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孙甫是北宋史坛上最有影响的人物之一 ,他讲史、论史、私撰史书《唐史记》 ,是引经入史的倡导者和实践者 ,并在效法《尚书》、《春秋》大义的口号下 ,强调史学要为现实提供借鉴。他的史学思想及其史学成就对于宋代史学风气的转变和编年体史书的复兴具有重要影响。  相似文献   

“史书”在两汉只能是指《史籀篇》,“善史书”即精通、熟悉《史籀篇》,“善史书”者可确保所书文字合乎“六书”规范。  相似文献   

《史》、《汉》之际史学的发展表现有二:一是思想上正统化观念不断加强,前人已多有论述;二是史学自身的发展更多体现在史家对史书编撰形式的探索上。纪传体体例逐渐"整齐",起居注著录渐成常例,地方史的撰述得到提倡,学术史、人物专史、杂史、制度史等都以专书的形式出现,"史氏流别,殊途并骛",史书编撰出现多途发展趋势。  相似文献   

今年2月1日起施行的《福建省实施(地方志工作条例)办法》(以下称《实施办法》),是我省第一部有关地方志工作的地方性法规。是全省地方志工作者盼望已久的。自古以来,志书素有“存史、资政、教化”的功能。所谓“治天下者以史为鉴.治郡国者以志为鉴”。新编地方志不同于一般的史书,是一种具有特殊体例的著述,  相似文献   

靳宝:《简帛文献与中国早期史学史研究》(《中国史研究动态》2019年第5期)简帛文献中有不少与史学史直接相关的内容,如清华大学收藏的楚竹书《系年》,记录了从西周至战国早期的历史,是一部带有独特编纂意识的史书,让我们看到了战国史学的某种原始形态,对中国早期史书的形成也有更为直接而深入的了解。清华大学所收藏的楚竹书《楚居》《良臣》及睡虎地秦墓竹简《葉书》等史篇,一定程度上展示了中国早期史学中“世”类史书的某种形态,推进了关于《世本》成书及来源的认识,有助于深入思考《世本》与《史记》的关系。马王堆汉墓帛书《春秋事语》和清华简《越公其事》等大量“语体”类文献,不仅有助于认识《国语》的形成背景、史学价值,而且丰富了对中国早期史学中“语”类史书叙事的了解。可以说,简帛文献中的史类文献,从某一层面再现了战国史学的繁荣,拓展和丰富了我们对先秦史学史的认识.  相似文献   

《樵史通俗演义》对白莲教起义、李自成起义的描述在主要事件的主要方面与史书的记载基本上是一致的,但也有些不实甚至歪曲的描述。它们的背后体现了作者的“补史”思想和对农民起义仇视的政治立场。  相似文献   

<正>六朝时代,享有"六经三史"之称的《东观汉记》,它成于东汉刘珍等众多学者之手,是馆局分纂史书之始祖。在此之前执掌史书的职官是兰台令史(如班固等),实行世官制。东汉章帝、和帝之后,史书之撰写与世官分离,图书逐渐集中到了"东观"。劳干《魏晋南北朝史》谓  相似文献   

唐代史学家李延寿撰著的《南史》八十卷、《北史》一百卷,是我国封建社会“正史”(即“二十四史”)中有一定影响的两部史书。这两部书是隋唐时期统一的政治形势的产物,并为这个统一的政治形势服务的。但因《南史》多出于《宋书》、《南齐书》、《梁书》和《陈书》,《北史》多取材《魏书》、《北齐书》、《周书》和《隋书》,故一千多年来,论者蜂起,议论横生。然而,无论是宋人的称道,还是清人的指摘,均未就《南史》、《北史》的撰著者的著述思想和旨趣作深入的讨论。基于此,本文试图就李延寿所著《南史》、《北史》的思想渊源、政治倾向及前人对《南史》、《北史》的评价问题,发表一点粗浅的看法,以就教于学术界的同志们。  相似文献   

作为一种史书编纂形式,史钞起源于战国时期,经过两汉至隋唐的发展,到宋明时期达于鼎盛。随着史钞类史籍的逐步增多,宋初编纂《龙图阁书目》,正式把史钞从杂史中分离出来,列为史部独立的类目,取得了史学史上应有的地位。史钞的编纂形式比较灵活,或在旧史体裁基础上加以改造创新,或打乱旧史体例重新分类钞纂,或不受史书体例限制,随笔杂抄,均以适合多数人阅读为归宿。史钞蕴含着丰富的史学思想,有着强烈地以史为鉴的思想,特别注重正统之争,彰显以史育人的观念,关注史论在读史中的的引导作用。史钞的社会影响很大,人们竞相镌刻、售卖和传阅,成为史学走下庙堂、走向民间的桥梁。  相似文献   

<正>志书是存史,史书是述史,两者既有联系又有区别,它们各有自己的优势。编修志书,编纂人员要理清志书与史书的概念关系与异同之处,明确史书笔法的优势,在不改变志体的前提下,适当借鉴史书笔法,这对提高志书质量具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

In conventional approaches to computer analysis of historical sources, one must represent the data in structured formats in which content and context are discarded. Extensible markup language (XML), developed for data transfer on the Internet, permits preservation of the full text of irregular historical sources without sacrificing the ability to conduct systematic analysis. Related querying tools offer most functions of a relational database management system, including data transformation facilities for coding, standardizing, and aggregating nominal data. An XML database permits multiple interpretations of the data because the unit of analysis and the coding schemes are not defined at entry. In a case study of probate inventories, the author demonstrates how structured analysis of domestic interiors can be performed and introduces approaches to studying semistructured data.  相似文献   

史孝山《出师颂》是一篇著名的文赋,曾被收入南朝梁太子萧统辑录的《文选》中。故宫博物院新近购藏的隋贤章草书《出师颂》(又称绍兴本《出师颂》)。是现存最早的书写此文的墨迹。本文通过研究东汉时期的相关史实来分析《出师颂》一文的创作主旨、征引典故的含义,考辨其作者的身份。并综合历代关于此文的抄本、刻本和拓本,对隋贤书《出师颂》进行文字校勘,以期从文献学的角度来研究绍兴本的书写时代及其与其他传本的关系。  相似文献   

本文在占有详实资料和实地考察的基础上,运用城市历史地理学方法,分析了五代至元时期与西安城(新城)督建者韩建有关的两个问题,探讨了此时期西安城的城垣范围及其建制特点,并揭示出西安城城墙、城门和城角的具体特征,从而全面地揭示了五代至元西安城垣的面貌。  相似文献   

本文通过对《唐历》及其作者柳芳进行系统、全面地考证研究 ,旨在揭示《唐历》一书的史学价值。全文就作者柳芳生卒年、生平事迹、交游及其柳氏三世为史家以及《唐历》的产生过程、内容体例等具体问题进行探讨 ,分析司马光《资治通鉴考异》和《新唐书》所引用文献 ,探究出《唐历》价值。  相似文献   

This article transcribes and glosses a nineteenth-century Mazandarani document on Babi-state conflict at Shaikh Tabarsi. Collected in 1860 in the town of Barfurush, it was published five years later by Boris Andreevich Dorn in Perso-Arabic characters. The text is the first known prose document based on natural speech in the modern Mazandarani language. The language of the text is fundamentally the same as that spoken today in the Persian province of Mazandaran, located south of the Caspian Sea. As one expects, however, there are certain extinct traits in the text, which could be identified only by comparison with other surviving Mazandarani documents of the same period. The text will contribute to the study of the largely understudied language of Mazandaran, particularly to its development since the composition of the text. It may also serve as a supplementary historical document for the historic incident it narrates.  相似文献   

清华大学藏简《尹诰》篇是失传了的《咸有一德》,但不是古文《尚书》中的《咸有一德》,非常重要,其内容目前可以基本疏通。由其内容来看,其中已经有建立在"君权天授"、"天人合一"基础上的民本思想,这是孟子思想的源头。从其内容上也可以说明清华简《尹诰》篇不伪,其史料价值非常珍贵,古文《尚书》中的《咸有一德》则确系伪书。  相似文献   


In the first part the ideological nature of the OT historical narrative is stressed, which means that it is hardly usable as a historical source alone. Therefore, in the second part three demands are formulated should we decide to use an OT text in a historical analysis: 1) the event we want to investigate has to be mentioned in the OT, 2) must correlate with material from archaeological excavations, and 3) must be mentioned in at least one external written source. The final part is devoted to an overview over the Scandinavian excavations at Tel Fukhar, Jordan.  相似文献   

《如梦录》是一部记载明代后期开封城市状况的笔记体方志性著作,以其记载翔实、内容丰富而具有重要的史料价值。对该书的作者、版本进行考证和论述,对其主要内容及其史料价值作比较详细的介绍和分析,具有一定的学术意义。  相似文献   


Anna Comnena's history the Alexiad has been accorded a high honorary status by Byzantine historians. Her pioneering efforts in philosophy and the thoroughness of her historical methodology are admired, although there is a distinct reluctance to analyse her historical writing. On a superficial level the Alexiad is a straightforward text: an historical panegyric in its organisation, frequently eulogistic in tone, in the manner of court orations, and rhetorically strongly influenced by conventional Byzantine pastiches of Homer. A triumphal mood pervades the biography. A somewhat more careful assessment soon reveals the significant tensions and contradictions which lurk beneath the formalised strength of this epic historical narrative. Ideological and cultural problematics abound. The self-conscious celebratory presentation of Byzantium's cultural elitism is frequently subverted by the author's pessimism. The spatial and temporal terrain of the Alexiad contains many visionary qualities, even though the text purports to narrate the events ‘as they occurred‘. Historical perspectives and idiosyncratic philosophical positions impinge, blend, envelop, and disorganise the text. Among the many themes is Anna's presentation of the ‘Latin West’, and in particular her characterisation of the appearance of crusaders in Byzantine society. A more personalised feature is Anna's self-projection of herself within the Alexiad as ‘a dutiful daughter’ and ‘a loving wife’. Yet the narrative contains elements of gender confusion, for there is an assertive and possessive interest in forms of political power that were usually culturally exclusive to Byzantine men.  相似文献   

Tomb-cults (with which are to be associated family traditions, genealogical matters, and a variety of other aspects) of epic heroes are important for a number of reasons, among these being the fact they may tell us something about the origin and nature of the poems themselves. These questions have been well investigated for France but are still little studied in and for Spain. Both historical and pseudo-historical or legendary traditions are involved, the latter predominating both in quantity and interest. After an introductory discussion, a survey is undertaken of the cult of the Cid, protagonist of the Poema de mio Cid (1207?) and national hero of Spain. The aim is not to give a full account of all aspects, but to cover the less well-known of these in detail and to provide bibliographical indications about aspects that are already adequately explored. Genealogical matters are examined first, then the monasteries, churches and towns in which the cult was present. The ‘little-known document’ is the forged will of a Navarrese prince, which was a key text in the cult at the monastery of Santa Maria la Real de Nájera and at San Pedro de Cardeña.  相似文献   

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