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This paper explores some theoretically informed ways in which to use the rich evidence relating to ports, harbours and other waterfront installations in archaeology. It argues that studies of waterfront structures within the specialisms of nautical/maritime and wetland archaeology are extremely important in their own right, but they could also be used to explore broader issues connected with their use and context. These include the cultural and religious significance of water and its dangers, the symbolic significance of landscape change, the relationship between people and their environment and the negotiation of the land/water interface. Examining the evidence of the port of Roman London as a case study, this paper explores the archaeology in its local setting and addresses a number of subjects relating to both its temporal and spatial position. It focuses on the religious significance of water and the implications of altering waterscapes through artificial construction.  相似文献   

Summary. In 1977 Grahame Clark suggested that the siting of megalithic tombs along the west coast of Scandinavia reflected the distribution of productive fishing grounds. Unlike the situation in other parts of Europe, these monuments were not associated with agriculture. Opinions have varied over the last quarter century, but enough is now known about changes of sea-level for his interpretation to be investigated on the ground. There seems to have been considerable diversity. On the large island of Örust some of the tombs located near to the sea appear to be associated with small natural enclosures defined by rock outcrops and may have been associated with grazing land. On the neighbouring island of Tjörn, however, the tombs were associated with small islands and important sea channels. During the Bronze Age the same areas included carvings of ships. Recent fieldwork in western Norway suggests that such locations were especially important in a maritime economy.  相似文献   

长江三角洲主要集装箱港口扩张与竞争   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伴随着全球经济和贸易的一体化发展,作为世界物流的最主要形式的集装箱运输也快速增长。尤其在长江三角洲地区,近几年来集装箱港口迅速扩张,各港口之间展开争夺腹地集装箱货源的激烈竞争。本文从长江三角洲主要集装箱港口设施建设以及集装箱运输的现状入手,通过该地区两大集装箱港口-上海港与宁波港对其共同腹地-浙江省的国际集装箱生成及流向的调查,引入腹地市场区位商的概念,分析两港口对浙江省集装箱货源的吸引力及竞争态势。  相似文献   

任航  张振克  蒋生楠  王卿  胡昊 《人文地理》2018,33(6):103-111
非洲港口城市是联结中非贸易网络的重要节点,承担了资源配置的重要功能。以城市地理学的角度,着眼于非洲港口城市发展现状。选取2015年集装箱吞吐量在5万TEU以上的34个非洲沿海港口城市为研究对象,对非洲主要港口城市的分布格局进行探讨。借助位序规模法则和相对集中指数(RCI),对34个港口城市的体系分布特征,以及在不同尺度下的港城规模关系现状进行比较。研究认为:①非洲主要港口和城市体系满足位序规模特征,大洲尺度下主要港口体系较为合理,城市体系规模较为集中;②非洲大陆港口城市整体布局不完善,国家内部存在港口城市首位度过高的现象普遍;③部分港口城市港城规模脱节现象较为严重;④不同区域港口城市发展差异较大,表现为北非、南非港口体系较为发达,西非、中非港口规模落后于城市规模,东非港城规模较为均衡但缺少大区级港口。结合非洲港口城市发展特点,提出了中国企业开展对非港口投资的建议。  相似文献   

Despite its title and stated objectives this edited volume does not provide a broad and inclusive survey of post‐apartheid South African historiographical developments. Its main topic is the unexpected demise in the post‐apartheid context of the radical or revisionist approach that had invigorated and transformed the humanities and social studies during the 1970s and 1980s. In the context of the anti‐apartheid struggle the radical historians had developed a plausible model of praxis for progressive scholarship, yet in the new post‐apartheid democratic South Africa radical historical scholarship itself encountered a crisis of survival. This should not be confused with a general “crisis” of historical scholarship in South Africa, as some of the uneven contributions to this volume contend, as that remains an active and diversely productive field due also to substantial contributions by historians not based in South Africa. If the dramatic and ironic fate of radical historical scholarship in the context of the transition to a post‐apartheid democracy is the volume's primary topic, then it unfortunately fails to provide serious and sustained critical reflection on the origins and possible explanations for that crisis. A marked feature of the accounts of “history making” provided in this volume is the (former) radical historians' lack of self‐reflexivity and the scant interest shown in the underlying history of their own intellectual trajectories.  相似文献   

屠燕治  金德平 《中国钱币》2004,(4):3-7,F008
在宋代银铤和金铤、金牌、金叶子上, 常见有一些戳打或压印上去的阴刻铭文,作 用是用以说明这些金银货币的成色、用途、 制作人、重量等。由于有些铭文原本就不太 清晰,加之年久受损,又因古代一些文字书 写及用法与今天存有差异,造成了释读的困 难。因此,正确解读这些铭文,便成了认识 宋代金银货币的一项重要任务。以下就四则 铭文试作说解。 一、银铤“京销浪银”的铭文解读 2000年福建漳州发现数枚南宋12两半 银铤,所见银铤表面四角各砸一“京销浪 银”戳记(图1)。我们以往见到的南宋银 铤,大多铭“真花银”、“花银”、“京销铤 …  相似文献   

张新放  吕靖 《人文地理》2019,34(6):110-119
为明确港口连通性及其影响因素的时空差异,基于港口供应链视角,从港口面向内陆、内贸和外贸连通能力构建港口连通性模型,并借助空间计量模型对2002-2017年间中国环渤海港口连通性及其影响因素的时空差异进行测度。结果表明:①除天津、青岛和大连港连通性最强外,内陆、内贸和外贸连通性最强分别为日照、唐山和烟台港,连通性最弱分别为威海、丹东和盘锦港,黄骅港增速最快;②连通性分布具有多核心-边缘特征和多门户港口并存格局;③连通性影响因素具有空间相关性和异质性,但均对连通性有正向促进作用。本文旨在使决策者明确港口运输的连通能力及其影响因素,为港口规划布局和提升在港口供应链中地位提供决策支持。  相似文献   

油气地缘经济与中国油气安全   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文从地缘政治观念向地缘经济观念发展的观点出发,通过对全球油气中心随时空转移和变化的分析,着重阐述了冷战以后全球形成的"石油心脏地带"和"内需求月形地带"及"外需求月形地块"的油气地缘经济格局以及有关国家围绕争夺中亚油气资源和跨国运输通道构成的内外两个三角之间的油气地缘战略竞赛,在此基础上讨论了中国油气安全所面临的处境与应采取的对策。  相似文献   

苟倩  王成金  程佳佳 《人文地理》2017,32(6):95-103
粮食运输关乎中国民生大计,而港口是其网络中的重要节点。本文以中国港口为研究对象,着眼于1982-2013年,从进出港、进出口等角度,深入考察中国港口在国内外贸易中的职能分工与变化,归纳其空间模式。同时,从粮食生产分布、产需差异、需求结构、政策等方面探讨其格局演变的动力机制。研究发现,中国港口粮食运输能力不断增强,出港格局先是“向环渤海地区集聚”再“轻度分散”,进港格局则从“以北方港口为主”向“较为分散”演化,环渤海港口一直承担着中国粮食的出口职能,粮食进口则由“北进”向“南北同进”模式演变。  相似文献   

The article starts from the premise that invasive life has the capacity to produce human communities. Invasive life is conceptualized as a way in which humans categorize proliferating organisms as ‘non‐native’ to a particular territory. The article focuses on the kind of relationship of human beings to invasive life that invokes a sense of ‘being under attack’ on the human side. It is argued that the threat of invasive life produces ‘communities of fate’, which are theorized for the sake of this article in close relation to the concept of ‘communities of practice’. The social dynamics set in motion by such community formation are further analysed in relation to two different case studies: (1) the emergence of the 2009 H1N1 pandemic in Mexico, and (2) the invasive plants eradication campaign of a group of activists in Germany. The article concludes by discussing the merits of analysing social dynamics and community formation in relation to challenges posed by invasive life.  相似文献   

虚拟腹地:中国大陆口岸地位的度量与解释   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
口岸是对外开放的门户,支撑起了中国大陆全方位对外开放的格局。章引入虚拟腹地的概念,通过分析进出口商品流向,定量描述口岸对内影响能力,确定口岸的相对地位。并以虚拟腹地面积和通过口岸的进出口总量两个指标对39个口岸子群进行了类型划分。基于沿海、沿边口岸在整个开放体系中的重要性,章进一步分析了沿海、沿边各口岸群的相对地位和对内联系腹地的经济特征。  相似文献   

Summary. Although the general distributions of stone axes and their sources have been studied for many years, it is not clear whether the production of these artefacts was carried out by specialists. One way of resolving the problem may be to consider the efficiency with which raw material was extracted. This paper describes an attempt to assess the factors influencing the siting of the Group VI stone quarries at Great Langdale. It is concluded that there is only a limited relationship between the most suitable locations, as suggested by detailed sampling of the outcrop, and those sites where stone working actually took place. This suggests that some of those using such sites may have lacked a detailed knowledge of the area.  相似文献   

<正>Editor's Note:The State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China on April 15 published a white paper titled"Tibet's Path of Development is Driven by an Irresistible Historical Tide".The full text contains foreword,five chapters and conclusion.We select some part and share with our readers.The transformation of the old serf-owning Tibet into a new Tibet where the people are masters of their own fate was an essential precondition of Tibet's  相似文献   

'Mediterranean polyculture'(the systematic exploitation of olives and vines in addition to cereals from the beginning of the Bronze Age) has been considered as one of the main factors which led to the development of palatial institutions in Bronze Age Crete and mainland Greece. This paper reviews all the available, direct archaeological evidence for olive and vine exploitation and oil and wine production and use from Bronze Age Crete (microbotanical, macrobotanical, artefactual, epigraphic), discussing at the same time their taphonomic, analytical and interpretative problems. It is suggested that, at present, there is no reliable direct archaeological evidence to substantiate the 'Mediterranean polyculture'model. More significantly, research on wine and oil, if disconnected from the discourse of subsistence and the cultural-evolutionary models such as that of subsistence-redistribution and viewed within the framework of the anthropology of consumption, can more fruitfully illuminate important issues related to the dialects of power such as establishment and legitimation of authority, exploitation of labour and factional competition.  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国港口资源整合、港区功能调整和港口城市的转型升级,沿海港口与所在城市的关系发展面临新的变化和挑战。本文以我国沿海港口为例,结合定量分析与定性讨论,聚焦我国沿海港口港城关系问题,剖析港城关系的演变及驱动机制。研究发现:我国大部分沿海港口已进入极度协调发展阶段,但发展趋势逐渐放缓,区域分化特征显著,港城协同度差距呈现再扩大的发展趋势。在研究期间,我国城市驱动型港口城市数量显著增加,港口驱动型和港城互驱型港口城市数量减少。建议通过政府政策引导、港产城融合发展和港口转型升级等方式,不断提升我国沿海地区港城关系整体协调发展水平,为新时期我国沿海港口与所在城市的高质量发展提供重要支撑。  相似文献   


Covering the period 1290–1584, the Paston, Plumpton, Cely and Stonor letters, although for the most part ‘business letters’, concerned with the administration of their households and estates, nevertheless throw fascinating light on aspects of contemporary society. They reveal that the lives of those who strove to survive and prosper as landowning gentry were played out against a background of civil war, violent Scottish incursions over the northern borders, and military reversals in France. Closer to home, they struggled with predatory lords, tight-fisted dowagers, disgruntled sons, wretched daughters and bitterly contested wills.

Faced with many imponderables, they marshalled their defences: judicious marriages and kinship networks, compliant children, the patronage of influential magnates – perhaps even of the king himself, such protection as was afforded by the law and unceasing vigilance.

Parental affection and true love and devotion also find welcome expression among what were severely practical concerns.  相似文献   

White pottery is among the most significant finds from China's earliest state, Erlitou (c. 1900–1500 bc ). Samples were primarily discovered in small numbers from elite tombs of a few sites, leading to the hypothesis that they were made at only a few locations and then circulated regionally as prestige items. To facilitate determining provenances, we compare the ICP–MS trace elements and TIMS Sr isotopes of whiteware with two soil samples from Nanwa, a possible manufacturing site, and with shards found at three other sites: Erlitou, Huizui and Nanzhai. The Nanwa shards demonstrate special elemental and Sr isotopic features. Considering the chemical observation and archaeological background together, we propose that Nanwa was a centre for whiteware production, although the two soil samples we collected there were probably not the exact materials used. Some whiteware pieces from Erlitou, Huizui and Nanzhai fall in the chemical field defined by Nanwa samples, indicating that they were possibly made at Nanwa. Many other samples from these three sites plot outside the Nanwa field, implying they were probably not Nanwa products. This study demonstrates that while chemical sourcing is very useful, firm archaeological context must remain the cornerstone of such research.  相似文献   

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