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InTibet,theNyingchiareaisreferredtoas"Gongbo,"andthepeo"Gongbopeople."Skyscrapingmountainsanddenseprimitiveforestscombinetomakeroadsruggedanddangerous.Longperiodsofisolationresultedinabackwardeconomyandaconservativesociety.Thissituationcontinuedintheregio…  相似文献   

Motivated by the thirdnational conference onwort in Tibet held by theCPC Central Committeeand the State Council meeting in July1994, Shanghai and Shandong provincedecided to provide aid to the Xigazearea from May 1995 onwards. Thefourth confernce on work in Tibet heldin May 2001 again established that theprovinces of Heilongjiang and Jilin, andthe Shanghai Baoshan Iron and SteelGroup and the China National ChemicalIndustrial Group should give aid to theXigaze area.  相似文献   

YagrigangisavillageinMaizhokunggar,Lhasa.Inthepast.abouthalfofthe264villagerssufferedfromdeformedbonesresultingfromdrinkingwaterlackingcalciumIn1991,theBritishSocietyforSufferingChildreninvested110.000yuantoinstallatapwatersystem.And,intheensuingyears,withaidfromthelocalauthorityconcerned,ittrainedmedicalorderliesforthevillage.Arecentphysicalexaminationshowsonlytwochildrenareslightlysufferingfromdeformedbonediseasetoday.TheBritishsocietybegantoworkonTibetinearly1990withassistancefromtheChi…  相似文献   

The State Grid Corporation of China (the State Grid for short) is in charge of powerconstruction in the whole country. Attaching great importance to promoting the development of Tibet, it adopts the policy of aiding Tibet in projects, technology and cultivation of talents, playing an important role in the socio-economic development of Tibet.  相似文献   

Aid agencies claim that their development expertise and advisory services are more important than their funds. Development research databases highlight broader problems in the knowledge management systems that have been established to record and distribute that expertise. In practice, distilled digested mini‐facts disseminated electronically risk perpetuating rather than reducing dependence. A banking model of knowledge and knowledge sharing stymies learning because it undermines and devalues learners’ initiative and responsibility. More consequential than detached bits of information is learning, largely initiated, maintained, and managed by those seeking to change their situation. Problem‐solvers must be directly involved in generating the knowledge they require. Achieving information affluence in poor countries cannot rest on transfer and absorption but rather requires a generative process with strong local roots.  相似文献   

In July 1994,the CPC Central Committee and the State Council held theThird National Conference on Work in Tibet.During the conference, JiangZemin,General Party Secretary and State President,said that showing carefor,and providing aid to Tibet constituted the consistent policy of the Partyand the State,and the bounden duty of peoples of all ethnic groups in the country.  相似文献   

Despite the enormous energy devoted to generating the right policy models in development, strangely little attention is given to the relationship between these models and the practices and events that they are expected to generate or legitimize. Focusing on the unfolding activities of a development project over more than ten years as it falls under different policy regimes, this article challenges the assumption that development practice is driven by policy, suggesting that the things that make for ‘good policy’— policy which legitimizes and mobilizes political support — in reality make it rather unimplementable within its chosen institutions and regions. But although development practice is driven by a multi‐layered complex of relationships and the culture of organizations rather than policy, development actors work hardest of all to maintain coherent representations of their actions as instances of authorized policy, because it is always in their interest to do so. The article places these observations within the wider context of the anthropology of development and reflects on the place, method and contribution of development ethnography.  相似文献   

InAprilandMayof1998IvisitedPalpungGonpathreetimes,inspectedtheongoingrepairs,andsentanartconservationteamtorescuesomepreciouswallpaintings.Themuralworkwasunplanned,aspur-of-the-momentdecisionmotivatedbyurgentneed:,Here'showithappened.ThemainpurposeofmyfieldcessionwastofinishatconservationworkatnearbyBaiyaMonastery,andIarrivedthereonApril9withfourforeignconservators,fiveTibetanapprentices,andaslewofsupportpersonnel.Aftertheworkwassmoothlyunderway,IwasabletoslipoutforavisittoPalpung,whichis…  相似文献   

YANGCHENGECONOMY&SOCIETYAidProjectsBenefitShannanEnormously-AnInterviewWithXanbaPuncog,SecretaryoftheCPCShannanCommiteeChina′...  相似文献   

This article applies the principles of Foucault's (1986) concept of heterotopia to the spatial imaginaries and material realities of the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry (FANY), an elite organisation of British women volunteers who served on the Western Front during World War I. First, the FANY created crisis heterotopia shaped by the history and politics of the period and linked to gendered cultural anxieties at this slice in time; second, FANY space was ordered and made accessible through the interplay of class privilege and patriotic national identity; third, it involved possibilities for transgression through the heterotopic juxtaposition of material practices of domesticity within and against sites of combat; and finally, FANY space both involved an utopian element that contrasted with other real spaces available to women and helped reveal the gendered politics of those traditional sites.  相似文献   

The Cook Islands Government spends more than 40 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP). Its tax revenue is capped at 25 per cent of GDP under a 1998 austerity package agreed with its creditors New Zealand, Nauru and the Asian Development Bank. Non-tax revenue is 5 per cent of GDP, and external aid fills the resulting gap. This recently renewed reliance on aid contrasts sharply with the strong performance of the economy’s private sector, driven by a booming tourism industry, which has pushed the balance of payments into a huge surplus and raises important questions about the allocation of the gains from growth.  相似文献   


China’s emergence as a global development actor has implications for developing countries and “traditional” donor agencies. Its current provision of foreign aid and other forms of development assistance to developing countries throughout the world presents both opportunities and challenges for all actors. At the same time, China’s growing need for natural resources and its policy of securing access through state-led “resource diplomacy” are causing concern. While most scholars and commentators are focused on the “China in Africa” dimension, China’s engagement in the South Pacific region has also been growing rapidly over the past decade and offers some interesting and unique insights. This article examines the dynamics of China’s provision of foreign aid and its quest for natural resources in the South Pacific region, with comparative references to other regions. Drawing particularly upon interviews and site visits in Fiji and Papua New Guinea, it argues that although major commercial resource contracts do appear to be supported by Chinese Government assistance, resources deals are not explicitly part of Chinese foreign aid in the region.  相似文献   

As one of Australia’s largest and most active non‐governmental development assistance organisations, Community Aid Abroad‐Oxfam Australia (CAA) places development education and advocacy among its priorities. This study evaluated one of CAA’s development education programs to determine if a program lasting only twenty‐eight days could heighten participants’ awareness of social justice issues sufficiently to be considered successful. The research aimed to determine what participants’ pre‐program expectations were, and if after completing the program, participants believed that they had been changed sufficiently by the experience to become activists for social justice, thus fulfilling CAA’s stated reason for running the program. The study revealed that all participants had their positive expectations of the program met and all hoped, and most expected, to become activists for social justice in some way in the future. It was therefore concluded that, in the context of a development education program with a limited number of annual participants, 28 days does make a difference.  相似文献   

During the Second Sudanese Civil War (1983–2005), the Sudanese government attempted to fashion the country as an Islamic state. The Sudan Catholic Bishops’ Conference (SCBC) penned a series of letters condemning the lack of religious freedom, making demands of the state, and encouraging the laity with particular biblical references. The letters occasionally framed the war as a chance to prove a familial relationship with Christ, suggesting a compelling link between citizenship and faith. This article explores these letters and argues that they represent an important chapter in the genealogy of Sudanese church–state relations. Ongoing challenges with religious freedom in Sudan and South Sudan show the continuing relevance of earlier church discourse towards and about the state.  相似文献   

Tsering Lhamo,a Tibetan woman,was born in Luntse County of the Tibet Autonomous Region(TAR).She joined the Communist Party of China in 1960,and was the on-going party secretary of a town in Nedong County.She led eleven households of Nangsan(serfs) in 1961 to form a mutual support team for agricultural production and achieved a rise in local production.Later,the labour committee of the Tibetan branch of the Communist Party cited her as the"model for thousands of liberated serfs".In 1977,under her leadership and with the efforts exerted by local members of the commune,  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of humanitarian aid on conflict, focusing especially on two main issues: the usefulness of a political economy approach in analysing the impact of international humanitarian aid on conflict dynamics; and the way that humanitarian aid organizations confront some of the major policy dilemmas inherent in working with failed states, such as military protection, aid conditionality, and neutrality. After a discussion of these issues, a case study is presented which compares the nature of humanitarian aid in Cambodia over two time periods, with the intention of illuminating alternative models that have been utilized by the international community in responding to state failure with humanitarian aid.  相似文献   

FortheHappinessOftheTibetans──ProgramtoAidthePoorinTibetLIUGUANGXUThegovernmentoftheTibetAutonomousRegionhasmappedoutaplantos...  相似文献   

In September 2015, Australia, along with 193 member states of the United Nations, signed the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The facilitation of international trade and increasing foreign aid for developing countries were emphasised as crucial means for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. An important role was assigned to the international Aid for Trade initiative, which is about stimulating economic growth in developing countries through removing constraints to trade. Australia has been a strong supporter of the Aid for Trade initiative since it was launched at the World Trade Organization’s Ministerial Conference in Hong Kong in 2005. Aid for trade has become a central plank of the ‘new development paradigm’ of Australia’s international aid program. This article analyses the conceptualisation and practice of aid for trade in Australia’s aid, with a focus on how it links to ecologically sustainable development. It argues that Australia’s aid for trade is reinforcing the neo-liberal development paradigm in which environmental dimensions are overall neglected and private sector development and free trade are prioritised. In order to achieve international and national development goals of poverty reduction and sustainable development, environmental sustainability needs to be fully integrated into the growing aid for trade portfolio of Australia’s international aid.  相似文献   

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