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This article examines the official response to the policy problemsraised by the over two thousand Britons who went to fight forthe Republic during the Spanish Civil War, with particular referenceto the Foreign Enlistment Act (1870). Revived in January 1937as a means of reducing the flow of volunteers and curbing therecruiting efforts of the Communist Party of Great Britain,the act proved embarrassingly unenforceable. Ambiguity overits applicability to the situation in Spain, combined with problemsof evidence, meant that no charges were ever laid against volunteerscaught attempting to leave for Spain or members of the recruitingorganization of the CPGB. Though a complete failure as a legaltool, the Foreign Enlistment Act nevertheless symbolically underlinedthe British government's declared support for internationalnon-intervention in Spain, and was never rescinded.  相似文献   

《Northern history》2012,49(1-2):117-137
This article will examine the responses to the dangers of the Second World War by a local authority in north-east England, Whickham Urban District Council. Councillors and officials received guidance from central Government, Durham County Council and from military authorities to prepare for the anticipated effects of total war, including invasion, bombing and chemical warfare against the civilian population. Detailed monthly reports to the Urban District Council reveal the extensive and expensive preparations made by the Council to counter these threats. Newspaper articles demonstrate the willingness of inhabitants to support the Council and participate in patriotic initiatives including voluntary work and fundraising.  相似文献   

贵州企业公司研究(1939—1949)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
抗日战争爆发后,以吴鼎昌为首的贵州省政府为了完成“开发贵州,建设西南”的历史使命,根据战时经济形势和贵州财政状况,创建了抗战时期我国第一家省营大型企业,即贵州企业公司。该公司在投资办厂方面具有重调研、重引导、重工矿交通建设以及重时局需要和地方资源等特点。在经管方面的成功之处则表现为组织系统比较全面和严密、决策机制充满活力、生产经营分工合作、财务制度健全有力以及重视延揽和培训人才,讲究员工福利等方面。贵州企业公司不仅在开发产品与技术,探测黔省地下资源,带动和促进贵州近代经济等方面做出了重大贡献,其经管模式更是在全国产生了深远影响。此外,该公司本身的兴衰历程也给我们留下了十分有益的历史启示。  相似文献   

Male baldness was a very common experience but it has rarely been considered by historians of any period or place. This article argues that baldness reveals a precariousness and vanity to masculinity in late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Britain. Baldness limited men's ability to self-fashion their appearance. It made them the target of jokes, marked the fact they were getting older, undermined their looks and, perhaps, made them less attractive to women. There was thus a vigorous market for cures and preventatives. Such products show how deep superstitions and irrational thinking could run, but understandings of the condition were also rooted in the social and cultural conditions of the day. The glamour of Hollywood, a keep-fit culture, growing advertising of male-grooming products and the fading of hat wearing from fashion, all intensified interwar anxieties around baldness. Not everyone worried about baldness, however, and men's feelings about their hair owed much to personality and circumstance. Baldness thus not only reveals the precarious nature of masculinity but also its inconsistent and inherently personal dimensions.  相似文献   

梁远  刘金源 《安徽史学》2015,(4):141-148
以曼彻斯特、伯明翰和利兹为代表的新型工业城市在空间结构方面体现出鲜明特征:随着新型工业建筑的出现,土地功能实现区分;各类建筑交叉林立,城市布局混乱;新的社会阶层居所分离形成。这种空间结构特征,使得工业城市中的"城市病"问题尤为突出。在英国19世纪中叶兴起的近代城市规划运动中,工业城市积极开展规划实践,空间结构得到合理重组,"城市病"得以缓解,城市面貌显著改观。  相似文献   

抗战全面爆发两年后,国统区发生了第一次宪政运动的浪潮。关注中国命运的知识界站在这个潮头,应时开展了关于宪政与抗战的讨论,想借此引起民众对宪政的认识,并将宪政的理论转化为救亡图存的工具。本文对这一讨论过程作了较为详细的阐述,客观评价了正、反两类观点,同时对这次讨论的价值体现作了分析。  相似文献   

Contemporary concerns about food safety and regulation haveimportant historical antecedents in the Victorian debate aboutfood adulteration which led to the 1875 Sale of Food and DrugsAct, the basis of British food law until 1955. This articlereconsiders the optimistic historiographical view of the Victorianfood legislation, emphasizing its limited impact on the generalprocess of food production and distribution before the SecondWorld War. In the 1930s adulteration was still a significantcommercial ploy. The analysis centres on State-business relations,drawing comparative perspectives from the manner in which bigfood companies shaped the regulatory framework in the USA. InBritain the government assumed a limited regulatory role, persuadedin the 1920s and 1930s that market forces and the commitmentof large producers to quality and scientific research were betterguarantees of safety than statutory legislation. But this wasa risky strategy: big producers were only responsible for aminority of overall output, and the State made no effort toexamine wider manufacturing conditions. *This article has been written with the assistance of a grantfrom the Leverhulme Trust.  相似文献   

Adam Ramadan 《对极》2008,40(4):658-677
Abstract: In the war between Israel and Hizbullah in 2006, 10,000 displaced Lebanese citizens were granted shelter and hospitality by Palestinian refugees in the camps of southern Lebanon. For the duration of the war, the Palestinian guests became hosts to their own hosts, and this temporary reversal of the usual relations of refuge set the scene for the rebuilding and renegotiation of relations between Palestinian refugees and their host country and its citizens. This paper addresses these events through a focus on the nature, politics and ethics of Palestinian hospitality and argues that hospitality was not simply a selfless act of giving, but also an instrumental act that had the potential to transform Palestinian–Lebanese relations in lasting ways.  相似文献   

黄天华 《民国档案》2007,(1):97-103
1939年,国民参政会川康建设视察团对川康两省作了三个多月的实地视察,视察内容涵盖吏治、兵役、治安、民生、经济建设等诸多方面,为抗日战争时期的社会民生实况留下了一份珍贵实录。从中可以窥见战争与社会、国民与国家的特殊意涵和真实形态,值得研究者认真重视。  相似文献   

An American historian traces major changes in the demographic character of Vilnius during 1939-1949, a period encompassing the dislocation of its population and destruction during World War II as well as the city's ethnic and physical transformation prompted by incorporation into the USSR. More specifically, the paper, based in part on archival material, details and contrasts the circumstances prevailing during several distinctive periods in the city's mid-20th century history (September 1939-June 1941, June 1941-July 1944, and July 1944-1949), when it was exposed to five successive state jurisdictions (Poland, Lithuania, twice USSR, and Nazi Germany) and became the new Soviet capital of Lithuania. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: O15, O18, R14. 1 figure, 89 references.  相似文献   

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