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Soinam Wozhub: Old Village Head Who Has Worries Temtog(them-thog) Town of Zugong County is famous in the area along the Sichuan-Tibet Highway largely because it contains the ancient Zugong(mdzo- sgang) Monastery. The presence of the monastery first attracted many visitors and gradually helped to create a local community and market. The government of Zugong County operated in the village before the peaceful liberation of Tibet in 1951. While the Tibetan Areas Development Study Group o…  相似文献   

1. Introduction
The administrative title 'scribe of the necropolis' (ss n p3 hr^1) is a well-known and well-studied aspect of New Kingdom scholarship.2 For the duration of the royal necropolis at Thebes (1550-1069 BCE.), today known as the Valley of the Kings, the scribe of the necropolis was responsible for keeping daily accounts of the work undertaken at the site, and supplying and distributing rations for the general workforce. Other duties are also documented including the delivery of goods and supplies to the village of Deir el-Medina,  相似文献   

The Tibetan Areas Development Study Group of the CAS, led by research fellow Wan Luolin (who is the head of the CAS Learning Advisory Committee and original administrative vice president) and research fellow Zhu Ling (deputy director of CAS Economic Research Institute), developed the extensive research activities in the Tibetan-inhabited areas since 2000, While the study group completed the special subject policy report, it also published some learning achievements such as Choice of Roads to Development in Underdeveloped Areas-Case Study of the Tibetan-Inhabited Areas in Yunnan (published by the Economic Management Press in 2003)and Marketization and Grass-roots Public Serices-Case Study of Tibet (published by Nationality Press in 2005).In July and August 2005, the study group developed a research program in Garze of Sichuan Province and the Qamdo area of Tibet along the Sichuan-Tibet highway.  相似文献   

In 1645, Gushri Khan (leader of the Mongol Hoshod which ruled UTsang) revered Lobsang Qoigyi Gyaincain (the fourth-generation disciple of Zongkapa, the 16th abbot of Tashilhungpo Monastery in Xigaze), as the Panchen Bokedo (Bokedo being a Mongolian word meaning wise and heroic person), and decided that the Xigaze area be put under the rule of the Tashilhungpo Monastery. This is the source of the title of Panchen.  相似文献   

In JAC 16 I have discussed the development of the House of the lady in Girsu from the rule of Enentarzi to Lugalanda according to the ration lists of the House, and concluded that Urukagina was the legal successor of Lugalanda and there might not be the so-called "reforms of Urukagina" in Lagash and Girsu. That was the first part of my studies on the administrative texts from Girsu. In JAC 19 I have investigated, according to the donkey fodder rations which are recorded in the first part of the List of Monthly Barley-Wheat Distributions and Allowances (ξe-gar ziz-gar sa-dug4 itid-da), the sorts, number and fodders of the donkeys from the rule of Enentarzi to the last years of Urukagina and found that from Urukagina Year 5, ii (2nd month), the daily fodders and the number of various donkeys were greatly reduced.  相似文献   

Bithynia is a region in the northwest of Anatolia bordered by the Black Sea (Pontus Euxeinos) to the north, the Dardanel Strait (Hellespontos) and Kocacay (Rhyndakos) to the west, and the Sakarya River (Sangarios) to the south. A point of the Asian continent extending towards Europe, Bithynia is surrounded by seas on its three sides and has a long shore. Nicomedeia, once the capital of Bithynia, is an important city due to its location. Since the gulf is gradually narrowing, it can easily be closed and defended. There are two routes from Nicomedeia. One leads alongside the shore towards the Marmara Sea, enabling the passage to the north and south or to the European shore across the peninsula.  相似文献   

When talking about Tibetans, people naturally think about Tibet (Tibet Autonomous Region, which will be referred to as TAR in the following text), but seldom realize that the Tibetan region extends far past the borders of Tibet. Based on Tibetan historical and cui tural differences, the Tibetan region of China can be divided into three major sections: Kham (khams), Amdo and Weizang(dbus-gtsang). Nowadays, as a result of administrative divisions, the Tibetan region belongs to different administrative areas in five provinces. Weizang includes most of today's Tibet Autono- mous region. Kham and Amdo are both historical conceptions, Kham lying to the east of Weizang and Amdo to the northwest. Kham and Amdo are divided into different administrative areas. Kham includes today's Chamdo Autonomous Prefecture (TAR), Ganzi Autonomous Prefecture and part of Aba Autonomous prefecture (Ganzi and Aba both belong to Sichuan Province),  相似文献   

The main sects of Tibetan Buddhism (popularly; Lamaism) were originally the Nyingma(rnying-ma), Kagyu(bkav-brgyud), Kadam and Sakya (sa-skya) traditions. Tsongkhapa founded the Gelug(dge-lugs) sect at the beginning of the isth century Afterwards, the Kadam sect merged into the Gelug sect. Therefore the four main sects of Tibetan Buddhism became the Nyingrna, Kagyu, Gelug and Sakya, which continue today Tibetan Buddhism's eastward spread was a long process.  相似文献   

The new book by Vladimir Uspensky (alternatively, Uspenskiy), Professor and Chair of the Department of Mongolian and Tibetan Studies, Faculty of Asian and African Studies of Saint Petersburg State University (Russia), deals with various aspects in the history of Tibetan Buddhism in Beijing; the time is mainly the period from the middle seventeenth to the early twentieth century. During the reign of the Qing dynasty, the ruling class, namely Manchu and Mongolian nobility, patronized Tibetan Buddhism. This aspect of Qing history is studied too little in Chinese and foreign works, and Uspensky's book fills this lacuna. One can see that the author successfully achieved his aim, as he has drawn a vivid picture of institutions and cultural activity among Tibetan Buddhists in Beijing.  相似文献   

Tibet, the most magical snow-land plateau on the planet, has given birth to the most mysterious and ancient civilization in human history: Shangshung. "Yung-drung Bon Religion" ("Bon" for short) originated in the ancient Gangdise Mountains of the Shangshung area (now the Ngari area of Tibet) and is the oldest religion in Tibet with thousands of years of history.  相似文献   

Most of the Tsinghua Bamboo Slips (TBS) texts date from the Warring States period and they are either works of the (so-called) Classics (jing, 经 ) or Historical books (shi, 史 ). One of the TBS texts,  相似文献   

Homoerotic play was central to the recreational culture of theatergoing from the mid-Qing to the beginning of the twentieth century, especially in Beijing. Theatergoing literati in particular played an important role in the production and reproduction of an elite, theater-based, homoerotic sub-culture, heavily investing themselves in the pursuit of social distinction. While it is important not to underestimate the importance of lower-status audiences in the popularisation of Peking opera, the literati doubtlessly considered themselves the aesthetic vanguard in terms of both the judgment of staged drama and the literary promotion of romances between themselves and the boy-actors offstage. Unlike "flower-guides" (Huapu) that circulated between friends, diaries from the period record private thoughts on the scene that would not, and could not, be expressed in public. Drawing on the diary of the influential late-Qing scholar-official Li Ciming (1830-94), I focus on the question of how an understanding of public participation entered Li's diaries, as well as examining what his self-representations have to say about Qing literati ownership of homoerotic sensibilities and spaces, which is to say, how he saw himself as presenting to others and how that self-presentation is (re-)presented in his writing.  相似文献   

Tsering Lhamo,a Tibetan woman,was born in Luntse County of the Tibet Autonomous Region(TAR).She joined the Communist Party of China in 1960,and was the on-going party secretary of a town in Nedong County.She led eleven households of Nangsan(serfs) in 1961 to form a mutual support team for agricultural production and achieved a rise in local production.Later,the labour committee of the Tibetan branch of the Communist Party cited her as the"model for thousands of liberated serfs".In 1977,under her leadership and with the efforts exerted by local members of the commune,  相似文献   

Of all the Greek cities in the classical period, Athens is the one for which we have by far the greatest range and quantity of evidence.Therefore, Athenian history - and in particular Athenian democracy - has been a major subject of twentieth century scholarship. From the vast number of valuable works dedicated to Athenian democracy we should like to name C. Hignett's History of the Athenian Constitution (1952), A. H. M. Jones' Athenian democracy (1957), R. K. Sinclair's Democracy and Participation in Athens (1988), J. Ober's Mass and Elite in Democratic Athens (1989), M.H.Hansen's The Athenian Democracy in the Age of Demosthenes (1991), which ever since have been indispensable reference books for teachers and students in ancient Greek history. Although study of Athenian democracy has been going on for more than a century, many questions have not been settled yet. At the turn of the new century, Rhodes has brought forward his new book 'Athenian Democracy'. In fact, it is a collection of academic theses, but it certainly will necessitate much reconsideration of scholars in the field of 'Athenian democracy'. Te work consists of fourteen articles, each illuminating Athenian democracy from different angels and by different kinds of approaches. The articles are organized into four major topics as follows.  相似文献   

I.The Development of Tibetan Buddhism in Mongolia and the Qing Court's Policies towards Nationalities and Religions
During the late Ming Dynasty (Altan Khan's reign in Northern Yuan), the Gelug Sect, one sect of Tibetan Buddhism (the Yellow Hat Sect),2 prevailed in Mongolia once again, and soon after that, the local people embraced it. Until the first half of the I7th century, all the Mongols in the north, south and west of the Gobi Desert accepted the Gelug Sect, However,  相似文献   

Much scholarly work on the literary culture of the early Qing dynasty has focused on notions of memory, trauma, and nostalgia. In contrast, this essay investigates the "contemporary operas" (shishi xiqu) of the seventeenth-century Suzhou playwright Li Yu to argue for the importance of the notion of"the present day." How is this notion of the present day given dramatic form in Li Yu's operas and what implications does this interest in the contemporary have for the broader cultural scene of the early Qing dynasty? This paper will answer these questions by investigating one dramatic technique favored by Li Yu: the inclusion of snippets of rumor and "news" reports into the play. By including such contemporary media reports, Li Yu not only generates a constantly evolving sense of the present, he also projects this sense of immediacy beyond the fiction of the stage into the "reality" of the audience, creating a form of opera eminently suited for both reflecting and producing local Suzhou activism, as evidenced in Li Yu's most famous work, Qing zhong pu (Registers of the pure and loyal), a work chronicling the popular Suzhou protests of the mid-1620s and Wanli yuan (Reunion over ten thousand miles), which stages the dissolution and reintegration of family and empire right after the fall of the Ming.  相似文献   

In JAC 19, I investigated Lists of Monthly Barley-Wheat Distributions and Allowances (se-gar ziz-gar sa-dug4 itid-da), with regard to the types and amount of fodder provided to donkeys from the rule of Enentarzi to the end years of Urukagina. In this paper, I found that from Urukagina Year 5, ii (2^nd month), the daily fodder for donkeys, and the number of types of donkeys, were greatly reduced. Economic decline occurred in the reign of Urukagina, king of Lagash, from the fifth year on, possibly as a result of political decline. The fact that the archive of the House of The Lady ends in Urukagina's seventh year may imply that it is in this year that Lugalzaggesi, king of Umma, captured Lagash and Girsu.  相似文献   

In Tibetan areas, prior to the Democratic Reform (1959-1960), there were over 2,700 monasteries, and the population of monks and nuns totaled about 110,000, accounting for 10 percent of the total Tibetan population (1.2 million).  相似文献   

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