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The pattern of Latin American Boom criticism developed by Donald L. Shaw established that Juan Rulfo's protagonists are universal, not regional. In this interpretative mode, espoused by Graciela B. Coulson and others, Rulfo's characters are viewed as powerless to alter their own destinies. Humans are dominated and doomed by the hostile natural world that surrounds them. However, through a detailed analysis of Rulfo's technique and the internal and external structure of two of Rulfo's short stories in El llano en llamas—“No oyes ladrar a los perros” and “Es que somos muy pobres”—a new theoretical framework emerges for the study of Rulfo's work. In these two stories, Rulfo imagines the llano as a space that individuals control through their personal choices and actions. This article proposes, therefore, that Rulfo's protagonists are not victims of their environment, but rather the perpetrators of its violence.  相似文献   

Following the voyages of Christopher Columbus, John Cabot, Alonso de Ojeda and Amerigo Vespucci in the last decade of the fifteenth century, the New World of the Americas entered the cartographic and moral consciousness of Europe. In the 1500 mappa mundi of Juan de la Cosa, navigator and map-maker, we see Europe as a hybrid moral entity, a transitional blend of the medieval and the modern at the crossroads between two mappings of Europe. This paper argues that the Juan De la Cosa map represents a blurred transition between map-making traditions and a mixed moral rhetoric of European identity. The De la Cosa map operates across two sets of imagined axes: held horizontally, the map is set to a Ptolemaic grid with Europe straddling the Prime Meridian, and yet when held vertically it presents a medieval moral continuum in which the Americas occupy an ascendant position, a verdant new Jerusalem in contrast to the Babylon of the Old World. Europe is both drawn to the centre of a new world order, and also pushed to the moral margins in an echo of the medieval mappa mundi still imperfectly resolved.  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(2):287-303

This essay critically examines the theories of radical democracy offered by Martin Luther King, Jr.'s vision of the beloved community and Antonio Negri's vision of the multitude. The radical democratic visions of King and Negri continue to critically inform progressive reflections on democratic theory and propel new dreams of democracy. Despite their similarities, the differences between Negri and King are substantial. I argue that Negri's dream of the multitude and King's dream of beloved community have been shaped by different conceptions of radical democracy. While Negri works out of a tradition of Italian Marxism, King works within a critical tradition of prophetic evangelicalism. Thus, the political task, according to King, is to translate Jesus' teaching of the Kingdom of God into a beloved community on earth. King's creative negotiation of transcendence and history provides the requisite theological and political resources to develop a truly transcendent and immanent vision of a radical democratic society that is attentive to the demands and dignity of "all God's children."  相似文献   

文章首次披露了瞿佑鲜为人知的《资治通鉴纲目集览镌误》一书的内容与价值。该书的重现,不仅可以进一步探究瞿佑的治学思想与学术视野,还可以窥见瞿佑狱中心态。该书的辗转收藏,也见证了江南私人藏书的兴衰。  相似文献   

王家台秦简<归藏>首卦名<寡>,为<坤>卦别名,卦辞讲"不仁",夏后启投渊、共工坠江,都是"不仁"的恶果.次卦名"天",乃<乾>卦别名,卦辞说过早地让诸侯们来朝见,不利于农业收成."( )"是<既济>卦别名,卦辞以( )虫蛀咬席子,来隐喻商朝北方受到鬼方的侵扰.<师>卦残辞可与传本<归藏>缀合,讲周穆王西征的故事."( )"为"瞿"字异体,乃<睽>卦别名,残辞可与传本<归藏·瞿>卦佚文缀合,以"两羭"醉酒"三日然后苏",来隐喻商王朝国家无忧.秦简<归藏>与传本<归藏>的内容基本相同,而传本<归藏>实乃战国魏襄王墓出土<易繇阴阳卦>的佚文.它是战国早中期人在<周易>筮占体系的影响下,依托<山海经>、<楚辞>等文献里的人物故事,编撰而成的易学著作.  相似文献   

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