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ABSTRACT. Economies of scale, transportation costs, and factor mobility can interact to produce agglomerations even in the absence of any pure external economies. This paper offers a monopolistic competition model of a city that serves an agricultural hinterland; unlike most analyses in location theory, the model is fully general equilibrium, but it has strong links to older concepts in geography, notably the idea of "market potential." The analysis shows that the forward and backward linkages that hold a population concentration together also allow that concentration to occur in a variety of possible sites—that is, there are multiple equilibria (indeed a continuum) for metropolitan location.  相似文献   

<正>陈孟虎国际摄影俱乐部理事、中国摄影家协会会员,1949年生于河南省灵宝县。大专文化,中共党员。1969年入伍,1982年转业。先后在洛阳地区中级人民法院、三门峡总工会、陕县人民政府、三门峡市检察院工作。现任三门峡市人大常委会主任。《陈孟虎摄影作品集》是陈先生第一本摄影作品集,全书分春、夏、秋、冬四部分,收录其40余幅自然风光作品。在该书出版之际,本刊记者对陈孟虎先生进行了采访……  相似文献   

THE MATTER OF NATURE   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Qomolangma Nature Reserve (QNR) covers several counties:Tingri, Nyalam, Gyirong and Dinggye under the jurisdiction of Shigatse Prefecture of Tibet  相似文献   

关于逆城市化的性质   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
逆城市化的现象自六十年代以来在发达国家相继出现。关于这一现象的性质、其结果对世界城市化进程的基本趋势的影响等问题,仍有各抒己见的认识。本文通过对目前关于逆城市化现象的一些主要认识倾向的评析,试图使该现象的基本特征、性质、趋势清晰化,以有助于更好地认识当前世界城市化进程的基本规律性,同时也为城市化的实践提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Qomolangma Nature Reserve (QNR) covers several counties:Tingri, Nyalam, Gyirong and Dinggye under the jurisdiction of Shigatse Prefecture of Tibet  相似文献   

The articles in this section aim at critical reappraisal of space from the viewpoint of the materiality of human action which is underpinned by a special focus on its dealings with nature. Space is primarily viewed by others than geographers and/or from outside Scandinavian and Anglo‐American research. The role of language and culture, as well as using the possibilities of ecosemiotics grown out of the Tartu–Moscow school, is highlighted in an attempt to enliven discussions of lived space and human relationships with nature.  相似文献   

<正>大多数人对野生动物的最初认识都来自于动物园或电视节目,而要真切感知,就需走进自然。一方水土养一方人,人类如此,动物亦如此。2008年,我开始涉足生态摄影和观鸟领域,走过国内许多生物多样性热点地区,受到各级林业部门和野生动物保护协会的支持和帮助,在野外探寻拍摄珍稀物种。为此我也曾数次往返非洲、欧洲、东南亚等地,在这些最亲近原始和自然的旅行中,一次次地与野生动物们亲密接触——伴着瀑布声在树下享用早餐,会有小猴子时不时地到餐桌上抢水果;在石头铺  相似文献   

随着时代发展,大城市中高楼林立,生活节奏日益加快,蜗居生活成为了大都市年轻人普遍的生活状态.然而在大自然中也有很多善于蜗居的动物,不仅如此,它们还乐此不疲地辛勤建造着属于自己的蜗居,其建造工艺、手法和速度堪称一流,而且其对于建筑实用性的把握绝对不亚于当今世界顶级大师贝聿铭或者弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特.  相似文献   

Situated at the southern end of the ancient northern pole of bio-geographic terrain,by combing the natural geographic  相似文献   

Post‐industrial imagery and the functions of ruins can evoke novel dimensions of spatial structures and organization. This article discusses the question of how interactions between urbanity and nature are articulated and enacted within the redesign of industrial ruins. The socio‐ecological configurations produced in this process include multiple realities about nature that become fragmented and contested in practice described by various authors using different concepts which are viewed critically. The concept of urban nature is elaborated because it enables one to problematize more‐than‐human entities in making particular commons and can reveal some interactions between semiotic and ecological systems. Theoretical approaches are illustrated by a case study of initiatives taking place in the former heating plant of Tallinn. The study indicates that engagement with nature has evolved through abstract vitalization visions of the ruins and moved to tactile encounters of experimental gardening. The evolutionary aspects of nature were used as guidelines for enabling weak structures of creativity, and the rationalities behind the experimental garden got contested and partly refocused over time.  相似文献   

A brief survey article outlines basic environmental problems currently confronting local authorities in desert regions of the Uzbek SSR accompanying urban development, irrigation, and oil and gas production in that republic. It then describes mitigating measures which have been introduced to address these problems. The focus of attention should be on increasing the efficiency of irrigation, acceleration of efforts at revegetating areas of drifting sand, and expansion of the network of protected natural areas (translated by Jay K. Mitchell, PlanEcon, Inc., Washington, DC 20005).  相似文献   

New evidence is reported here using transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and laser reflectance for the nature of the black glossy decoration layer present on the Attic black or red figure vases of the sixth to fourth century BC. The black layer, of total thickness about 20 μm, consists mainly of poly crystalline magnetite (Fe3O4) particles of dimensions from 0.2 μm down to extremely fine sizes embodied in an amorphous vitreous matrix. On the outer surface of the black paint we discovered for the first time a thin clear glassy film of approximate thickness 0.1 μm which is rich in Al and Fe and poor in Si. This film must be responsible for the characteristic sheen of the surface. This is verified with the reflection of laser light mostly in specular direction, a unique property compared with black paints of other areas and other periods.  相似文献   

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