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陈艳军 《文献》2003,(4):206-218
<优语录>是王国维辑录的研究宋元戏曲史的资料汇编,作于1909年,刊于上海<国粹学报>第六十三至六十六期,后收入罗振玉主编的<海宁王忠悫公遗书>、赵万里主编的<海宁王静安先生遗书>以及今人所编<王国维戏曲论文集>等书中.  相似文献   

蒲霞 《东南文化》2006,(1):59-61
以淳熙《新安志》、弘治《徽州府志》、道光《徽州府志》为主要参考,广征其他文献资料,对《永乐大典》所收《新安志》的七条记载中的错误作了订正。  相似文献   

中苏两国于1950年2月14日签订的《中苏友好同盟互助条约》是新中国成立后对外签订的第一个双边关系条约。该条约的签订反映了人民革命胜利后,中华人民共和国与苏联之间建立了完全新型的关系,标志着中苏关系从此走向一个全面合作的历史时期。通过对《中苏友好同盟互助条约》与苏联同中国国民党政府在1945年8月14日签订的《中苏友好同盟条约》的比较来看,《中苏友好同盟互助条约》是中苏双方在充分协商、积极对话的基础上产生的,所强调的不仅是同盟,更是互助与合作。  相似文献   

《新序》、《说苑》中有近十条材料基本情节相似,但行文上各有侧重因而主题不同,形成"同题异类"。这些同题材料的运用,表现了刘向"以类相从"的体例规则和从《新序》至《说苑》渐趋凸显的主题意识。  相似文献   

《梁公九谏》属于早期的讲史话本。文章对其版本及作序之人进行了辨析,并对其成书过程作了较为详细的考辨,认为现存《梁公九谏》是从张仁宜或郭元振的《九谏书》嫁接增饰而来的,并考查了之所以转嫁到狄仁杰身上的原因在于,张、郭二人与狄仁杰虽然同为唐代才兼文武的一代名相,但由于唐宋以来普遍地以返周归唐的功勋系于狄仁杰一身,狄仁杰在人民心目中的地位更为崇高,故民间艺人将张、郭二人的《九谏书》移植到他们所敬慕的狄梁公身上。  相似文献   

《全唐诗》所载吕温二首诗(《嘲柳州柳子厚》、《嘲黔南观察南卓》)与吕温的事迹不符.均为伪诗,且两诗在录写时有笔误。  相似文献   

对银雀山一号汉墓出土的简文《守法守令等十三篇》中的词语进行整理、搜集,同时,参照《汉语大字典》、《汉语大词典》,从提前始见书和增补词语义项等方面,补其不足。  相似文献   

关于《唐六典》的撰修经过,历代文献均是非常简略的记载,并且缺乏时间的界定。本文全面梳理各类文献记载以纠正前辈学者对《唐六典》撰修经过的认识,并且以《唐六典》历任主持撰修者为标志把《唐六典》撰修经过划分为五个阶段。五阶段的划分可以正确的反映《唐六典》撰修的经过及各阶段对《唐六典》撰修的贡献。《唐六典》的撰修历经十六年,四易主持人,十四人参与撰修工作,是集贤院撰修著作中历时最长,用功最为艰难的一部集体创作。  相似文献   

南宋江湖诗人戴复古虽有《石屏诗集》传世,但遗逸正复不少,历年来有过几次辑佚之举,但都不能称为尽善。《诗渊》是宋诗的辑佚渊薮,此次利用《〈诗渊〉索引》,将其中包含的戴复古集外诗全部加以辑录编排,并指明《诗渊》及《索引》的摘录、编录错误,同时纠正前人利用《诗渊》考佚所得结论中的失误,以彻底澄清这一问题。  相似文献   

本文通过对《战国策》一书的成书时间、作者、书名以及该书的流传过程和义献价值的论述,考证了《战国策》是南多人写成,经由西汉末年刘向整理的,记载了战国时期策士谋略和游说之辞的优秀历史散文集。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,中国大陆整理和出版了大量关于汪精卫及汪伪政权的研究资料,同时一批具有较高学术水平的汪精卫生平传记陆续问世,另外在北京还召开了两次以汪精卫和汪伪政权为主题的学术会议,这些都推动了汪精卫及汪伪政权研究的良性发展.近30年来,中国大陆学者对汪精卫的方方面面都展开了研究,取得了丰硕的成果.从学者们发表的有关论文及论著来看,对汪精卫的研究主要集中在辛亥革命时期的汪精卫、大革命时期的汪精卫、汪精卫叛国投敌的原因、汪精卫的人际关系、汪精卫的政治思想等几个热点问题.学者们就这些问题展开了热烈的讨论,发表了大量研究成果,澄清了一些模糊认识,修正了不少学术观点.然而,在中国大陆的汪精卫研究中,也存在着一些突出问题和薄弱环节.要解决好这些问题,就需要众多学者的共同努力和有关方面的大力支持.  相似文献   

This article explores the making of public authority through the analysis of one specific master‐hunter in Western Burkina Faso and of the cultural and political contexts in which he has emerged as a political actor. Instead of looking at institutions and socio‐political structures per se, the article focuses on a powerful but controversial political actor, in order to unpick the intricate networks that he has creatively appropriated in the making of public authority. The master‐hunter, whom we will call Kakre, has been breaking state law in order to assert his own authority, but he has also drawn upon state institutions to be recognized as a legitimate political actor. External actors, such as civil servants, politicians and private business entrepreneurs, have consulted him and asserted his public authority. As a political actor Kakre is generally held to be unpredictable, which is one of the reasons for the importance of scrutinizing his public authority. It could even be argued that ‘unpredictability’ is one of the characteristics that make authority and power compelling. In conclusion, it is suggested that public authority is derived from a combination of different sources of legitimacy and that, therefore, public authority is shaped by the very ‘unpredictability’ of specific political actors.  相似文献   

创作宏富,以诗名世的五代王仁裕,秦州人。历一朝五国,生平经历颇为复杂。却因流传诗作较少,在文学史上很少被提及。本文依据史料书薄,对王仁裕杂史小说首次系统考述,以引起学者们对王仁裕杂史小说的注意与研究。  相似文献   

王维的人生正应验了佛教悲观主义的人生哲学。佛教对人生的看法及救赎对屡遭挫折的王维颇有启发。佛教对物质、对精神的需求都不能执著,这也是佛教的核心。王维后来与李林甫、杨国忠同朝听命,自然不能执著,正因如此,他才能在险恶的政治环境中安身立命。主观上使自己于身心相离中求得身心的统一。在客观上,这也是远祸避害的重要手段,佛教在王维亦官亦隐的生涯中确实起到了救赎的作用。而安史乱后的四五年,王维虽尽力逃向空门,但其心灵并未真正逃离煎熬。  相似文献   

湖北通山茅田王氏系江西德安王韶第八子王定的后裔,新发现《茅田王氏宗谱》自宋淳熙戊戌年(1178)至民国辛巳年(1941)凡13次续修,完整连续,可信无疑。该谱所存冯京、王厚、王彦融等宋人诗文未被《全宋诗》《全宋文》所录,甚为珍贵,本文辑出且略加考证。  相似文献   

The effectiveness of collaboration is often explained by the alignment of social networks with collective-action problem characteristics, yet previous research on social tie formation has focused almost exclusively on actor and relational attributes. We theorize that collective-action problem characteristics together with actor and relational attributes explain social tie formation and that the relative effect of these factors varies with uncertainty about collaboration partners. The study tests seven hypotheses associated with these factors by estimating multilevel network models of collaboration and task engagement among managers responding to a major wildfire in Sweden. The combination of actors and tasks in a single model captured key characteristics of the collective action problem (task engagements and task interdependencies), and disentangled the relative effects of these factors from actor and relational attributes. Results suggest that social tie formation can be explained both by actors’ task engagements, and actor attributes associated with leadership, professionalization, and experience. Further, the effect of task engagements decreases in organizational relationships where collaborative uncertainty is high. Since the alignment of social ties with problem characteristics is supposedly positively associated with collaborative effectiveness, this finding suggests that risk-aversion is a more deep-rooted driver of tie formation than the pursuit of collective performance.  相似文献   

The European Union is seen to operate at the international level by promoting ideas and values, rather than by exerting military or economic power. As a gender actor, the EU has played a key role in the development of formal equality, which is presented as a foundational principle of European integration. It therefore follows that normative power Europe should seek to promote these values in external affairs. This article interrogates the role of the EU as a normative gender actor in relation to its implementation of the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda, set out in UN Security Council Resolution 1325 and related resolutions. Documentary analysis will be supplemented by a detailed assessment of speeches and public statements about the role of the EU as a gender actor in external affairs. This data will be used to assess whether there is a disjuncture between the dominant narrative about gender equality as a fundamental value of the EU and the actions of the organization. It will also allow us to assess whether gender mainstreaming is a tool for public diplomacy or has made a significant change to the way the external relations agenda is formulated and implemented. Additionally, the article will draw attention to the institutional obstacles to the EU performing a role as a gender actor in external affairs. It identifies a critical tension between framing the WPS resolutions as an extension of the EU's equality on the one hand, and understanding that gender mainstreaming is a mere policy tool in international affairs. In doing so, it highlights how competing institutional demands can ultimately undermine core values (e.g. equality) when they are used instrumentally.  相似文献   

The author focuses her approach on the quite unknown actor’s figure, central in the theatrical activity of the jesuit colleges, at the end of the sixteenth and beginning of the seventeenth century. The author attempts to decipher the portrait of the christian actor, an antiactor invested by all the strenght of truth whose image is feigned by the comedian. But, more generally, the paper places the actor of Jesuit religious dramas, which were often written by the professors of the colleges, in the framework of those colleges, which constitutes the ultimate guarantee, since the actor is a student, and in no way a future actor, of the specificity of this theatre.  相似文献   

1937年11月王明回国后,王明便以共产国际的钦差大臣自居。虽然他在坚持抗战和建立抗日民族统一战线方面发表了一系列比较正确的主张,但是在如何建立和巩固抗日民族统一战线方面却犯了系统的右倾错误。解读王明的右倾错误的具体表现及产生这些右倾错误的原因,对广大党员干部有重要的现实启迪作用。  相似文献   


Actor network theory has received considerable attention within geography. In this paper I suggest that geographers have looked at these ideas in a particular way and that this can be productively complemented by an excursion into the contemporary private garden. Through exploring the ways in which people and plants live together there, some geographical criticisms of a defined actor network theory no longer seem to necessarily apply to a more diffuse set of actor network ideas. Furthermore, these ideas can also provide a productive means of engaging practically with the material presence of things, insofar as this materiality is important in the constitution of human cultural experience.  相似文献   

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