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This paper reviews parts III and IV of the recent Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics. Many of the surveys within the Handbook relate to two phenomena of interest: the recent boom and bust cycle in U.S. housing markets, and the striking growth of home prices in a few global “Superstar Cities.” Real Estate and Urban economists have made progress in modeling these phenomena. There is considerable room for future research, however. There is no coherent story explaining U.S. home price movements in the 2000s that does not run afoul of important stylized facts. We also have not yet identified the relative importance of supply constraints and demand growth in the rise of Superstar City prices.  相似文献   

瘴气研究是目前环境史、疾病史研究的热点,但以往研究没有解决的问题是,为什么南方的环境疾病被一致书写为"瘴",而不是别的某种表述?"瘴"原作"障","障"字在东汉中后叶(127-200年)已具备描述环境疾病的功能。"瘴"字则可能出现在西晋至南朝刘宋初年的一段时期,或许是从"障"的俗字——""演变而来。从字源、字义与文字的表达意象来看,"障气"之"障"凝结了空间阻隔意象与边疆意象,这一概念的生成与广泛使用,则体现出中原汉文化强烈的地域意识。  相似文献   

Together, in the plays and essays published in the 1903 issue of Samhain, William Butler Yeats assembled writings that endorse his vision of cultural nationalism in that they stress the possibilities of an artistic regeneration that that has the power to reconcile perceived exclusive strata within Irish society and also to herald a new age not only for Irish culture but for the Irish nation. Yeats, in his cultural nationalism, ultimately vested faith in an Ascendancy tradition, defined not by birth as much as by a willingness to surrender not just political ambitions but all ambition to that of the artist.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the archaeozoological and archaeological evidence for hawking, or falconry. The methods and history of hawking in Europe are described, after which five types of evidence for hawking are discussed. These are illustrated with material from the Slavonic stronghold of Oldenburg in Ostholstein, in the north of Germany, dated to AD 750–1150. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The article describes a neolithic skeleton with multiple‐trepanated skull found in Kashmir, the archaeological circumstances of the find, the dating, the background, the skeletal evidence, the details of the trepanation and possible affiliations of the Indus civilization. It speculates briefly about possible medical grounds for the surgery. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Current methods of sexing archaeological cattle bones, in particular the metapodials, are based upon past research into contemporary breeds and this work embraces a limited sample size, spread across a vast geographical area. Although the separation of cows and bulls is not in question, there appears a great deal of subjectivity in the literature concerning the identification of castrated beasts. Living bone is in a dynamic state of equilibrium with the rest of the body and responds to increased loading, that is, an increase in weight of the beast or stress/strain through strenuous movement, by remodelling. If cows and oxen are performing the same work, as for example in ploughing, then loading on the bones will be similar. These bones will thus respond by remodelling in corresponding fashion, and hence any morphological and metrical distinctions will be clouded. Horn-cores are less subject to these constraints, although in some cultures there may be loading on these bones, for example through attaching the harness to the horns for ploughing. The Chelmsford cattle horn-cores constitute waste from some industrial activity and it is argued in the text that horn-working is the most likely candidate, together with possibly tanning. Sexing of the bones strongly indicated male animals, with few females being present. A procedure for detecting castrated cattle (oxen) is presented, the results of which suggest an equivalent ratio of oxen to bulls.  相似文献   

The existing accounts about the China-led multilateral development bank—the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)—have focused on the USA’s policy concerns and the economic and commercial reasons for China having established it. Two deeper questions are left unaddressed: Was there any strategic rationale for China to initiate a new multilateral development bank and, if so, how effective is China’s strategy? From a neorealist balance-of-power perspective, this article argues that China has felt threatened by the Obama administration’s rebalance to the Asia-Pacific strategy. In response, China is opting for a soft-balancing policy to carve out a regional security space in Eurasia in order to mitigate the threat coming from its east. China’s material power, premised on the fact that the country is a huge domestic market and flush with cash, has proved irresistible for Asian states, with the exception of Japan, to be enticed away from the USA. On the one hand, this article adds weight to the claim that although the USA remains the pre-eminent military power in the Asia-Pacific, it has fallen into a relative decline in regional economic governance; on the other, China’s soft balancing has its own limitations in forming like-minded partnerships with, and offering security guarantees to, AIIB members. A China-led regional order is yet to have arrived, even with the AIIB.  相似文献   

Women's use of water differs from men in essentially one aspect: in cleansing the body of menstrual blood. The pledge of the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector to place ‘women at the centre’ of development has in recent years, therefore, come to focus on menstruation. International development agencies have begun to push the agenda of menstrual hygiene management (MHM), but their use of a medical approach requires critical rethinking. This article argues that through MHM lessons, menstruation is medicalised to construct new and repressive expectations of normality for the female body. A medical construction also poorly accommodates the natural biological process of menstruation within the gamut of existing sociocultural practices. Consequently, menstruation becomes associated with the perceived need for not only sanitisation of the female body of the rural poor, but also to turn it into a working body that is able to ceaselessly and ‘normally’ perform its productive and reproductive chores. I note that the success of medicalisation relies upon the separation of the body from its purported waste, the menstrual blood. Once menstruation is confined to a pathological condition, treatable only by public agents such as doctors and commercially produced goods such as sanitary napkins, a defining essence of womanhood is thereby dissociated from the female body.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to demonstrate how German and Latin illustrated broadsheets of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries can serve as documents of the history of sciences and the dissemination of scientific knowledge. It shows how broadsheets were used as a means of conveying scientific observations and conclusions not only among scholars versed in Latin but, through the medium of the vernacular, between scholars and laymen, too. In the fields of medicine, astronomy, zoology and botany in particular, the illustrated broadsheet facilitated the rapid circulation of case histories and accounts of various scientific phenomena. Furthermore, it played an important role in breaking down the barriers that separated the scholar from the layman, who was otherwise far removed from the world of books.  相似文献   

对子组卜辞《合》21374、21579、21535、21727、21529、21527、21645、21774、21693、21627和《合》21626等进行了新的释读,认为在上举卜辞所讨论的事项中,卜辞命辞中的"开"、"啓"、"戠"皆为动词,非人名。原隶释为"殟、殪"者应为"因"字。"■"、"■"直声,假借为医治之"治"。此中之"商"为"伤"字假借,"屰"也非人名,而是动词,"迎"义。"屰又商"义为"迎接伤者",此伤者盖指方国战俘,"奠又(有)商(伤)"即将战俘"奠"到某地。"子组"家族曾有一次涉及很多人的迁移。  相似文献   

阿勒泰地区位于新疆的最北端,与欧亚草原之间存在丰富的文化交流,而冶金技术的发展与人类文明紧密相关,为探究新疆阿勒泰地区的冶金发展情况,选取9件草原游牧文化的代表性器物——铜鍑和马具,使用金相显微镜、扫描电子显微镜和X射线能谱仪及双通道电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪,对16个样品进行金相组织分析和成分分析,并探讨其制作技术特征。研究发现阿勒泰地区的早期铁器时代铜器普遍采用范铸工艺,其成分主要为红铜、砷铜、铅砷青铜。该分析结果为研究新疆阿勒泰地区的冶金发展提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

宋杰 《史学集刊》2012,(1):31-41
项羽作为国君和统帅,在确定战略方针时未能考虑地理因素的重要影响,以致出现了一系列决策失误。例如选择资源匮乏、无险可守的"梁楚九郡"做根据地,建都彭城,而没有占据形势完固、物产丰饶的关中,结果其后方屡次被汉军攻破摧毁。他将主攻方向放在狭窄的豫西通道,无法展开兵力,发挥擅长野战的优势,致使刘邦得以集中人马成功地对其实施阻击。项羽对关东的韩、赵、魏、燕、齐等地区未予足够关注,没能实行有效的控制并征发那里的人力、资源来补充自己。尤其是对号称"东秦"的齐地举措失当,导致上述各地被刘邦轻易占领和利用,使楚汉双方的实力对比发生了逆转,造成了项羽的最后失败。  相似文献   

新著录[女受]鼎属于西周早中期之际器物。铭文中不仅首见"退事"、"内宫"等用辞,且内容亦为首例女性册命任职记录。铭文内容所涉及的西周贵族家族家内制度、女性受赏任职、性别地位意识等问题,皆引起我们对西周历史认知的再思考。  相似文献   

五代十国时期的水路交通是目前研究中的一个空白。本文全面系统地考察了这一历史时期南北方的水路交通状况,重点对以开封为中心的运河系统的变化情况和南、北方新开凿或疏浚的小运河进行了详尽地研究;其次,对这一历史时期各地的自然水道的通航情况进行了考察。初步勾画出了五代十国时期全国水路交通网,对促进中国古代交通史的研究具有一定的积极意义。  相似文献   

German Refugee Historians in the United States. - After the Nazi seizure of power in 1933, some twenty historians left Germany. They had lost their academic positions for political and/or ?racial”? reasons. Most of them immigrated to the United States, and here they launched their second academic career. This intellectual immigration promoted the study of German and intellectual history and strengthened the development of comparative approaches in American historical scholarship. Many German refugee historians became interested in incorporating social science concepts into historical writing and thereby contributed to the advancement of a ?Social History of Ideas.”? Although some were originally skeptical of the democratic process, in emigration these historians absorbed and accepted the political value system of a democratic and liberal republic, a change that is reflected in their historical studies. Despite the fact that almost all refugee historians chose to stay in the United States, their books and guest professorships left their mark on the course of West German historiography.  相似文献   

《皇朝礼器图式》是乾隆帝钦命绘制的一部与清礼息息相关的器物图谱。本文通过对该图所绘器物的含义及乾隆礼制思想确立的梳理,分析了乾隆绘制《礼器图》的本意是在表达一种治国理念,以期用图谱的形式为社会各等级人士设立行为规范,从而达到上下有序、尊卑有别的治国目的。透过这些器物,我们可以看到以服饰为代表的满汉文化的融合,以军器为代表的中国开始落后于西方的历史,以仪器为代表的中西文化的冲突等等很多重要的清朝社会波澜。此图不但是我们今天认识200年前天文地理仪器、冠袍带履、车马轿舆、枪炮军械、民族乐器等文物的重要参考文献,也是我们了解18世纪中国社会变化的一份珍贵的形象资料。  相似文献   

In the summer of 1158, Manuel I Komnenos, emperor of Byzantium, brought a large force into Cilicia to quell Armenian resistance and to seek retribution for an attack launched on the Byzantine island of Cyprus by Renaud of Châtillon, prince of Antioch. In haste, Renaud came to the city of Mamistra, and performed a humiliating penance before agreeing to imperial overlordship. Historians have long conceived of this act as one forced on Renaud by Manuel and King Baldwin III of Jerusalem, and as marking the creation of a political condominium, which divided Antioch between these two rulers. This article seeks to challenge the established opinion by drawing attention to the diplomatic skill demonstrated by the Antiochenes, and the independence with which they pursued and secured close and favourable ties to Byzantium.  相似文献   

唐宋以来,"洞庭"一词的含义一直被解释为"洞府之庭"。这种认识是错误的。洞庭一名的语源很可能来自古百越民族语言,为红色平地之意;《尚书.禹贡》导江章中的"东陵"一名,很可能同样源于古越语,为"洞庭"的汉字异记。秦洞庭郡的治所应该在索县,也就是后来西汉武陵郡的治所,当今湖南省常德市东北韩公渡镇城址村。刘宋以来,有学者指太湖为洞庭湖别名,当是在道教思想的影响下附会出来的说法。本文为正确认识上古时代湖南洞庭地区的自然地理面貌提供了新的思考角度。  相似文献   

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