Samuel Kinser. Translated by Isabelle Cazeaux. Pre-Ottoman Turkey: A General Survey of the Material atid Spiritual Culture and History c. 1071-1330. By Claude Cahen. Translated by J. Jones-Williams. The Holy Rottiatt Empire. By Friedrich Heer. Translated by Janet Sondheimer. Rural Economy and Country Life in the Medieval West. By George Duby. The King and His Courts: The Role of John and Henry III in the Administration of Justice, 1199-1240. By Ralph V. Turner. An Oxford Hall in Medieual Times, Being the Early History of St. Edmund Hall. By Alfred B. Emden. The King's Hall Within the University of Cambridge in the Later Middle Ages. By Alan B. Cobban. William III and Louis XIV: Essays 1680-1720, by and for Mark A. Thomson. The Damnable Duke of Cumberland. By Anthony Bird Layard of Nineveh. By Gcrdon Waterfield. The Victorian Age, 1815-1914. By R. J. Evans. The Departed Village: Berrick Salome At the Turn of the Century. By R. E. Moreau, with illustrations by David Gentleman. Egypt and Cromer: A Study in Anglo-Egyptian Relations. By Afaf Lutli Al-Sayyid. Many Roads to Moscow: Three Historic Invasions. By Leonard Cooper. The Village Gathering in Russia in the Mid-1920's. By Yuzuru Taniuchi. Finland: Creation and Construction. Edited by Hillar Kallas and Sylvie Nickels. Frau Loti. Nietzsche's Wayward Disciple. By Rudolph Binion. Kreuzerkrieg: The Gripping Story of the German East Asia Squadron in World War I . By Edwin P. Hoyt. The American Occupation of Germany: Politics nnd the Military, 1945-1949. By John Cimbel. The Ordeal of Totol War, 1939-1947. Volume XX, The Rise of Modern Europe. By Gordon Wright. Africa in Social Change: West African Societies in Transition. By P. C . Lloyd. Africa in Social Change: West African Societies in Transition. By P. C . Lloyd. Studies in the Institutional History of Early Modern Japan. Edited by John W. Hall Communism in China: As Reported from Hankow in 1932. By O. Edmund Clubb. The new England Meeting Houses of the Seventeenth Century. By Marian Card Dnnelly Quahers and Politics: Pennsylvania, 168l-1726. By Gary B. Nash. Moses Sheppard, Quaker Philanthropist of Baltimore. By Bliss Forbush. Rights of Our Fathers. By Chester J. Antieau. Cyrus Hall McCormick. Volume I, Seed-Time, 1809-1856.: Volume 11, Harvest, 1856-1884. By William T. Hutchinson. The First and Second United States Empires: Governors and Territorial Governrnent, 1784-1912. By Jack Ericson Elilen. Charles Ellett, Jr. The Engineer as Individualist, 1810-I862. By Gene D. Lewis. Samuel Griswald Goodrich, Creator of Peter Parle): A Study of His Life and Work. By Daniel Roselle. Heard Round the World: The Impact Abroad of thc Civil War. By H. C . Allen, David H . Pinkne. Rail Routes South: Louisville's Fight for the Southern Market, 1865-1872. By Leonard P. Curry. judicial Power and Reconstruction Politics. By Stanley I . Kutler. Ranch on the Ruidoso: The Story of a Pioneer Family in New Mexico, 1571-1968. Edgur Gardner Murphy, Gentle Progresive. By Hugh C . Bailey. When Workers Organize: New York City in the Progressive Era. By Melvyn Dubofsky. Paper Walls: America and the Refugee Crisis, 1938-1941. By David S. Wyman. All but the People: Franklin D. Roosevelt and His Critics, 1933-39. Ry George Wolfskill and John A. Hudson. Sit-Down in Anderson: UAW Local 663, Anderson, Indiana, By Claude E. Hoffman. The New Deal and the States: Federalism in Transition. By James T. Patterson. Bernardo O'Higgins and the Independence of Chile. By Stephen Clissold.  相似文献   

《History and theory》2012,51(2):309-312
Books reviewed in this issue. Whispering City : Rome and Its Histories . By R. J. B. Bosworth. History in the Discursive Condition : Reconsidering the Tools of Thought . By Elizabeth Ermarth. The Enlightenment of Sympathy : Justice and the Moral Sentiments in the Eighteenth Century and Today . By Michael L. Frazer. Nation and History : Israeli Historiography between Zionism and Post ‐Zionism . By Yoav Gelber. Themes in Modern European History : Social Movement and Cultural Current . Edited by Vandana Joshi. Liberalism , Imperialism , and the Historical Imagination : Nineteenth ‐Century Visions of a Greater Britain . By Theodore Koditschek. A história na América Latina : Ensaio de crítica historiográfica . By Jurandir Malerba. A Global History of History . By Daniel Woolf.  相似文献   

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